The Second Chance Supper Club (2024)

Berit Talks Books

2,043 reviews15.7k followers

October 7, 2019

A delectable tale blended with all the ingredients you need for a perfect heartwarming read.
•A generous dose of heart.
• A sizable dollop of conflict.
• A heaping spoonful of misunderstanding.
• A liberal sprinkling of drama.
• A peppering of romance.

A delightful mixture of food, family, and fun! The story of two sisters Julia and Ginny Who not only find their way back to each other, but also rediscover themselves. A second chance at sisterhood, a second chance at love, and a second chance at life. A tale not only about the bond between sisters, but also the bond between mother and daughter. An engaging story about forgiveness, understanding, and discovery.

The story jumps back and forth between the perspectives of Julia and Ginny. I really like this because we really got to know both characters and understand where they were coming from. I would have however really loved getting Olive’s perspective as well. Olive was Ginny’s daughter and I found the tension and relationship between these two the most compelling part of the story. I think this is more so because I have a daughter the same age and I do not have a sister, so I was more connected to the mother daughter relationship then the sister sister relationship. Both sisters frustrated me at times, they both tended to be a bit selfish and I never quite got a clear picture as to why there was such a rift between them. They both had a lot of growing up to do, sometimes I had to stop and remember that they were in their late 30s early 40s. I loved how the story ended, I was so happy for all of them especially Olive. A feel good story that will make you smile and crave a good meal!

This book in three emojis: 🍽 💐 🎙

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Larry H

2,606 reviews29.5k followers

October 4, 2019

Nicole Meier's new book is a story about reconnecting (with family and yourself), finding your path to happiness, and food. (Perhaps not necessarily in that order, lol!)

Julia is the host of a national morning show. She’s at the pinnacle of a career she’s fought so hard for, yet every day she’s pressured to be better, pick up more viewers, do something different. When that pressure becomes too much to bear, she takes a risk that winds up exploding in her face.

Licking her wounds she leaves NYC and her fiancé and heads home to Arizona and the comfort of her older sister, Ginny, despite the fact they haven’t spoken in years and Julia hasn’t visited at all since their parents died.

"This wasn't going to be easy, to face her present demons in the shadow of her past."

Ginny is struggling, too. Once a successful chef in NYC who left the culinary world to deal with her parents’ death, she also sacrificed her relationship with her partner and the father of her daughter, who refused to leave New York. She now operates a secret supper club from her house. It’s her passion but it barely breaks even, and it’s the cause of never-ending friction between Ginny and her daughter, Olive, who hates the pressure her mother puts on her.

Needless to say, Julia’s arrival reopens old wounds and brings secrets to light. But her presence also forces all three women to come to terms with their own struggles and desires.

It’s the mark of a great writer when they can hook you on a story for which you can pretty much predict the outcome. Meier does a terrific job immersing you in the story, creating characters you root for despite their flaws, and whetting your appetite at the same time. This was a quick read but a heart-warming one.

I’m a sucker for stories about family dynamics. Throw food in the mix and I’m so there!

See all of my reviews at

Check out my list of the best books I read in 2018 at

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Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader

2,315 reviews31.5k followers

September 27, 2019

I love an emotional read, and The Second Chance Supper Club brought on alllll the emotions.

Julia and her sister Ginny were close until a tragedy separated them for years.

Julia is a journalist, and she’s filled her life with her career and her fiance. She makes a bad choice, though, and it threatens to destroy her career. She turns to her sister for help.

Ginny is the owner of a supper club in the desert of Arizona. She has her own share of responsibilities, but she can’t turn her sister away, so she welcomes Julia with open arms.

The two work together in Ginny’s supper club and are forced the confront the past. Will they be able to forgive each other?

I love a second chance story, and this one was heartwarming. There’s a good pace, and I was kept intrigued throughout. I liked each of the sisters and enjoyed the realistic portrayal of their path towards healing.

Overall, The Second Chance Supper Club is a powerful, easy read with an engaging “supper club” backdrop.

I received a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog:

Louise Wilson

3,096 reviews1,663 followers

September 7, 2019

Tinny and Julia are sisters who were once close, but they had a huge fight after their parents death. They have been estranged for three years. Julia is a broadcast journalist who makes a Hugh mistake whilst doing an interview. She is suspended and turns to her sister, Ginny for a shoulder to cry on even though they have not seen or spoke to each other for a long while. Ginny runs an underground supper club in Arizona. She has her own problems, she barely makes ends meet. She tells Julia that she will need to work in the supper club and the sisters start their relationship over again.

This is a heartwarming, cozy quick read about sisters who get a second chance to put their relationships behind them and start over. It's by no means an original storyline, but the author has pot her own spin to it. It is about family. Mother and daughter relationships as well as sisterly love.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and the author Nicole Meier for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Karren Sanderco*ck

967 reviews233 followers

August 8, 2021

Julia Frank is a journalist and a presenter on a morning TV show called Daybreak. She lives in Manhattan with her fiancée James and he's keen to set a date for the wedding. Julia hasn’t had a holiday in years, her co-host is an arrogant man and she’s really struggling to cope. One morning at work, she ignores the teleprompter and asks a guest on the show a question of her own and she gets into big trouble with her boss. Julia's sent home, she's put everything she's worked hard for at risk, and her reputation and she decides to visit her sister Ginny in Arizona.

Ginny Frank was once a successful award wining chef in New York, now she’s running an underground dining venue from her house in the Arizona desert, she’s busy and shocked when Julia arrives expectantly one night. The sisters haven’t seen each other in three years, they had a huge fall out when their parents died and Ginny felt that Julia didn’t help her. The last thing Ginny needs is more drama, her teenage daughter Olive creates enough and she’s too busy trying to keep her business afloat.

Ginny needs help, so she lets Julia stay as long as she’s prepared to help with the supper club and she agrees. With Ginny, Julia and Olive all working together, things do get tense and they also start to work as a united team. During the time Julia and Ginny spend together, it makes them both think about what they want out of life, they both decided to makes changes, and sisters become closer, they forgive each other and gives Olive a chance to following her own dreams.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, I really enjoyed it and The Second Chance Supper Club is a story about family, forgiveness, second chances and four stars from me.

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1,364 reviews1,363 followers

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September 10, 2019

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1,478 reviews

September 27, 2019

First time reading this author. Very well written and awesome characters. I loved every minute of the story and hated to see it end. A very hard book to put down. A heartwarming story about family, second chances, love and forgiveness. I highly recommend this book!

June 7, 2019

The Second Chance Supper Club by Nicole Meier is the story of sisters, second chances and delicious food. After the death of their parents, sisters Julia and Ginny had a misunderstanding that led them to being estranged for many years. Julia is a broadcast journalist who seems to have the perfect life: a successful handsome fiancé and a thriving respected career. When she makes a decision on-air that affects her whole future, she is forced to revaluate her life choices and flees from New York to her estranged sister's home in Arizona. Ginny owns a secret supper club in Arizona, which she runs with the help of her daughter Olive. Ginny is struggling to make ends-meet and her relationship with Olive is strained. When Julia arrives at her door, Ginny wants to shut the door in her face. But instead, she puts Julia to work as she tries to keep her business afloat. As the sisters spend more time together, will it tear them further apart or bring them back together permanently?

The Second Chance Supper Club is a sweet and enjoyable story about sisters. While I have read many similar stories, I always enjoy stories in which the power of sisterhood is explored. And as a chef, I always enjoy stories that have a food/cooking element to them. It may not be a completely unique or new story but it was heartwarming, quick, and sweet.

Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Mackenzie - PhDiva Books

643 reviews14.4k followers

October 7, 2019

I love books about sisters. The Second Chance Supper Club is a heart-warming story of two sisters who have not only lost touch with each other, but have lost their way a bit in life. When they come together in an unlikely circ*mstance, they find that together, they can heal and move forward in love.

About the Book

Broadcast journalist Julia Frank has it all: a career, an ambitious fiancé, and the hard-won respect of her peers. Until a ruinous decision destroys her reputation, puts her job at risk, and sends her reeling toward the only soul left to turn to: her estranged sister, Ginny.

The owner of a clandestine supper club hidden in the Arizona desert, Ginny Frank has a lot on her plate. The last thing she wants is more drama—or the burden of nursing her younger sister’s wounded ego. But family is family. Besides, Ginny can use the help in more ways than one, and she’s going to make sure Julia pulls her weight.

As a tenuous reunion reopens old wounds, Julia and Ginny have no choice but to confront the pain and betrayals of the past. Will working to keep the secret supper club running be just what they need to find common ground and a path toward forgiveness, or will the increasing stress push them even further apart?


One thing I really loved about the way Meier wrote this novel is that though it was narrated by both sisters, Julia and Ginny, it wasn’t split evenly in alternating chapters. The first several chapters were told from Julia’s perspective and were so gripping, that I was glad they weren’t broken up for the sake of keeping it even in terms of the two stories. This is a risky move, but Meier nailed the structure of her book.

When we open, Julia’s anxiety is palpable. She awakes late and is rushing to get to work. She immediately gets called into a meeting where she’s told she isn’t bringing in enough viewers, which is obviously media speak for “you’re too smart and leading with your brain instead of your boobs and we can find a younger, sexier co-star for a male lead who will dress the part.” I thought the tension in that entire scene leading up to the on-air incident was so expertly written. I could feel it!

As Julia’s life crumbles in what feels like a single moment, I was glued to the book, unsure of what I would do if I were her. When that leads her to her sister Ginny’s house in Arizona, I knew that this felt like rock bottom to Julia. To call Ginny and Julia estranged feels like an understatement! As the narrative switches to Ginny and we see where she has come after she left her highly successful career as a chef in New York to run an underground supper club in her house, I wanted to know what happened. What caused this? And Julia arriving mid-meal, with Ginny’s daughter Olive driving away…well awkward doesn’t begin to cover it!

Through their own need to rely on one another, I loved seeing the sisters work to heal their relationship. And it wasn’t easy! But it happened eventually the way it does with sisters. Each knowing they love each other, while not totally being over the hurt feelings and skepticism that it will last. I loved the moments with the food, where we really saw how different Ginny and Julia approach life. They are both hard workers and career-driven women, which I was really happy about. Not a weakling to be found in this family!

I think readers will love learning the story of these two women—these two sisters—as much as I did. I don’t want to say too much beyond the set up, because I found the whole concept of the supper club and what Ginny was doing to be fascinating. I was equally as interested in Julia’s career and life in New York, and I was so curious how it would all come out. And you do get a satisfying ending but of course I’m not going to tell you what it is! You’ll have to read it!

A book for women. A book for anyone with a sister or even a sister-like friend who knows what it is like to have a falling out and still fiercely love each other. A beautiful story of healing, sisterhood, food, careers, love, loss, and recovery.

Thank you to Suzy and Amazon Publishing for my copy. Opinions are my own.

Kate Vocke (bookapotamus)

611 reviews122 followers

October 18, 2019

I'm not sure about you, but I've failed a LOT of things the first time. And sometimes you don't get a second chance! When we've all got a limited time on this Earth - you kinda want to get most of it right - the first time!

The Second Chance Supper Club was chock full of possible do-overs and second chances and packed with ALL the emotions! But I think my most favorite part was the trio of women that carried this story. All three in different, tough situations but all three were also strong and pretty awesome... they just needed a bit of a second chance. A do-over. A change. Or a fresh start.

Julia and Ginny, estranged sisters, come together after years of not speaking when Julia shows up on Ginny's doorstep asking for help. Ginny, a bit bitter of the past, realizes that she might need to suck it up and put her big girl panties on, cause, well, she kinda needs help, too. Rounding out this trio is Ginny's daughter Olive, who is just starting her life, but a bit resentful of her mother holding her back.

I felt like these ladies could be my friends. I wanted to help them, to hug them, and I rooted for them all to figure out their differences and work together to achieve their individual goals. But will the pain of the past and grudges of the present tear them even farther apart?

Really fun read for me. There's not worse than spending your life doing "have-tos" when we should all be doing our "want-tos" I LOVE a good comeback story and this one is heartwarming, funny, and totally relatable!

And make sure you've got plenty of snacks when you dive into this one cause all the delicious food descriptions will make you super hungry!!

    arc blog-tour suzyapprovedbooktour

Bookish With Wine

471 reviews21 followers

October 4, 2019

Do not read this book at night, it will make you hungry!

This is a book about two sisters. A relationship that was once strong, is now broken. I don't have a sister myself, but I love reading about them.

Ginny is the big sister that I liked right away. She dropped everything in the wake of tragedy and moved from the bright lights of New York City to the desert heat in Arizona. She has made a lot of sacrifices in her life including going into debt running her underground supper club.

I love the farmers market, and the way Ginny describes looking for the perfect produce at the market made me laugh. I have watched people who look like they know what they are doing hitting the produce and smelling it. I'm not one to shy away from a conversation with a total stranger. More than once I have asked these people how do you know when it's good?

The way the author describes the food and the setting in Ginny's house for the supper club makes you feel like you're there. It makes you want to be there. I wonder if there's anything like that where I live. It sounds like an intimate experience not only with food, but with the atmosphere and the people you're with.

I like that when Julia gets in trouble at work, she hops a plane to see Ginny. Why do you think that is? You want to see Julia as the less responsible, less mature sister. However, there is more than meets the eye with her.

I like how the chapters alternate between the sisters. You get to see how and why each sister reacted to the situation at hand. You may even find yourself relating to one of both of them!

This is a feel good story about family and second chances. One that I really enjoyed and would recommend to everyone. It's the perfect light, easy read. Reading this book made me want to check out her other books now, especially The Girl Made of Clay.

This is a book all ages would enjoy! The perfect stocking stuffer if you're thinking about Christmas!

Nicole Meier

Author4 books189 followers

April 24, 2019

I'm so excited to bring this story of family, forgiveness, lost hope and new beginnings to readers this September! I hope you enjoy the journey of Julia, Ginny and Olive as much as I enjoyed writing it! Happy reading!


1,742 reviews559 followers

September 8, 2019

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

The Second Chance Supper Club by Nicole Meier is an emotional but endearing look at family and putting your life back together when things fall apart.

What it's about: Sisters Julia and Ginny have been estranged for years, ever since their parents died in a freak accident and Ginny went home to Arizona to pick up the pieces while Julia stayed behind in New York City to work on her journalism career. But after making a big mistake that may leave Julia out of a job, she decides to run from her current problems and travel to Arizona to reconnect with Ginny and her niece, Ginny's daughter, Olive. But Ginny has her own struggles and tempers will flare, can Ginny and Julia patch things up again or are they doomed to be estranged forever?

The Second Chance Supper Club was such a cute book, and I really enjoyed the two storylines of Ginny and Julia. I did think that it felt like I was reading from younger POVs than I actually was though. Julia is 38 and Ginny is older, but I got the impression I was reading from the perspectives of women much younger. This might be because they weren't as developed as they could have been, and I would have liked to get to know them a bit better.

I do think that Meier struck the perfect balance between talking about food (Ginny is a chef) and family. The Second Chance Supper Club is a great book to read among heavier books, and while my eyes were glistening with tears at the end - overall it is not a tearjerker. However, this is definitely a book that will make you want to spend more time with friends and family and hold them tight. It makes you reflect on just how short life can be, and that part in itself made me emotional because I know from experience.

Besides wanting more character development, I was also a little disappointed about a couple of plot lines that just fizzled out with no explanation, and for adult women, they didn't really act like it or have the sense they should have, especially financially for Ginny. Overall though this is a super sweet book that I do NOT regret reading in the slightest.

Song/s the book brought to mind: Who Says You Can't Go Home by Bon Jovi and Jennifer Nettles.

Final Thought: If you are looking for a nice palate cleanser between heavier reads that still has heart, The Second Chance Supper Club could be the book for you! The parts about food made my mouth water, so I think chefs and foodies will also be able to appreciate this book. Julia, Ginny, and Olive were 3 characters that I felt for and I loved reading their stories. This may not be anything too crazy, but it was super sweet and a book that will stick with me for a while.

Thank you to Get Red PR and the publisher for providing me with an advance review copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

    adult-fiction amazon-publishing contemporary
July 22, 2019

Julia Frank has reached a level of success she's always dreamed about in broadcast journalism. The problem is she didn't realize there would be so much pressure to maintain it.
After a risky on-air claim against the mayor, Julia finds her reputation in ruins and she's forced off the air while the station does damage control. Too embarrassed to stick around the city, she hastily boards a plane for Arizona to visit her sister, leaving her fiancee James to figure out what's going on.

Ginny Frank was once a successful chef in NYC, working in the most elite restaurants and earning a Michelin star. That all came to a grinding halt when her parents died suddenly in a car accident. Her sister Julia couldn't be bothered to leave the city and fly back to Arizona to tie up all the loose ends. Ginny and her daughter Olive stayed in Arizona after taking care of the estate and started their own secret supper club, Mesquite, around their dining room table.

The sisters haven't spoken in three years when Julia shows up on Ginny's doorstep. Ginny holds a lot of unresolved hurt and resentmentagainst Julia and would love to shut the door in her face but with her underground business barely able to make ends meet, she puts Julia to work.

Together the sisters start over in their relationship and in their careers proving it's never too late to begin again.

The Second Chance Supper Club is a heart warming story about sisters, second chances, and some amazing food served around a table in the Arizona desert. The story unfolds at a fast pace with everything falling into place for a happy ending. This is a quick and cozy read- a perfect palate cleanser between heavy reads.

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review. The Second Chance Supper Club is scheduled for release on September 10, 2019.

For more reviews, visit



Author15 books1,437 followers

July 18, 2019

I received an early peek at this, and here are my thoughts:
In Nicole Meier’s third novel, the scent of sagebrush and mesquite leaps off the page, as does a complex, rich relationship between two sisters. This is a devour-in-one-sitting read that is as atmospheric as it is emotionally resonant.

    2019 contemporary-fiction sisters

Liz Fenton

Author12 books1,665 followers

August 20, 2019

I devoured every word of The Second Chance Supper Club by Nicole Meier! It is a tasty delight that will please any palette.


856 reviews107 followers

September 24, 2019

I honestly feel bad about this review. I usually love all the Lake Union books but this one was just not one that I found enjoyable. It had good parts no doubt and I finished it but it took way longer than it should have. It was a disappointment for me. I’m in the minority about that I know but I have to be honest.

While the story had some good parts I didn’t like any of the characters. To me Olive was just a spoiled young lady who needed to be brought down to earth and appreciate all the sacrifices her mother has made for her. On the other hand Ginny, Olive’s mother, was a bit irresponsible in that she kept spending money she didn’t have in the hopes of making more. If you can’t pay your bills you can’t run a business. Then there is Ginny’s sister Julia. Julia did the unthinkable with her job as a reporter. I just didn’t find that believable at all. She was suppose to be very good at her job and have great potential but she blasts an official on the air. That was just not professional at all and if she was as good as it this story says she would not have done that.

I didn’t like any of the characters in this book. To me none were likable at all. They were whinny, self centered, spoiled and I just didn’t like them. I mean Julia is going to give up a job she’s worked hard for? I don’t believe that would happen.

They do all come together in the end and everyone has a big happy ever after but from start to finish this book did not hold my interest at all. It was boring to me and I’m very sorry about that. It just wasn’t for me.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #LakeUnion and #Nicole Meier for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I recommend this to anyone that does not expect any real action or edge of your seat thrills. If you like a story about selfish siblings and one’s daughter then it’s for you. And you may love it. Many have. It was just me I’m sure.

I give this 3 stars and that is because I finished it.


569 reviews73 followers

September 19, 2019

I enjoyed this quick, heartwarming read about three strong women finding their way and coming together.

Although the story followed a predictable path, the journey was an enjoyable one and the characters so relatable. Right around the late 30s/early 40s seems to be an age when many women take stock and get more comfortable with their true selves. Watching Ginny and Julia get to that place just as Ginny’s daughter Olive was beginning the journey of adulthood was the perfect way to showcase these incredible women.

Meier’s endearing tale of sisterhood pairs food and family perfectly and will leave you hungry for both.

I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review.

Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader

1,288 reviews174 followers


September 14, 2019

A story of Mothers, Daughters, and sister that are no longer close.
A club with meals that sound so good, just the perfect place to start to work on bonding and work on their relationships and just maybe forgiveness will take place.
I love stories full of hope, healing and lots of love. You all are sure to devour this one.
This is a 4 star must read.
The Mary Reader received this book from the publisher for review. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are our own.



432 reviews66 followers

September 15, 2019

Thank you @suzyapprovedbooktours and @getredpr for my stop on the tour for #TheSecondChanceSupperClub by @nicolemeierwrites (out NOW) this was such a light and fun hearted read and just what I needed in terms of a reading pallet cleanser between all the thrillers I’ve been reading. A tale of the power of sisterhood when two estranged sisters Ginny and Julia are forced back into each other’s lives, this book gave me a bunch of feels. I won’t give anything further away in plot (see synopsis below). Another appeal for me in this one was all the FOOD references! Being a bit of a foodie this book definitely held my interest and had me salivating at times with all the food and I also really enjoyed Ginny’s secret supper club - how cool would that be?! A heartwarming read that I recommend to fans of Women’s fiction or anyone looking for a quick change of pace between reads

Kari Ann Sweeney

1,139 reviews376 followers

November 27, 2019

This was ok. Alright- in full disclosure, I almost moved this to the DNF pile at about 1/3 of the way in. Ultimately I decided I was enjoying it enough to keep reading.
I like to end on a high note- so first, the Not-So-Great. There is nothing glaringly off about the writing or the story- it just didn't grab me. I couldn't connect to any of the characters. The big tension didn't seem big enough for the resulting fall out. It was missing some essential ingredient (see what I did there?). It just sort of moved along as a steady pace without any big climax.
The great- the food descriptions were mouthwateringly good. Also- it was a warm, uncomplicated story that has a happy ending. Nothing wrong with that. Plus- it's a wholesome book-no language or sex.



500 reviews9 followers

September 2, 2019

Thank you to NetGalley, Nicole Meier and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
have read books by Nicole Meier before and I'm a fan, but something about this book was lacking.
The writing was good, loved the descriptions of the scenery and the food, but the story line just seemed to me to drag a bit and I Just could not connect with any of the characters. I just didn't like them. They were whiney and self absorbed.
Still it wasn't a bad story and I am a sucker for happy endings! 3 stars.

Natasha Niezgoda

741 reviews236 followers

August 24, 2023

A realistic second-chance relationship between sisters who drifted away post the death of their parents.

    contemporary-fiction family-drama fiction


1,287 reviews

December 17, 2019

This is the first novel I've read by Nicole Meier. Now that I know what her writing style is like, I want to go back and read what I've missed of hers.

The Second Chance Supper Club is a sweet story about sisters who have been estranged for a while due to a family tragedy. I enjoyed getting to know both Julia and Ginny and learning what made them tick. They were very much relatable and I wanted things to work out for both of them in their career paths. I also enjoyed Olive's role and wish she had her own narrative, as she was interesting and complex. The food descriptions and scenery brought the story to life even more and I really enjoyed watching the story unfold.

I recommend this book to foodies and anyone who wants a really good story that is both heartwarming and honest.

Movie casting suggestions:
Julia: Ali Liebert
Ginny: Samantha Morton
Olive: Julia Nightingale
James: Luke Kirby
Shane: Ben Barnes
Roger: Keith Carradine

Toya (thereadingchemist)

1,297 reviews134 followers

October 3, 2019

Nicole Meier’s The Second Chance Supper Club is a beautiful story about reconnecting with family and self-discovery in order to pick up the pieces and restart when life has kicked you down a few pegs.

The story follows the lives of Julia and Ginny, and each chapter alternates between their POVs. Julia and Ginny haven’t spoken to one another in years. After their parents died in a tragic accident, Ginny left her incredibly successful life in NYC as one of the top chefs to pick up the remaining pieces, while Julia stayed in NYC to focus on her career in journalism…if that right there doesn’t cause built up resentment, I don’t know what will.

Julia knows that she’s struggling in her career, and she needs to do something to create a brand for herself in journalism. With the pressure threatening to suffocate her, Julia makes a rash decision where she essentially commits career suicide on live television with the majority of the country is watching. Not quite the brand she was going for. Rather than face the embarrassment and fall out, she leaves all of her problems in NYC and drops in on Ginny without so much as a “hey sis” phone call.

Ginny has maxed out her credit cards and money is definitely tight these days. She’s no longer the top chef she was in NYC, and the sacrifices she’s had to make in life, are making her question why she never puts herself first. She’s convinced her daughter hates her, and she can’t run the supper club without her daughter’s help (she can’t afford to hire actual staff and this club helps her to cook and create without the overhead costs). When her daughter walks out mid service, she’s stunned to find Julia at the door. While she’s not particularly enthusiastic about the impromptu reunion, it’s free help, and she can’t afford to be choosy.

I’m a huge sucker for second chances, and this is the heartwarming story that I was waiting for. I loved watching the storylines unfold with Julia and Ginny. You can tell that there’s so much pent up hurt and anger from the years of no communication, but in the same respect, you can tell that neither one is willing to give up on family. They have to be honest with each other and confront all their past pain in order to work together to save the supper club and each other.

A recommendation while reading this book: don’t read this book on an empty stomach! OMG, the food that is talked about in this book sounds utterly divine. I just want a personal chef who can come and make all the recipes for me. K thanks.

Be sure to check out this heartwarming and delectable read!

Thank you to Suzy Approved Book Tours, GetRed PR, and Amazon Publishing for the ARC. This did not influence my review. All opinions are my own.

Linda Zagon

1,474 reviews166 followers

September 3, 2019

Nicole Meier, Author of "The Second Chance Supper Club" has written an emotional, captivating, intriguing, and thought-provoking novel. I love the way the author vividly describes and writes about her characters, landscape, markets, florists and food. Iappreciate the comparison of cityvs. country life. The Genres for this story are Fiction and Women's Fiction. The author describes her dramatic cast of characters as complex and complicated. The theme of this book is sisters, mothers and daughters, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Younger sister Julia Frank seems to have it all together, she appears on a Television Morning show as a journalist and has a wealthy, motivated fiance. Julia appears to be polished and works very hard and is respected. With the pressure of her ratings, she mentions something live without thinking it through. Julia finds herself on "leave" from her job and doesn't know where to go. Just knowing she has to get away for a few days, she decides to leave the city and head for Arizona, where her older sister Ginny lives with her daughter.

Ginny and Julia have not seen each other in several years after a tragedy caused their estrangement. Ginny has her own problems. Ginny is a chef and barely makes ends meet, by having "discreet" supper clubs in her house, where she prepares and serves the food to a discriminating culinary and appreciative clientele. This might not be the perfect timing for a reunion for the two sisters. Or maybe it is just the right time.

I appreciate that the author discusses the importance of family, friends, support, forgiveness, love, and hope. I would highly recommend this thought-provoking and emotional novel to those readers who enjoy family drama, and women's fiction.


398 reviews76 followers

October 25, 2019

I loved Second Chance Supper Club! I mean it is almost like it was written for me. A main character that's a chef. Beautiful descriptions of the Arizonan desert. And a story of sisters. That hits a ton of my favorite themes. Nicole Meier's writing was lush. From her descriptions of the desert to the dishes Ginny prepared. I was hungry through most of my reading of this book and felt long overdue for a trip to the desert, my birthplace.

In addition to that Ginny and Julia Frank were such well-formed and well-written characters. By the end of the book I felt as if I knew both of them. I loved seeing each of them face their struggles and how they wrestled with feelings of failure. And anyone who has had a sister can absolutely relate to their relationship.

The Second Chance Supper Club is a wonderful story of failing and getting back up again and restoring what was once broken. I highly recommend this book. Now I just need a sequel!

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book

Cassie’s Reviews

1,166 reviews30 followers

September 19, 2019

Sisters Ginny and Julia were once close until a fight after their parents death caused them to become estranged. Julia a journalist makes a career ending mistake during an interview, and she’s suspended. Ginny is barely making ends meet running an underground supper club in Arizona with the help of her daughter olive . Julia leaves New Your and ends up in Arizona wanting to reevaluate her life and where it’s going. When Julia arrives at Ginny’s door she wants to shut the door. Instead she puts Julia to work as she tries to keep her business afloat. The more they spend time together you begin to wonder if it will tear them apart more or bring . them closer together . This book will pull at your heartstrings! This was such an enjoyable story about sisters and their relationships and the whole food and cooking element was a wonderful addition. The book shows you it’s never to late to begin again. This was quick cozy read that left me wanting more!! Four beautiful stars!

Kaira Rouda

Author36 books2,447 followers

June 18, 2019

The Second Chance Supper Club is a glorious celebration of new beginnings, sisterhood, and the healing power of food. A wonderful story!

Cassie | Cassie’s Next Chapter

387 reviews174 followers

September 11, 2019

In a story of betrayal, family, hope, and second chances, two sisters reunite over some culinary delights in the Arizona foothills.

Full Book Review

My Thoughts...
Ok, to be completely honest, I was THIS close to marking this one as DNF. I was a whole THIRD of the way into the book and just couldn't slog my way through the third-person cyclically redundant helping of blame and shuttered vulnerability that each sister whined about in each chapter. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a healthy dose of drama and anguish to set up a conundrum of "Will they or won't they be able to work this out?!?!" but it was just too heavy handed.

Because I'm supremely stubborn, I revisited the positive reviews and decided to keep reading. And I was glad that I did. I still didn't enjoy the first 1/3 of the book, and I'd be hesitant to recommend it to someone with that disclaimer, but at least the end wrapped things up nicely for the three women.

The foodie descriptions were mouth watering and enticing - I would love a plate of whatever Ginny whips up in the kitchen! Ah, and the Arizona setting felt earthy and inviting, the way family does. Those elements were so tangible and exquisite, and they really breathed life into the story. The characters were very relatable (I have a sister and we can both relate to letting each other down and helping build each other back up), and overall I'm happy to have stuck with it and finished the book. Can't leave a sister when she's down!

"She felt her roots reestablishing themselves, spreading back to the earth and back toward her family. There wasn't any price tag that could be put on such a gift."

The Second Chance Supper Club (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.