Erachi Pathiri (Fried Rotis Stuffed With Chicken Masala) Recipe With Step By Step Pictures (2024)

Erachi Pathiri (Fried Rotis Stuffed With Chicken Masala) Recipe With Step By Step Pictures (1)

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One day when we came back home after an outing, we saw a packet hanging from the door knob! Both of us were wondering what it was. We didnt remember ordering anything. As we opened the packet, we saw an aluminium foil wrap, and we got a whiff of some non veg masala. We had half a mind to open that foil standing in the corridor itself, but we managed to open the door somehow. Both of us opened that aluminium foil wrap ceremoniously and was surprised to see some stuffed poori kind of thing. I immediately identified its source, it can come from only one person, my good friend Nesla! The next logical thing to do is to call her right? But when you have yummy food in front of you the only logical thing to do is to “EAT” and we did just that. Oh yes, I did call her after that :)

Thus ‘erachi pathiri' made a grand and dramatic entrance to our life! It's one of the popular iftar snacks in Kozhikode/Malabar area (Northern Kerala). All I can tell you is that this is one dangerously yummy snack! But let me tell you, since it ranks high on the scale of rich and fatty snacks, I recommend you earn it, just like the Cadbury Bournville ad says. Go for a run and come back, take a shower, sit down in the fav corner of your house, with some piping hot tea/coffee and this, with some music playing on the background. I guarantee you, instant gratification!

Erachi Pathiri (Fried Rotis Stuffed With Chicken Masala) Recipe With Step By Step Pictures (2)

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Now the thing is that Nesla and family, left Bahrain for good. Not only I miss her yummy biriyani's and other yummy goodies, I also miss her sweet company. I've heard/read a lot that people from Calicut are very sincere and genuine, without any false pretensions. My friendship with Nesla made me realise that what I heard/read was absolutely true. This recipe itself is a testimony to that. I had requested her to share this and her chicken biriyani recipe with me. Their decision to relocate to India was a sudden one, but in spite of that she made time to cook these two dishes for me to share on the blog and mind it, both are time consuming dishes. Add my step by step photo taking and her taking care of two toddlers to the whole process. Thanks a ton my dear friend and I miss you :(

Since the holy month of Ramadan has started, I thought it's a good time to share this recipe. Ramadan Kareem!

Click Here For Recipe…

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Have you tried these today?

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  • Happy Easter / Christmas!
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48 thoughts on “Erachi Pathiri (Fried Rotis Stuffed With Chicken Masala)”

  1. Hi Ak,

    You are welcome dear :)

    If you can manage rolling out that many puris/chapathis then it’s a good one. But may be you can reduce the size of it. It’s too heavy, so may be a smaller size will do as an appetiser.

    From your mail, I assume you are looking for an Indian/Kerala style appetiser… I’ll suggest a few other such recipes..

    Chicken/Beef/Tuna cutlets
    Prawns Fry
    Egg Chutney Kebab
    Malai Chicken kabab
    Chicken spring roll

    Have a great time with your friends!

    Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New year!



  2. Hi maria! i would like to thank you for this recipe, i prepared this for an iftar party and it was a huge success.Since i am a vegetarian, i made a vegatarian version of this also. I just posted it on my blog. I love your blog, every recipe i have tried of yours, has never failed me.


    • Hi Veena,

      You are welcome dear! Nice to know that this recipe worked well for you :) Thanks for posting it on your blog too…



  3. heyy,,, tried tis one,it was excellent.. jz lvd it, whn i was making this my sis in law askd me “bhabhi r u making kozhiyada’s baap” hehehe i said i dnt kno lets c hw its gonna turn out ,coz while i was making tis it was like a jumbo size of kozhiyada thou the shape is different ,, but whn v tatsted it we wr really happy wt the results it was cmpltly different frm kozhiyada,,, thnkzz dear thnkzz for sharing this :)


    • Hi Juvaria,

      How are you dear?

      I’m really glad you liked it, thanks a lot for making it and also for the comment :)

      Though I’ve heard about kozhi ada, I havent tasted it yet, hopefully some day…



  4. Hi Maria,
    Firstly I would tell you that the reciepes are too good and easy to understand n make. Btw I was wondering whether the pathiris should be dipped in egg n fried again or it stays good with the first fry. I am just concerned about the fat n calories



    • Thank you dear :) Nice to know that you liked it…



  5. Hi Maria,
    I was waiting for someone to give some Ramzan snacks and foodies..and there u come up wth this…and I tried….I was flooded wth compliments….(only Husband) which is equal to ten people:-)
    Hope u wud come wth more snacks and evening dishes….Like their gruels,pathris’ etc. Malabar cuisine is something that I am trying to put my head in!! Happy Ramdan!!


    • Hi Sajna,

      It’s a pleasure to know that you were flooded with compliments after trying this recipe :) Thanks a ton dear!

      I’ve posted some Malabar dishes like Malabar Pathiri, Unnakkai, egg chutney kabab and some chicken curry. Please have a look at it..



  6. hi maria, this surely looks like a real treat, i wud definitely try this out.Btw, wanted to tell you, dat u r doing a fantastic job, i’ve tried other recipes from your blog & all of them have turned out to be yummy recipe. Keep up the gud work & happy cooking.


    • Hi Salini,

      Thanks a lot dear for your kind and encouraging words, appreciate it very much :)

      Please do try this when time permits, as you said, it’s a real treat!

      Happy cooking to you too…



  7. hi maria,
    i have bookmarked this one, i would like to know whether the pathiri shld be dipped in beaten egg immediately ,or the pathiri shld be cooled and then dipped.



    • Hi Meena,

      There is no need for pathiri to cool down before dipping in eggs. Hope you get to try them soon :)



  8. Hi Nidhi,

    Plain flour is maida, I’ve given it in the recipe already :)



  9. Hi Anita,

    Thank you :) Yes, you can skip the last step, it’s very much edible after the first frying itself. Honestly, I dont know why the second step is done, may be to make it more difficult to resist having it ;) Hope you get to try it soon. Btw, may be you can try making 1 or 2 pathiris dipped in egg, just to get the feel of it.



    • Hi Maria I have one more small doubt. Its a silly one, hope noone else sees this apart frm u .
      This erachi pathiri na, after stuffing the chicken and covering it, can it be placed on tawa and brown it like we do for chapathis, instead of frying? ( I am sorry , but we are trying to reduce fried dishes, but this recipe is so irresistible that I am looking for ways to make it without frying, thats why).
      Thanks a lot,


      • Hi Anita,

        It’s ok dear :) I’m also not a big fan of deep frying.. that being said, I’m not sure how it is if you dont fry this one. I havent tried it that way. May be you can try one like that n see… But I guess the taste will be compromised :(



  10. Thank you!


  11. Thanks dear :)


  12. You are welcome Shenzad!


  13. Thanks dear… Nesla is a good ambassador for the place :)


  14. Hi Maria,

    This looks yum… it has gone into my should-make list. Will let you know how it turns out.
    I’ve never made any malabari stuff, so this would be a first!



    • Thank you Ida :) You should try some of the Malabari stuff, it’s really yum!



  15. Hi Maria,

    I love Erachi pathiri, like all malabar snacks ! I had this a few months back during my pregnancy, but as u mentioned, u really need to earn this ! I will attempt this after i lose a couple of pounds. The pics look really appetizing.. i can almost get the aroma ! This snack reminds me of Ayesha aunty our neighbour, she used to supply a lot of snacks during Ramzan lent..


    • Hi Jerin,

      Thanks dear! Since you have already tasted this, I’m sure you know how great it is, alle :) Yeah, it’s way too rich, that’s the only prob :( I do hope you get to try this soon…



  16. hi maria.. it looks so good. but wanted to know one thing.. can this be steamed instead of frying in oil??


    • Hi NJP,

      Thanks… I’m not sure whether it can be steamed. I’ve seen another variety of pathiri, which can be steamed, but it’s made with rice flour. This one I havent tried steaming so…



  17. thanx for the recipe
    can these be made without dipping them in eggs?


    • Hi Gousia,

      You are welcome! Yep, it can be made without dipping in eggs…



  18. Hi Maria

    This sounds sooo fabulous .. am gonna try this in a couple of days or so … my mouth is already watering .. please give us some more of these ramadan recipes … Thanks in advance

    Bindu Joseph


    • Hi Bindu,

      Thank you! I’ve posted some other recipes in the past. Please check out egg chutney kabab, unnakkai and malabar pathiri. Hope you find them interesting!



      • ya egg chutney kabab .. i have tried .. its good .. unnakkai .. well let me just go and check .. how did I miss that .. oops .. :)


        • hey, thanks for trying the egg kabab. Please try unnakkai also sometime, it’s one of my fav snacks :)



  19. HI Maria,
    Seems awesome. Will try it this weekend. I was wondering what you would suggest as an accompaniment? Some sauce or better yet gravy to go with it. (Not that it will need any) ;)


    • Hi Roopa,

      Thanks dear! hhmm I dont think you need any accompaniment for this, it’s good on its own. If you want may be you can try some light gravies, since it’s already kinda rich ;)



  20. This looks amazing Maria… cant wait to try it… showed the pictures to my father and his mouth was watering too… thanks for the recipe :)) :))


    • Hi Anne,

      Thanks a bunch dear! Please do try it sometime and I do hope you and your dad likes it :)



  21. It looks really yummy!!!! and yes quite heavy too…especially after the egg-dipped shallow frying….but I am determined to make this…..thanks Maria :-).Hey I am writing to U for the first time and am from Mumabi :) butU know..I have been closely keeping a tab on ur blog since many months..sometimes it happens with me that I may not want to try a particular recipe from ur blog.However, I still make sure that I do read those introdctory paras/”stories” that U write behind those recipes…just love reading them:-) BTW…cant thanku enough for U have helped an amateur cook like me venture into this beautifulterritory with confidence.Although am still a fresher! but these days I dont mind taking big risks!! (especially with fish recipes)…so fond I am with ur blog that I have made u famous at my parents & in-laws place…looking forward to see U dishng out good recipes more often….bi :-)


  22. It looks really yummy!!!! and yes quite heavy too…especially after the egg-dipped shallow frying….but I am determined to make this…..thanks Maria :-).Hey I am writing to U for the first time and am from Mumabi :) butU know..I have been closely keeping a tab on ur blog since many months..sometimes it happens with me that I may not want to try a particular recipe from ur blog.However, I still make sure that I do read those introdctory paras/”stories” that U write behind those recipes…just love reading them:-) BTW…cant thanku enough for U have helped an amateur cook like me venture into this beautifulterritory with confidence.Although am still a fresher! but these days I dont mind taking big risks!! (especially with fish recipes)…so fond I am with ur blog that I have made u famous at my parents & in-laws place…looking forward to see U dishng out good recipes more often….bi :-)


    • Hi Vidhya,

      Thanks a ton for your lovely comment dear! I’m so thrilled to know that you like my “stories” :) Nice to know that you find this space helpful and thanks again for introducing this space to your family as well :)

      Happy cooking!



      • HI Maria,

        Happy to hear from U too :) I just noticed that my above message got reuploaded quite a few times in ur coloumn..pls ignore them…actually yesterday when I saw this dish I just couldn’t resist but write & alsointroduce myself to U but somehow it was just not getting uploaded.Only the“comment” box was taking time to open as I was easily able to access ur recipe sections comfortably.

        Not boring u any further…hey its going to be lunch time there right…am sure u must be either making something from ur ‘Menu’ here or trying out a great new share!!

        Have a great lunch & ya happy cooking indeed :-) !!!!


        • Hi Vidhya,

          I’ll check why the comment section is taking time to upload.. Thanks for all your kind words dear..

          Happy weekend to you too, have fun!

          Take care,


  23. u left me drooling Maria ;-D ….its a “must-try” item in my to-do list nw….will make & let u knw if it came out as good as urs….tc


    • Thank you Jemy dear! Please do try it sometime, I’m sure you will like it :)



  24. Didn’t know pathiris cud be fried,anyway must try. Who’s the pretty face in background?


    • Yep, there are different kinds of pathiris, fried ones are also there. Background girl is the cover page of a cookery book :)


  25. That looks too yummy!!!!!!!…..and yes quite heavy too ….especially after the egg-dipped shallow frying :)….but am totally determined to make them…thanks Maria…I am writing to U for the first time but have been closely watching ur blog since many months..I am from Mumbai…sometimes it happens thatI am not too sure of making a particular recipe from ur blog but I still make sure to read d introductory para/or “d story” behind tat recipe u write ;-)..just love reading them :-)


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Erachi Pathiri (Fried Rotis Stuffed With Chicken Masala) Recipe With Step By Step Pictures (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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