Valkyrie movie review & film summary (2008) | Roger Ebert (2024)


Valkyrie movie review & film summary (2008) | Roger Ebert (1)

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"Valkyrie" is a meticulous thriller based on a large-scale conspiracy within the German army to assassinate Hitler, leading to a failed bombing attempt on July 20, 1944. At the center of the plot was Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, played here by Tom Cruise as the moving force behind the attempted coup, which led to 700 arrests and 200 executions, including von Stauffenberg's. Because we know Hitler survived, the suspense is centered in the minds of the participants, who call up the Reserve Army and actually arrest SS officials before discovering that their bomb did not kill its target.


Considering they were planning high treason with the risk of certain death, the conspirators seem remarkably willing to speak almost openly of their contempt for Hitler. That may be because they were mostly career officers in the army's traditional hierarchy and hated Hitler as much for what he was doing to the army as for what he was doing to the country. Realizing after the invasion of Normandy that the war was certainly lost, they hoped to spare hundreds of thousands of military and civilian lives.

Von Stauffenberg was known to be "offended" by the Nazi treatment of Jews in the 1930s and considered the Kristallnacht a disgrace to Germany, which possibly disturbed him as much as the fate of its victims. In any event, little is said among the conspirators about the genocide then underway -- although, being alienated from the SS, perhaps they didn't know what was happening. Perhaps.

They repeatedly tell each other that even should they fail, at least the world would know that not all Germans supported Hitler. And so it does. And whatever their deepest motives, they gave their lives in trying to kill the monster. The film, directed by Bryan Singer ("The Usual Suspects"), works heroically to introduce us to the major figures in the plot, to tell them apart, to explain their roles and to suggest their differences. The two best supporting performances are by Kenneth Branagh, as a major-general who smuggles a bomb into Hitler's inner circle and then must smuggle it out again, and Tom Wilkinson, as a general who artfully plays both sides of the fence, treating the plot with benign neutrality while covering himself should it fail.

Tom Cruise is perfectly satisfactory, if not electrifying, in the leading role. I'm at a loss to explain the blizzard of negative advance buzz fired at him for the effrontery of playing a half-blind, one-armed Nazi hero. Two factors may be to blame: (a) Cruise has attracted so much publicity by some of his own behavior (using Oprah's couch as a trampoline) that anything he does sincerely seems fair game for mockery, and (b) movie publicity is now driven by gossip, scandal and the eagerness of fanboys and girls to attract attention by posing as critics of movies they've almost certainly not seen. Now that the movie is here, the buzz is irrelevant, but may do residual damage.


If I say that Cruise is not electrifying, I must add that with this character, in this story, he cannot and should not be. This is a film about veterans of officer rank, with all the reserve and probity that officers gather on the way up. They do not scream or hurry and do not care to be seen that way. They have learned not to panic under fire, and they have never been more under fire than now.

A key element of their plot is to use Hitler's "Valkyrie" plan against him. The reserves were held back to defend Berlin and Hitler in case of an Allied assault, so von Stauffenberg conceived the strategy of killing Hitler, ordering up the reserves to ensure stability and making its first order of business the immobilization of the SS. We see that the plan might well have worked. Indeed, it did -- until the news arrived that Hitler was still alive. So much did the Fuhrer command the fanatical loyalty of troops and civilians with an almost mystical grip, that merely his voice on the radio could defeat the plot, even with Germany clearly facing ruin.

The July 20 plot is an intriguing footnote to history, one of those "what if" scenarios. If it had succeeded, one of the hopes of the conspirators was said to be an alliance with the Allies against Russia. Given the political realities of the time, when Russia was seen as our ally, that would have been insane, but it shows the plotters continuing to dream of a reborn professional German army with roles for them. The question of the liberation of the death camps is a good one. Even the Allies did not bomb the rail lines leading to them. There were so very, very many people who did not know.

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Film Credits

Valkyrie movie review & film summary (2008) | Roger Ebert (9)

Valkyrie (2008)

Rated PG-13for violence and brief strong language

121 minutes


Bill Nighyas Olbricht

Thomas Kretschmannas Remer

Terence Stampas Beck

Tom Wilkinsonas Fromm

Tom Cruiseas Von Stauffenberg

Kenneth Branaghas Von Tresckow

Eddie Izzardas Fellgiebel

Written by

  • Nathan Alexander
  • Christopher McQuarrie

Directed by

  • Bryan Singer

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Valkyrie movie review & film summary (2008) | Roger Ebert (2024)


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VALKYRIE expresses a very moral, biblical worldview. The actions of the characters are motivated by wanting to stop evil and restore order to a collapsing society. Each participant knows the risks and that they most likely will lose their lives in the plot.

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In an ultimately vain effort to save himself, General Fromm convenes an impromptu court martial and sentences the conspirators to death, contravening Hitler's orders that they be kept alive. Given a pistol by Fromm, Beck commits suicide. That night, the ringleaders are then executed by firing squad one by one.

What is the movie Valkyrie based on a true story? ›

The 2008 Tom Cruise movie Valkyrie is a historical period piece about the 20 July plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Cruise has a unique filmography for one of the world's biggest movie stars. He has rarely played a real-life figure, as nearly all of his roles have been original creations.

What is the story of the Valkyrie? ›

The film is set in Nazi Germany during World War II and depicts the 20 July plot in 1944 by German army officers to assassinate Adolf Hitler and to use the Operation Valkyrie national emergency plan to take control of the country.

What is the point of Valkyrie? ›

In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (from Old Norse: valkyrja, lit. 'chooser of the slain') is one of a host of female figures who guide souls of the dead to the god Odin's hall Valhalla. There, the deceased warriors become einherjar (Old Norse "single (or once) fighters").

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In electing these characters to symbolize a mythical past in the Illustrated History of Denmark for the People, the Valkyries become personifications of death, battle, and victory at a time of Northern European romanticism.

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The plot was codenamed Operation Valkyrie and was led by the German aristocrat and army officer Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg in conjunction with General Friedrich Olbricht and General Ludwig Beck of the German general staff.

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The word Valkyrie means "chooser of the slain," and they were indeed as selective as their name implies. Only half of the Norse warriors who died in battle were carried by the Valkyries to Valhalla. The rest were spirited away to Fólkvangr to spend their afterlives with Freyja.

Who is the villain in Valkyrie? ›

Adolf Hitler is the overarching antagonist of the 2008 blockbuster film/documentary film Valkyrie. It goes without saying, but he is based on the real life dictator of the same name. He was portrayed by David Bamber.

What causes Stauffenberg to lose his faith in Hitler's Valkyrie? ›

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg lost faith in Hitler due to his destructive policies and the atrocities of the Nazi regime, leading him to partake in an assassination attempt in July 1944, which, after failing, resulted in harsh reprisals and the execution of nearly 5,000 people.

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But there were delays, breakdowns and insufficient planning. In addition, facing the enormous pressure of possibly being discovered, some of those involved remained passive or even changed sides. By the evening, the coup attempt had failed.

Is Valkyrie a good movie? ›

Given the subject matter, Valkyrie could have been an outstanding historical thriller, but settles for being a mildly entertaining, but disposable yarn.

What happened to Count von Stauffenberg's family? ›

The Nazi leadership took action against entire families, especially the Stauffenbergs. Their property was confiscated, family members interned, the children put in a home. From February 1945 onward, they were transferred to an isolation barrack in Buchenwald along with other kinship inmates.

What happened to Claus von Stauffenberg? ›

Alongside Major Generals Henning von Tresckow and Hans Oster, Stauffenberg was a central figure in the conspiracy against Hitler within the Wehrmacht. Shortly following the failed Operation Valkyrie plot, he was executed by firing squad.

What is the story of Valkyrie profile? ›

Inspired by Norse mythology, Valkyrie Profile follows the titular valkyrie, Lenneth, as she travels through Midgard, collecting the souls of slain heroes to serve either as einherjar or her personal companions for Ragnarok - the battle to decide the fate of all creation - and trains them by fighting monsters and ...

What is the plot of Valkyrie opera? ›

The story of Die Walküre is based on the Norse mythology told in the Völsunga saga and the Poetic Edda. In this version, the Volsung twins Sieglinde and Siegmund, separated in childhood, meet and fall in love. This union angers the gods, who demand that Siegmund must die.

What is the story of Valkyrie in Marvel? ›

Valkyrie became a mainstay of the superhero team known as the Defenders and a close ally and one-time love interest of the god Thor. Valkyrie, also known by her Asgardian name Brunnhilde, was selected by Odin to lead his personal unit of shield-maidens, the Valkyrior.


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.