6 Profitable Niche Markets For Affiliate Marketers Or Bloggers (2024)

I am an affiliate with links to an online retailer in this blog post. When you read what I have written about a particular product and click on that link and buy something from the retailer, I can earn a commission. Please note that I only recommend products that I truly believe in and use in my business. Please read my full disclaimer here


If you are creating content on the internet with the intention of making money, then pursuing a niche market that has very little visitor traffic is a bad idea.

In other words, you are likely to be burning time rather than making profits from your efforts.

Most people who start off with a business idea do something that they are passionate about. For example, that one time I coached a gentleman who was in love with the idea of selling baby shoes because he recently became a father. Months later his idea bombed as his target audience was very small.

The advice that I told him, is the same advice that I am going to give you.

Sometimes your passion may not always convert into dollars. What you are passionate about may not always be what other people are passionate about.

Therefore instead of starting a business or writing an article on a topic you are passionate about, start a business or write an article about a topic that other people want to know about.

To help you decide on whether a niche is profitable here are some questions you can ask and research you can do:

Is there a demand in your niche?

Using the Google Keywords Tool check the Google search volume data to see how many people are searching for your niche idea. (I will touch on this later in the post)

Is your niche a growing, stable or dying trend?

Check on Google Trends to find data about your niche idea and to see whether it is an evergreen trend, meaning that it is always relevant. If it is an evergreen niche you can expect it to be relevant throughout the year as opposed to seasonal trends which have a huge growth spurt at certain times of the year.

Compare the graphs in the below images. In the first image you will note that the survival niche has been a stable trend throughout the entire year, making it evergreen.

The pinecone niche however only has a peak around October and then dies out for the rest of the year. This is a seasonal niche.

Are other marketers selling products in the niche?

Check websites like Amazon or Ebay to see if other people are selling products related to your niche and the volume of products that are being sold. You can easily check the feedback score to see if the product is a best selling product. You can also use the website Watchcount which shows the most popular products on Ebay that are being watched.

Is there an abundance of products that you can promote in the selected niche?

You can use the data from affiliate networks like Clickbank, ShareASale, Panthera Network or Amazon Associates to see whether there are many affiliate products that you can promote in your niche.

Truthfully any niche can be profitable if it has a lot of buyers and affiliate products to sell.

However the purpose of this article is to help you cut out the hours or days of research and put you smack bang in the middle of a list that reveals the most profitable niches for affiliate marketers and bloggers.

1. Wealth

Wealth will forever be a profitable niche. Duh!

People are looking for more ways to make money and with the current internet boom if they are able to make money online then they will look for help on how to get started.

It’s a good idea to get started in this niche because it requires people to spend money in order to make money. Therefore if you are at the forefront of this niche market and recommending products or resources to help others make money, guess who will get paid? You.

The wealth niche covers subjects like internet or online marketing, blogging, affiliate marketing, eCommerce, network marketing, business opportunities, gambling, trading, jobs and employment.

These niche ideas can also be niched down – meaning that you can target smaller niche audiences instead of broader niches.

There are so many angles that you can come from and still be profitable with it.

For example:

  • Affiliate marketing for beginners
  • Affiliate marketing for bloggers
  • Network marketing using social media
  • Work from home jobs and employment for new moms

If you want more ideas then use Google to start.

Let’s work with an example. Supposing you are interested in Forex Trading. The first thing I would do is use Google to find other sub niches that people are searching for.

Google gives me eight other sub niches that I can work with.

I will choose forex trading trainingand explore this idea further using theGoogle Keyword Planner Tool to see how popular the topic is and whether there is enough demand for the topic. Update: Google requires that you create a Google account to use the Keyword Planner tool.

To start, go to Google Keyword Planner Tool. Watch thevideo below for a quick tutorial.

Using the steps outlined in the video you can see that forex trading training is a highly popular topic but very competitive.

As a general rule of thumb it would be helpful if you focus on niches that have a high search volume but low competition making it easier for you to break into the marketplace.

Do you have to make money to start in the wealth niche?

No you do not.

Whilst you will be more credible if you can show you are making money from this niche, making money from the start is not necessary.

If that were the case only those established in the wealth niche would be the ones making all the money. Surely there is room for everyone to win and that includes beginners.

To get started in this niche there are several approaches that you can take:

  • You can create a review website around affiliate internet marketing products, gambling products or trading products.
  • You can create an online course or blog and teach others how to start a money making blog or how to do affiliate marketing, network marketing, gambling or trading.
  • You can also set up a jobs leads website where people go to, to find and apply for jobs.

If you are new to affiliate marketing and want a simple guide on how to promote affiliate products, then be sure to check out my article How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners.

6 Profitable Niche Markets For Affiliate Marketers Or Bloggers (9)

Create A Review Website

There are many internet marketing affiliate products that you can do a review on. All that is required is for you to purchase the product, use it in your day to day life and create review content based on your experience of using the product.

If you do not want to purchase the product before hand, then you will need to research the product.

You can also start a website or blog to write reviews or you can create video content on YouTube.

Some internet marketing affiliate programs and networks that you might like to check out to help you get started in this niche include:

  • Flexoffers affiliate network with other wealth products
  • LeadPages lead capture page software
  • Aweberemail marketing software
  • GetResponseemail marketing software
  • Clickfunnelssales funnel marketing tool
  • Bluehostwebhosting provider
  • WP EngineWordPress webhosting provider
  • Godaddywebhosting provider
  • Teachableonline platform for course creation
  • Grammarlyonline grammar checker
  • Picmonkeydesign and picture tool
  • Canvadesign and picture tool
  • Udemyprovider of any type of online course
  • ShopifyonlineeCommerce platform to build online stores

Create An Online Course

It is a good idea that you have some knowledge of how to do any of the topics which you plan on teaching.

Nothing is worse than an instructor who thinks they know what they are speaking about and cannot teach their students how to get from point A to Z.

Therefore if you decide to take this approach be knowledgeable about your topic even though you may not have made a dime from it as yet.

If you want to create an online course, Teachable and Clickfunnels are two options for coaches, bloggers, speakers or independent experts.

They both have powerful features that allow you to sell your online content and courses through videos, audio, articles and downloadable files.

Set Up A Job Leads Website

Do you know that there are many affiliate networks that will pay you to refer qualified people to their website?

If you wish to set up a job leads website you can get paid if a candidate uploads their CV or completes an application.

The affiliate networks that you might like to check out to get started here are:

If you are looking for career programs you can search for keywords like career, jobs or employment and you will be given a list of affiliate programs that pay per job lead.

2. Health And Wellness

The health niche is another huge money maker because people are always looking for ways to lose weight or to improve their health.

And this is emphasised by the number of products that are provided in affiliate networks like Clickbank or on sale in Amazon.

If you want to get started in the health niche, make sure that you look for sub niches that have lower competition.

This will allow you to target the audience and not face high competition from other marketers who are targeting the same niche.

To help you understand which sub niches are low competition, let’s start with Google. I will first start with a keyword like “weight loss for”.

From the results, you can see that Google gave me ten other keywords. Great this is a perfect starting point. I would take a note of these keywords.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see that Google gave me more keywords. Take note of them.

Now let’s go over to the Google Keyword Planner tool (by now you can see that this is my best friend).

Start with your first keyword. This is weight loss for women. Now let’s plug that into the Keyword Planner Tool and ask Google to show us how competitive this niche is.

According to Google it is highly competitive so personally I would not start with this niche.

I would look for more ideas where I can start in the niche weight loss for women but possibly offer a type of diet plan, target a certain age bracket or help women lose weight in a time duration.

Here’s what I come up with. According to Google, the low competition key words are best exercise to lose weight fast and quick tips to lose weight fast.

These keywords are searched for up to 10k times per month. This is great because it tells me that lots of people are looking for solutions to help them in this area.

I therefore come up with a sub sub niche idea and that is the fastest way to lose weight in 2 weeks. I go back to the Keyword Planner tool and check to see if this is a competitive niche.

No it’s not. It is low competition but high search volume.


That would be my niche market and I can source different products from many affiliate networks to create content around it.

Whilst the first thing that people think about when it comes to Health And Wellness is weight loss, it is not the only profitable niche in this market. Other niched subjects include skin tightening, quit smoking, embarrassing health problems or medical issues.

The affiliate networks and programs you can check out for products include:

  • Flexoffers affiliate network with other health products
  • Clickbankaffiliate network for a wide range of products
  • Amazon AssociatesAmazon affiliate network for a wide range of products
  • Nutracash.comAffiliate trials for weight loss products, male enhancement, muscle supplements
  • Bodybuilding.com provider of fitness products
  • ShareASaleaffiliate network for a wide range of products
  • HealthyWageaffiliate program that pays successful candidates to lose weight
  • Panthera Networkaffiliate network of a wide range of products
  • Ebatesget cash back on everyday purchases
  • Ultimate Bundlesget help in gathering a collection of relevant materials (eBooks, courses, etc) to meet your goals
  • Fabfitfunonline shop for fitness products

3. Romance And Dating

According to the statistics website Statistic Brain, over 49 million people in the United States have tried online dating.

Do you think that you can tap into this hugely popular market by finding appropriate niches that will earn you money? If it was me, I would say yes.

There are so many sub niches that you can market to. For example:

  • Online dating for over 50
  • Online dating for over 40
  • Online dating for over 60
  • Online dating for professionals
  • Online dating for lesbians
  • Online dating for hom*osexuals

No one really likes to be lonely and everyday people are looking for help with their relationships. They are also passionate about finding the ideal companion so they will look for products or programs that can help with that.

Dating will always be a relevant subject and there are endless ways that you can market any product or program if you decide to channel certain demographics.

You also do not need to be an expert in the dating niche to start. If you wish to start a dating blog for example, you can write about experiences you have had and recommend relevant products or programs that may have helped you.

You can also outsource your ideas to an expert and ask them to create content for you for a flat fee. When outsourcing work use Upwork or Fiverr.

You can also create content on YouTube. There are so many YouTubers who have law of attraction channels targeted to people who want healthy relationships or to find their twin flame.

They create eBooks, courses or information products and sell it to their community. Use Teachable or Clickfunnels for your courses if you are thinking of trying this.

If you an expert you can also create content and sell your own products and incorporate some affiliate products as well to diversify your income.

If this is an avenue you would like to pursue you can find affiliate product or programs here:

  • Flexoffers affiliate network with other romance and dating products
  • Match.comdating website affiliate program
  • ShareASaleaffiliate network that provides a wide range of dating products and services
  • Panthera Networkaffiliate network that provides a wide range of dating products and services
  • Amazon Associatesaffiliate program that provides a wide range of dating products
  • Ebay Partner Networkaffiliate network that provides a wide range of dating products

4. Personal Finance

You may be thinking how do you make money by helping other people budget and save money?

I wondered the same thing until I found other websites making huge amounts of money by helping people save money and take control of their finances.

Making Sense of Cents by Michelle Schroeder has been widely successful because she teaches people about frugal living and how to save money. The approach she takes is to recommend people who want an answer to saving money, to sites that actually pay her for the referral.

For example, if you want to save money doing your normal shopping, Ebates or Swagbucks offer cashback on money spent with certain brands.

By referring her audience to these sites, Michelle earns a referral fee and this is how she makes her money.

Busy Budgeter by Rosemarie Groner is another personal finance website which adopts the same approach.

If you want to help people pay off debt faster you can refer them to companies like Credible, Personal Capital or Digit and they will also pay you a referral fee.

If you want to help people make extra cash so they can pay off their debts you can prepare articles like 16 Ways To Make Extra Money and include affiliate programs within such articles.

The best way to approach the personal finance niche is by having a blog or website and documenting articles in various subjects around sub niches.

In my article The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Successful Blog I take you through a step by step guide to starting a website or blog for only $3.95 per month with Bluehost. Be sure to check out the article here.

You can then source affiliate products or programs from companies like:

Another approach is to create an online registration program for people who want to learn how to save money. The Budgetnista’s own Live Richer Challenge registration program covers this well.

5. Beauty And Fashion

Ahhhhhhhh the holy grail of profitable niches and the great thing is, you can approach this from so many angles.

It really does not have to be hard at all.

You may be saying to yourself that the beauty and fashion niche is too saturated but remember you can always niche down a niche to find the low competition niches that are still popular and can make you money.

So how exactly can you approach this niche?

I did some research on Google and came up with a few ways to give you a head start.

Fashion Design

If you are great at fashion designing then you can create your own products to sell online.

Some people target this market with their own eCommerce store by selling clothing or accessories that they made. You can also target this market by selling any other product geared towards fashion designers in an eCommerce format.

In my article, How To Start An Online Clothing Store I take you through a step by step walk through on how to set up your own online clothing store using Shopify.

If you like makeup or accessories you can also sell this using the eCommerce model.

To get started in this niche using this avenue you may need help and coaching to guide you on creating a profitable niche store. My blog post that reviews the 8 best eCommerce courses for start ups is a helpful resource to guide youon building your own successful eCommerce store.

Other sub niches you can explore are:

  • Nail art design
  • Celebrity designs
  • Jewelry
  • Tattoo designs
  • Beauty therapy

If you are trying to beat competition go a bit further and niche down the categories by targeting other passions like horses, cats, dogs, survival, wine, college …

6 Profitable Niche Markets For Affiliate Marketers Or Bloggers (18)

Beauty Blogs

Why not create a blog or website targeting a certain demographic to help people age slower or reduce the appearance of cellulite?

You can research which problems men and women have and create content specifically around them and recommend products to solve their problems.

Beauty Vlogs

There are already so many vloggers on YouTube who have started in this niche by producing How To videos whilst selling a product.

A good example of this is hair tutorials promoting the sale of hair extensions or makeup tutorials promoting the sale of makeup courses or makeup products.

This is a very popular niche because people care about their personal appearance and certainly if there is a product that can help them they will buy it. That means there is money to be made.

Beauty and fashion is worth over $1.2 trillion so you certainly can get involved. This market is also the most engaged market audience and they are ready to spend money on this passionate topic.

If you want to get started in this niche then look to the following affiliate networks and programs for products:

6. Hobby And Activity Niches

Hobbies are very profitable but to make money out of it, you need to target those niches where the hobbyist is ready to spend a lot of money on products to pursue their passion.

When people are passionate about an activity that makes them happy and they enjoy it, they will spend money on it.

Some activities that are expensive include:

  • Photography
  • Fishing
  • Hunting
  • Sailing
  • Camping
  • Travel

A great way to target audiences in this niche is through blogging or vlogging. You can also do review websites on products to help people with their buying decisions.

Let’s see how popular these hobby and activity niches are. I will jump over to YouTube to do a search.

You will see from these images that they have attracted hundreds of thousands and even millions of views.

If you were to attract such a large audience you can certainly monetise that video by adding affiliate links within the content.

Here is another example in the photography niche.

The vloggers do a great job of outlining lists on how to do something. Definitely if you are a photographer and you want to improve your skill these are the types of content you will look at.

You can then monetise the video by adding affiliate products or links.

If you are thinking of getting into any hobby or activity niche, then try using YouTube and Google to research which niches are more popular.

Affiliate networks and programs for you to check out include:

Choose Your Niche And Take Action

I have outlined six of the most profitable niches so now you have an idea of where to start.

All you need to do is choose a niche and take action.

You can also use the research methods I have provided to search for more profitable niches not mentioned here.

What You Need To Get Started

To get started with any niche you need the following:

  • A reliable webhost service like Bluehost as well as a content management platform like WordPress. Read my article The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Successful Blog where I walk you through step by step on how to start your own blog.
  • A branded domain from a domain provider like Namecheap. You can also use Godaddy or Bluehost. Bluehost provides both domain and webhosting for $3.95 a month with my referral link.
  • Image and graphics from Shutterstock. Do not use images from Google as you can get into legal trouble with copyright.
  • To create a loyal following and start building an email list you will need email marketing software from Aweber or GetResponse. Both companies provide 30 day free trials.
  • To capture emails using opt in forms you will need lead capture forms. Aweber, GetResponse and Clickfunnels provide opt in forms and also have generous free trials for you to test the waters. I use LeadPages on this blog and I love them.

Let’s Wrap This Up

These niches provided here will never be out of demand. They will always be relevant and there are various ways you can approach the market.

I hope this article is useful to you but if you are excited about your niche but have no clue on how to start with affiliate marketing and you really don’t have the time to start blogging you should check out my guide on How To Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Huge Blog or Website

It’s the perfect solution for those who are looking to promote an affiliate or network marketing product, but really don’t want to create a traditional blog. This guide teaches you how to do affiliate marketing or promote any product with small valuable blog posts.

Plus it comes with a bonus freelancing guide that teaches you how to get other people to pay for your business costs and how to use free traffic methods to promote your content fast for incredible results.

You can check it out by clicking here!

Remember that the most difficult part of any business is showing up. Make sure and show up today to get the best chance at success.

Don’t wait too long to invest in you.

Let me know what niche you have chosen in the comments or if you already have a niche tell me how it’s going for you. Are there any other profitable niches that I have left out?



6 Profitable Niche Markets For Affiliate Marketers Or Bloggers (2024)


6 Profitable Niche Markets For Affiliate Marketers Or Bloggers? ›

Health and Fitness Niches – Weight Loss, Fitness, Yoga, Organic, Nutrition, Vegan. Lifestyle Niches – Luxury, Cruises, Travel, Online dating, Airlines, Fashion, Jewelry. Home & Family Niches – Home security, Coffee, Baby products, Dogs, Gardening. Tech Niches– Web hosting, WordPress, VPN, SaaS, Gaming, Software.

What is the most profitable niche in affiliate marketing? ›

The most profitable niche for your affiliate marketing business can vary based on current market trends, audience demand, and competition. Historically, niches like technology, finance, health and wellness, and lifestyle products have been very profitable due to their high consumer demand and broad appeal.

What niche makes the most money? ›

10 Most Profitable Business Niches
  • Fashion.
  • Finance.
  • Food.
  • Gaming.
  • Health and Fitness.
  • Pet Care.
  • Self-Improvement.
  • Travel.
Dec 6, 2023

What niche is trending in 2024? ›

Cater to market demand and grow your business by dropshipping in the most profitable dropshipping niches in 2024. Best niches: POD, CBD products, health & beauty, swimwear, fashion, pet supplies, furniture & decor, and many more.

What are the highest paying affiliate programs? ›

Top 9 High Paying Affiliate Programs
  • Semrush.
  • ActiveCampaign.
  • ClickFunnels.
  • Teachable.
  • Kinsta.
  • WP Engine.
  • Shopify.
  • Smartproxy.
Mar 11, 2024

What is the fastest growing affiliate marketing industry? ›

The retail sector generates 43% of affiliate marketing revenue. The home and garden industry is the fastest-growing industry, with 209.72% growth year-over-year. The beauty industry is the slowest-growing industry, with 17.24% growth year-over-year.

Which blogging niche is best for making money? ›

120 best blog niche ideas to write about
  • Finance.
  • Business.
  • Marketing.
  • Sales.
  • Design and development.
  • Technology.
  • Education.
  • News.

What is a high end niche? ›

A luxury niche can be represented by any product or service where the cost goes far beyond what a person would normally pay; often because of added convenience. Then desirability sets the item apart. For example, a luxury item can be anything from a tube of lipstick to a hotel property.

What is the most popular niche right now? ›

Fitness and Sports

Health and fitness have become top priorities for many, giving rise to the thriving niche of fitness and sports products. This expansive category includes workout equipment, activewear, nutritional supplements, and outdoor gear.

How to find low competition niches? ›

To identify a low competition niche market, entrepreneurs should conduct research to identify consumer trends and preferences, as well as gaps in the marketplace that they can fill. They should also evaluate the competition and analyze the demand for products or services in the niche.

What niche sells most on Etsy? ›

Best Etsy shop ideas
  1. Home organization products. ...
  2. Wall art. ...
  3. Planners and journals. ...
  4. Bead and jewelry suppliers. ...
  5. Handmade beauty products. ...
  6. Printable party invitations & decor. ...
  7. Teacher/classroom resources. ...
  8. Personalized jewelry.
Jan 3, 2024

How to pick an affiliate niche? ›

Here are some general tips to help you find the most profitable affiliate marketing niche:
  1. Know your interests or hobbies well.
  2. Evaluate traffic potential and the possibility to scale.
  3. Research the competition.
  4. Calculate potential profitability.
  5. Define your unique selling proposition (USP)
Mar 18, 2024

Can you make $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing? ›

As with any marketing strategy, it's essential to track your results, analyze data, and make adjustments accordingly to improve your ROI. In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, and with the right strategy, you can earn $10,000 per month or more.

What is the easiest affiliate program to make money? ›

Affiliate Marketing Programs For Beginners
  • eBay Partner Network Affiliate Program.
  • Fiverr Affiliate Program.
  • Refersion Marketplace.
  • PepperJam Network.
  • FlexOffers Affiliate Program.
  • Avangate Affiliate Program.
  • MaxBounty Affiliate Program.
  • LinkConnector Affiliate Program.
Apr 22, 2024

Can I make 100k a month with affiliate marketing? ›

Beginner – $0 to $1,000 per month. Intermediate – $1,000 to $10,000 monthly. Advanced – $10,000 to $100,000 per month. Super affiliate – over $100,000 monthly.

What is more profitable than affiliate marketing? ›

Business Control – Dropshipping and eCommerce offer more control over your business and earnings than affiliate marketing, as you set the profit margins for your products. Affiliate programs have fixed commissions, giving you less control and requiring you to rely on someone else's product and business.

What makes more money than affiliate marketing? ›

Dropshipping typically provides higher profit margins since you can decide your selling price. Meanwhile, most affiliate programs offer a fixed commission. Earning potential.

How much can a beginner make in affiliate marketing? ›

How much do beginner affiliate marketers make? Affiliate marketing commission rates start as low as 1% of the total sale price of a product but beginner affiliate marketers can make up to 30% commission per sale.


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.