Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor… Is that my life… (2024)

Orestis Iliou

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One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life shouldn’t ONLY be involved around work.Little to say, I didn’t see that balance in the beginning.I now view my life in seasons instead. See, what originally got me into business, is buying supercars, watches, and all that crap.So I was working tirelessly every day (putting in 12-16 hour work days).And the more I did that, the more I realized something:Even though I was making money, learning new skills, and becoming one of the best in my craft…I was slacking in (literally) EVERY other area in my life.The most important was, getting further and further away from my social circle. And that’s when real bad things started happening.I got into an endless cycle of telling myself: “Is this even worth it?”“What do I need money for?”“I don’t even care about money anymore”And I think it’s because you can have all the money in the world…You can have a $5M mansion in LA… You can drive the world’s most expensive cars…But if you don’t have great relationships with people, you don’t have anything.What’s the point of having everything if you can’t enjoy it with anyone?And that’s one thing I’ve started doing recently. Going out and building my circle like crazy.My daily non-negotiable is talking to at LEAST 2 new people.That also helps me with becoming an even better communicator. I think people who are working all day in their little office like “Basem*nt Goblins” live a very miserable life…(Other than the fulfillment they get from their work)And I don’t want to be one of them.

  • Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (2)


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    If you’re a business owner, copywriter, or marketer… What has been your biggest business lesson in 2024 so far? Oh yea… And I know how curious you are to find out about MY takeaway 😉It’s that: “LESS is MORE.” See, all I did this year to literally 10X+ my income was simply find the 2-3 needle-moving activities… And keep doing them over… and over… and OVER again. Whereas last year, I was all over the place. Every time I learned something new, I’d get shiny object syndrome and stopped doing what WORKED. My little monkey brain justified that as “tEsTiNg ThInGs OuT”. “What if this NEW thing works better?” “Maybe THAT’S the secret”lol🥲And this is why I feel like I wasn’t growing at the pace I wanted. It was like I was taking 1 step forward and 2 steps backward. Not good. So now that I know what works and what doesn’t… I’ll just keep squeezing all the juice from the secret formula until it stops working… Or I scale and I need to find even HIGHER leverage activities to focus on. So now tell me, what’s YOUR biggest business lesson from 2024? Don’t be like that weirdo on the party who just stands there, watching people have convos without talking.Just kidding 😂But lemme know, I’m genuinely curious.


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    Here’s my action plan to help my clients get referrals without them typing a single message, hopping on a call…Or even lifting a finger at all:That way my clients won’t only keep focusing on the things that actually matter without getting distracted by lower ROI activities…But they’ll multiply their income at the same time.Alright, I think that’s enough hype 😂So what I’m planning to do is set up an automated email that goes out to my client’s buyers after 15-30 days of joining... And saying something like this: “Hey %FIRSTNAME%, how’s everything been since you joined <program>? Again, I wanted to thank you for trusting me to help you get <result>. And so I wanted to ask you something:If you’ve been getting any value from <program>, do you know anybody else who would also want to get <result>?”(Of course, I’ll make this sound more unique and less salesy). Now, even though that’s already good enough to get the ball rolling… (Because of the reciprocity effect)…This offer can be EVEN better by adding the cherry on top and being like:“If you do know somebody, and we end up working together, you’ll both get <XYZ bonus>.”There’s one reason I’m doing all of this:I want to push people over the edge to refer new business to my clients.I want to make them an irresistible offer as Alex Hormozi calls it.Now, I’ll need to speak to my client about what exactly we’ll give them… But that’s the basis of what I’m planning to do to help my client get referrals without him lifting a finger.Have you done something like this as a biz owner or copywriter?

    • Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (9)


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    Some people live to WORK, others work to LIVE.Which type are you?


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    Sending emails to your list isn’t enough. After working with lots of 7-8 figure business coaches, I realized you can have the best, most addicting emails…The best angles…The most qualified leads… But if your email list doesn’t constantly look like a store on a Black Friday...Your email revenue will hit a plateau. And in my experience, it’ll start dropping and dropping…Until your email profit sinks like the Titanic. What I mean is, if you don’t get NEW dream leads every day…Selling will get harder and harder.There are only so many things your current list will buy from you (especially if you don’t have a great Value Ladder)...And even less leads who’ll even BECOME clients.So sending emails to the same lists is like trying to squeeze juice from the same orange over and over…Eventually, you'll run out of juice.And so, one thing that’s helping one of my Airbnb clients build a MASSIVE list AND book tons of calls for a $12,000 program…Is implementing what I call “Email List Boosters”.And no, they don’t involve spending more money on ads. After one point, your ads will stop working.Your CPA will go up.And you’ll need to find new killer ads.The sad part is, until you find that winning ad, you’ll have to burn a lot of cash. And I don’t want that for any biz owner.Especially when you can get the same amount of dream leads (if not more) for absolutely free.What am I talking about?“Viral Conversion” Reels. The thing I like most about them is you can turn ice-cold traffic into lava-hot buyers within 15-60 seconds.Not to mention, you also save yourself from all these time-consuming lead-nurturing processes.New lead + Viral Conversion Reel = Booked call.That’s it.And when you combine these Viral Conversion Reels with email?That’s where the real magic happens.You create an omnichannel approach that leads literally can’t escape from lol Now, if you want to see some of those reels that’ve gotten 3M+ views…And booked tons of calls for a $12,000 offer…DM me the word “Conversion” and I’ll send some examples your way.(For $0 of course)

    • Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (14)


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    I came up with the best anti-quitting game for when sh*t gets hard: So I went for a long run the other day.I was also wearing sauna-suits.So this made running 10x harder than it normally is.Anyway, so I started running and before I even reached halfway through…I hit a bottleneck. I felt tired.And I wanted to stop.But I still had another 5k (3 miles) to run. And so, I started playing this little game with myself to keep myself from stopping.I was looking at my running tracker, and told myself: “Ok Orestis, only 250 more meters. After that you can just stop if you’re really tired.”We didn’t reach that point tho… Strangely, every time I passed these 250 meters, I felt like I could push a little more.So I told myself, “Ok, let’s do another 250 meters” And so, I completed my run (WITH the sauna suits) without even stopping ONCE.This taught me a really important lesson:“Whenever you feel like quitting, that’s not even a fraction of how far you can truly go.” And so, because I didn’t quit and kept going, I reinforced this savage mindset. If I had quit tho, I’d have reinforced that little quitter inside of me.Thank God, I didn’t.What a game I discovered on the spot. 😂 Couldn’t recommend it more if you’re doing any type of hard activity.

    • Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (17)


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    • Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (20)


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    After reading the book “How to Win Friends & Influence People” 3-4+ times…I’ve come to believe that it actually made me a “Social Autist”…And it cost me most of my circle. I was following all the principles Dale Carnegie teaches like the bible:- “Don’t speak about yourself if nobody asks” - “Get people to like you by asking tons of questions”- “Don’t try to get people interested in YOU, but show interest in THEM”And while all these principles definitely help…I had become that weirdo who just sat around people and always asked questions without sharing anything about himself.Almost like a police officer interrogating a criminal lol. I’ve literally had people tell me: “Now you know everything about us, but we know nothing about you.”Others told me they felt like I was some undercover CIA agent. I wonder why… 😶(Thank God nobody called the police).Jokes aside, realizing (and admitting) I was doing everything wrong for the last 1-2 years…Is definitely a hard pill to swallow.Especially when you think of all the fantastic connections you could’ve made…If only you hadn’t come across as less interesting than watching paint dry. But it is what it is.I can only learn from my mistakes and make sure I don’t repeat them.So my action step from now on is:SHARE MORE STORIES!!!(Which reminds me of what my mentor Matthew Volkwyn always preaches)Have you read the book "How to Win Friends & Influence People”?

    • Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (23)


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    What “cutting weight for fighting” taught me about booking high-ticket sales calls for my clients:You’ll lose the first 1-2 pounds super easy…The next 1-2 pounds will be much harder…And anything from there on starts killing ya slowly. 😵Similarly, when working with my clients and we have a product launch… The first sales will come super easy.All we got to do is put the offer in front of the list and BOOM...Calendly notifications start popping like popcorn in the microwave.It’s the best feeling in the world when you help your client book dozens of highly qualified calls on the first day…(Which will turn into 10s or 100s of thousands of dollars)…And your client only had to pay you a fraction of that. It shows how important your work is…And then you can flex on your friends (who know nothing about online marketing) about helping your clients make millions.Just kidding 😂Now, ok, while converting the first part of the super warmed-up list is easy…The “catch” is converting the rest of it.Simply putting the same offer in front of them won’t cut it. It’s lazy.They won’t bite.And your “fishing rod” will have no “fish”. That’s why I always search for better “fishbait”...That way my clients never have to deal with a product launch that only gets sales the first days and flops afterward. 😢Some of the simplest things I do to make sure that never happens is figure out the winning angles…(And keep using them until they stop working)…While handling all their possible objections.ALL OF THEM!If I leave just ONE objection unhandled, my clients are done...And I don’t want that. All this to say everything is easy at first…Just like everything gets hard at the end.I love this “difficulty” tho.I don’t like doing easy things. I get bored if there’s no challenge involved.Let’s get that cash!

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    I think I found the highest ROI (lol) thing anyone can do to get their friends and clients to like them more… Funny how I quantify friendships in business terms.But seriously: I think the best thing anyone with a pulse can do to get people to like them…(Whether that’s a business relationship or friendship)… Is being willing to go the extra mile. In business that means overdelivering on the work you agreed on.In friendships that could mean going to your friend’s job and keeping them company.The devil is in the details as they say. And that’s what I think people appreciate the most. Those little things you do without them asking.

    • Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (29)


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Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (31)

Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…Is that my life… (32)


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Orestis Iliou on LinkedIn: One of the best things I ever learned from my mentor…

Is that my life… (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.