The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


Mb, a KETvT CONTBliUTOS- fFAjJTKD Tonne men to fill "situations; a'eoln- FEB. 8. 1868. SiTIBDlf MOBSIISG, ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of "Letters Remaining in the Louisville Postoffice February 7, 18QS.

HJTo obtain any ot tuese letters, the applicant must calLfor advertised letters, and glvethe date ot the list. K-Tf not foiiAi for within one morUA they will be ap; see onr terms and full dOForintlon of the Louisville THeater Last week of Ihe great drama ot UNDER THE GASLIGHT. work. aieior procuring HiiuanonB. IB: a larce number of vacanclrs now open, iljimmcdlatc.y to HULL Employ'o.

lia Second Btrcct. Address MATI ru au: telilNG West CITY AND SUBURBS. C.H.GASTIEU,.' B.T.WOOSS. GARTRELL MOORE, Auction and Commission Merchants, NO. 1iS7 corner Main and Fonrth street, (formerly J.

jj. Armstrong's old Btand.) Liberal advances made on conBigomenCH. JaSI dtf pounds (two pcndsjnewly cured bacon, on which adduce will be made. Theeamc to be cons lgn cd to Eent 10 me ueaa ietiur umw- -FREE DELI VE RT of letters by carriers, at the reu- mencesoi owners.mav ne bwwkuuj 1. UUU.UI lervrs piainiy 10 iueitiiunuinwi TT1? ATI 1i.llarc mfn.

hn writpr's Postofftt State, street and number, sign them plainly with full 3. Letters to strangers or transient visitors In town wuoae apeclal addresses may oe unmiuwii, pnould be marked in tbe lower left hand corner with tho word "transient." t. Place tho nnslacfnmn -ih tioK for post-mafkinR without lnterferins with the Si. ti. A BEQUEST lor the RKTnnM nr laitn- ine writer, 11 unclaimed witnin au days or less, written or printed with the writer's name, Itotojrtce state ame, win ub euiiJimcu cisua ix-iurneu tree oj cnarge.

uiioro. LADIES' LIST. Alverd Miss Ellen AshmcrMrs Hattic f2) Armstrong Miss Mary Brown Mrs Julia A Itussell Mrs Anilna Boon Mrs Elizabeth Basye KUza Barr ML-e Susan Bnrdet Mrs Harriet Barnes Mrs Jaaf Barney Mrs Mary Chambers Miss Xeltie Cotton Caroline (col) Chub )1 Klcse Cusick Mrs Sarh Carter Miss Minnie L-owley Mrs Mary Crocket Mrs Mary Bixey Miss Alice Devinnv Miss Lizzie Davis Miss Fannie DousbertyMrs Margaret Dolan Mary Est c-3 Miss Annie EaoE Saphronia Ford Mrs Alverda Ford Miss Fields Miss Mary Gocan Annlo German Mrs Angeline Gatewood Mrs tcol) Gan? Mrs Elizabeth Gilmore Mrs uable Miss Macgic Good Jsl iss Mary HerTcrnon Mrs Halcomb Mrs Anna HookinsMrc KT Heath Mrs Hardon Miss Louisa Hcin Mrs Mahala licnaerson Miss Mnitha rown JIlfsA Borrean Mrs A Briscoe Mrs nee Miss to 11 Barker MlsaSalUe A iurnFiaes ueorgia a Min Bil's Mrs Mary Clan Mis Emma Carick Mrs Eveline Clark Miss Carr Mrs Mary Co-ins Mrs Minerva Combs Mrs Mary Dtinn Airah A Dewecse Miss Virginia Do ran Margaret Ernest Mrs Nellie Edwards Miss Katie Fngal Mrs Anna tri azer Miss Xannic Ferry MTrs Jennie Gilmore Miss Annie Gow Miss Acnes Grn6t Mrs Annie Grav Mrs Dr G-irduerMrsHM Glnaon Mrs Jane Gray Mrs Vircinla Green iss Mary Hook Mlsi Ann (coll Eagans Mie? Anmc Uawki Mrs Lizzie ungues Airs aran Jsraol Mrs Maria Jenkins Mrs A Johnston Mrs Helen Jenkins MIss-MollicA Jenkins Miss Lizzie Joyes Mrs Josephine James iir Moilie MrgJoeepMne Kiyne.MtiS Maigarct Livingston Mr Eliza Lamout Belle Lennon Mrs Mary Lewis Mrs Mary Meafcs Kate Mitchell Miss Lizzie Merrill Mrs Ma Dory Mrs Sarali Malert Mr Frances Murray Miss Hrjce Moore Miss Harriet Moreland Mrs Laura Moore MrB Loa Monks Mr. Sarah Qvcrtou Miss Belle Pope Mr; Annie Pitman MiaPhtnbe OwensMrsMB2 Peck Mrs Pennington Mrs Phelps Mra Harriet Patterson Mrs Level Poiter Mrs Pollock Mrs Raed Mrs Lizzie Kosors MrsSr rah Heed Mips Jennie tiansey Mrs Maria A RameyMrs Mary lith Mrs Frank Smith Mies Marv Smith Miss Izzfe A Smith Mrs Mollic Dr Stanborn Mrs Spued Mrs Cor3 A Kisell Betsv Jane a Sngga Mrs Frances Styen Mi-b Henrietta Sallee Mrs Laura A Sweln Miss Myra Smith Mrs MarrO Simpson MUs Annie Shumate Mis Nancy SliultMiss Kato -limon Mrs hmma Sutheil ud Mrs Sal lie Stewart Mrs BB Sheehan Miss Maiy ihomeon Mies Alice Taylor Sany A Tarner Mrs Ella mormon airs Temke Lizzie Tolbort Miss Emipa Vlcorlis Mrs Bettie Wooten Miss Clara (col) White Miss Jilla Wall is Mrs Walt Eliza Webb Mrs Susan Wheat Miss Tea Miss Laura A Win Miss Lucv (col) Washington Mrs Mary Wa sh Bridget Thornton MissLtlic nughan Miss Ella Wells Mrs cbecca ortu Mrs Kebecc i Walker Mrs Frances Wilson Miss Susan Walker MrsWmT White Laura (col)" White Mary Waters Miss Nancy roS Sirs Dr Initials. Miss AB MUs A BP Mis; A BT GENTLEMEN'S LIST.

Alexander Archie Alton Mark Arnold Alexander LL Allen John Alexander JK Alexander Allen John Allen Jas Acuey Jas Adams Abbott Jas Adams John Ackerman Henry Ally Itobt Bro Alexander A Allv Brown Add Brown John Bailey Wm Barnes Hacon Brnotr A Capt Brcnnan Blunk James Bowerc Lloyd li bowman II Branncn John Brocg Jobn Bowman Jos Boroslde Jos Buckuor Jos (col) Bw on A Ulbmore Brannigan .1 "2 Ballutt nank Barberl'eo 2 Barbour Or Harrv Richard Bodman Kiclint Bock hdnard Bullctt Edward Boyd DS akelv BilUncs Baghy li Boggs A Brooke Ned Brclis Dr Beunett (col) Board A-o Ballurd A Boyd Bu rnei Bro Byrne Capt Busley A Bibb A Church Cudworlh Cook Wm Crouch Win Clark CiaiksjuL (col) Campbell Crane John Corcen John Conner A Cltnc John John Cannes Boot Coburii Jaa Cunningham A arroll John Castcllo Jaa A Cecil John Camel Henry UrocktrG Coward (col) Crowe i houias Lampucii jonn minings tu Pnntinllv Callacan Coriner 11 Carptnter Ben Cuunlugham A Collins Campbell Allie Doirrle Wm Dracoo Davis John Dear Tlios Dodac Ellery Milton EldcrThomns DeClinon Duffy JusT Davidson Dnfllcx Tho DoHavcn 3 Edmonson Evuns Kcv Etvin-S Davis Dunn John Dearout Thos Daal Michael Unniirfln Hooslng John Fergiis-on Flack Thos Frazcr A Fe reus on I Foster Fauna Freas Co Gregory Gardner James Geagin Thomas Grav Phil Craves Sparks Griffin Jno Grav Henrv Gowan George Green Homer George Kobert Oregorv uavid Uouns Gonst Nulan Gibson Samuel Ricks Joe HlmsMaitin UotM Martin Hopkins Jllnhn Maj Hog Wm Hoover Jostah Hutchinson Jno Holsclaw Hawkins Jobn Ranis John Hcndnx John A 3 yght John Hurley Haudlan John Ilarper Harvey Howard Henry Howe George Howa dGeo Hayes Thomas Holi'mtin i' Henry Tho6 (col) Houston Travis RHoward ITios A Hos Uichard Hardmnn Sam Hazel lilasen Honkins 2 Harvey Peter Hutchinson Hill Alvin Jones Hill Johnson Chas Joice Patrick JeffeisM Jaggers Kins E'zev Klnnaird John Keenan James Kerr Losan cwisBH Leezer Thoi LaVe Henry i l.i. wis 2 T.anev 1 ouisT Lusk Lawton Col Lone Willis LeWiS oraf.e Co Murray, Morris Marks 4 Hcnnlng Mull tip.n Co a Miek KdS Mullovthos Miles Joseph MasseeJ Maed Jno A Marsh Edward Molly Moore Goo Miller John Maslin Jacob" Metton Charles Montgomery WR Mccormick Co Adam McUlellm McCrocklin Jerome McCariy Lemuel Marinper Col Mttllfn Janiei Muller Murray Wm Morsan Minor McKtnlev McKlnney Ert Dr MeKemaa Mr McDonald McCool Henry Mccarty jeremi-ciin Leroy ah McShcnyJas Mccarty Aiicnaei 'orwood 2 Nugent Newburry IGeo Nenwriter.J Johu Newmaster Levy Osberuc Alege Overstrcet A Overstrec l.Jcti'd Oebourne A O'Bryan Jas Mc O'Rourk Jas Pavne Prot A Pul Ian (col) Pickering Jos fMvp .1 It Pnrsons Jas Parfcer LeU06 Pendleton Jon Farish Jas Pickerinz John Ptti t. Horace Perrine Dr Paliuore Geo TV Pope Grandci Bon Peter Simon Phtll Proctor Samuel Payson Fierce Chas Fein am TOI rricaen atu jti itn-ctt ajuuiau Robertson Rent Lewis Ross ftuss Isaac Buss John Rush John Unhoric rt RtfB Tarael 2 Bichards John A Richard Geo RambantRW Rose Itockafellow OH2 Richardson Richardson Mr Buniscy Chas P.omlck Wm Smith NC Smith LcoDidas Smith Capt Sutton IVmG Sweeny VTm Shoemaker Wm Stone Wm Stafforu IT a Bommons Juddlei Sinter Jas Samsen John or Salisbury Sinnot Jas Hugii Bodeu Sarftl Jas Shortell JaiD SinisJM Seacore Steely Henry bhcekcThos Stev nsen Geo ScoitDrJ SWman Theo Shaw Samuel Sloan i-red Sborp Rob't Satterwhltc Swanaon TJ Short Pctr Shea Patrick -eldei Survy Ashley Swan A Co Singer Killer Sommers Alt'd A Tvler ft Co Trice Mtllear Trice Talbott Wm Taylor (S) LL Tucker LC Tvler John A Tennis John CoThomas John laylorH A ToddG Trowbridge Capt Taylor Co "yalson Edward Vandcsdale A Yonnier t-ugenc ItToods M(col) WalllsZL Warren MB WinsIowW BWeavr Wm Wallace Wm Wlllcox WalllB Williams Wash Wilson Wilson Wm (col) Walker Ylrgil Wood Capt JH Warwick, Jo WicU John WhltneyJG Wills Dr Tlios (2) willlamaT Williams Frank JWilson Williams Reuben Woodward UD Williams WHIhoite Albert Wallace A White A 1 ounc A Wells Capt Young Harvey (Cd) .1 Frencli. Bouquet A Italian. Plazzi Julinii Kapel Antonio Guffantl Guiseppe.

SW Persons calling for any of the above letters, wilTplcase eay AD VERT ISE J.J. Sl'tttD. v. il. Democrats.

A t-nniTiieii rnr.v of the Srk. and give It It has been and Is bold and consistent ughting tho battle PRICE, ALLMAN FISHER, pLASTIC SLATE ROOFERS, AND DEALERS IS OOAL TAR, KpntUckT ind I'odiaua. Offlcc al MAIS np 6talr, Lonis- vine. OYSIERS. OYSTERS.

OYSTERS, W. Ij- smith, TViolesBlo and Retail Dealer in Fresli' Ballimorc uyEiere. auu BUYEKSmllflniltto.tliclr interest to call at No. itM Jefferson etreetljeforc purcnasiDR eleewbere A llbernl ducoont to tne trade. ourrii ialdtnt v.

L. SMITH. Last Ciaanoe. lew bc'b of choice Hudson Sift nd Canada Mink Fu wlilch we Hat Store, No.Ols, cor sell very cneap, at ine ucw ner Etxtb and Market Etn-ebsLEr ESS ACK. JEFFERSON SAW-MILLS, On RlTtr, bet.

WeBztl and Cabell, M. WOODS MANUFACTUREKS AND DEALERS IN AU. Jdnd of Sasli, CircaLir and GanRC SawoL pim Poplar and oakBnildins LoniHer. aCo. manutaomr mot all kinds Poplar.

Cnerry, Waluot, oo a A SINGULAR AFFAIR. DEVELOPMENT OF FACTS TUiS DENOUEMENT. In yesterday's CoubJeb we gave the particulars of what "was believed to be an elopement case. In the main oar sta'cment was correct, but ithas since transp (red that Doctor Stevens, as he main tained when arrested, wbb simply passing through tne city to Cincinnati, on a builncss tour. following are the facts in the case: Mrs.

Arthur left her home in Naelivilie on last Thursday, and proceeded to Indiana noliei thence to Ctawfordsvillei Indiana, with the avowed ob ject of.brocuring a divorce. Upon her arrival that place, however, she ascertained that it would require considerable money and a long residence to get even an Indiana divorce. In view oi these facts Bhe resolved on returnine to Nashville; and nad got as far as this citv. when she found her self without money and too Bisk to Proceed fur ther. She nCCo'-dingly aerit a disnatcb to Dr.

oicvens, at making known her condition and asking him to come and see her. The dispatch was signed "Miss Martin Dr. SievenB atoncesuppectedthatit was from Mrs. Arthur; and endeavored to find berbnsband to inform him of the fact; but this he failed. It bcciub.

how ever, that Dr. Stevens saw Mr. Arthur on the fol lowing day and told him of the circ*mstance. the same time stating that he was about to leave for Cincinnati and would pass through Louieville. Mr.

Arthur requested htm to stop at the Willard Hotel tbffc city, and if the lady proved to be Mrs. Arthur to give her whatever assistance she might need to enable her to reach homeland would foot the bill on presentation. This Dr. Stevenp agreed to dOi and came to this city, arriv ing here on Thursday morning. He stopped at the Willard and inquired for Miss Martin.

He was shown to her room, and Mrs. Arthur con fronted him. She said that, she was jnst about leaving for Crawfordsville. and a hack had been ordered for her. The doctor was p.bont fihaklm handB with her as Bhe was getting into the hack wnen rjolh were arrested.

Dr. Stevens demanded an explanation, when Officer Bligb produced a dispatch from Mr.Arthur, the husband, instructing him to take incnetodv Dr. Stevens and bis wife, and detain them until he could come up. The astonishment ofthe doc tor at this strange proceeding1 can. Dcrhahs.

he better imagined than described. However, he took it easy, and appeared quite indifferent about the affair, feeling that he had committed no wrong. Upon being presented before the City CourtDr. Stevens waived an examination and promptly mrnisned bail, several of our most prominent citizens volunteering as his Bnretles. In the meantimeMrs.

Arthur waB taken in custody of omcerjaiightotheSchell House, coxper of First and Jefferson streets, to await the arrival of hei mother and husband. On Thursday night they arrived and stopped me united States Hotel. Iu the morning early the mother sought her daughter at the Scbell House, and the husband repaired to tha Willard Hotel Dr.iStevens. LBigbt here the blood would have been spilled had there been any to spare .1 But it was with do feelings of hostility mat jot. Arthur sought D.

Stevens, but simply explain the mysterious dispatch ordcriug his arrest. This he did, assuring the Doctor that the dispatch was instigated by his wife's rela lives, who believed that she was about to eloDo wunnim. Mr. Arthur believing that his wife waB acting in ery imprudent manner, calculated to bring disgrace upon his two beloved children, Buccumhed the instigation of his wife's parents, and came here solely to reclaim and redeem his wife, whom he believeB to be on the high-road to rain. is willing that she Bhould liavB a divorce and marry some respectable man, but he is determined po? Bible to prevent her Tram doing anything that might attach stigma through life to the unsullied name of bis Mr.

Arthur is In good circ*mstances, and was but a few years ago quite wealthy. He has always stood well in Nashville. ih highly respected there. He is a man of medium stature, middle aged, very prepossessing appearance, and evidently well learned and ac- compliBhcd. He seems deeply distressed and embarrassed by the disgrace entailed upon himself and children by his wayward wire, yet he no unkind words for her, and only desires her return to her parents in Nashville.

Mrs. Arthur persistently refuses to rro with her husband, or even bave anything to do with him, butahe was prevailed upon by riende last even to return home with her moiher, and Bhe finally acceded. They left on the train night for Nashville, tbo husband remaining here." As an evidence of the good feeling prevailing at this time between Mr. Arthur and Dr. Stevens, the former invited the latter to remain over yesterday and lend his aid oersuadiugMre.i&rttmr to return to her home, which request the Doctor complied wilh.

We were correct in our statement that a difficulty some six weeks ago occurred between ihem, it was alterward settled, and lately they have friends. Dr, Stevens is also a man of good standing and position in Nashville. Mrs. Arthur was first introduced to him as a widow, and he visited her frequently before discovering that he had been deceived. He, always had the highest respect esteem lor her, and after becoming acquainted with her husband, took her out bb a friend to places of amusem*nt.

Mr. Arthur at one time jealous by hearing idle tales of scandal, and culminated in the difficulty alluded to, but he alterward bad every reason to believe that his suspicious were unfounded. Tho foregoing is true-history of this deplorable case. THE COURTS. DECISIONS OF COURT OF APPEALS.

Reported Expressly lor the Louisville Courier by JAMES A. DAWSON. AUcrnev-af-Law, Frankfort, Kv. Fbanefort, Feb. 7, 1S6S.

CAUSES DECIDED, Lewis vs. Dailey's heirs, Larue; reversed. Swope vs. Swope, Henderson; affirmed. Clorevs.

Alves, Henderson; affirmed. Huston, tfcevp. Beverly, Henderson; affirmed. Cunningham vs. Collins, Henderson; affirmed.

Outten vs. Smith, Uniou; reversed. Langly vs. Taylor, Henderson; reversed. Clark vs.

Keflar, Jefferson; affirmed. Lykins vs. Collins, Lewis; affirmed. Smith Murray vs. Scott, Hart; reversed.

ORDERS. Talbott vs. WilBon. Nelson: motion to set aside orqer dismissing appeal overruled. Montgomery vs.

Carllle, Taylor; Roberts vb. Parker, Webeter; Fehler vs. Pace. Newman vb. Winlock et Barren: submitted urieiB.

Coleman vs. Frazler et Kenton: amner! hv Harvey Meyers. for appellees, and Judge XOUISVULLK-'CITV OOURT. HON. E.

S. CBA1G, PRESIDING JUDGE. Friday, February 7, 18B8. The following cases were disposed of this morning: Cornelius Murohv unlawfully taking Eand from G. T.

Besvmore; sent to the grand jury. Leonard Eichmillcr, abuse ot his mmilj: fined 3. Bridget Riley, drunk and disorderly; fined 3- rcrer ituev, on peacejvarraui aiscnargcu. 4.R. Walton, for and battery: held bond of $200 iu two cases to answer.

ilarv Schnelter, on peace warrant; held in $300 for bIx months. aiaggie fiat, sam aiscuargea. Henrv Hoefler. disorderly conduct; contiu until Saturday. Mary Hogan, petit larceny; continued until Saturday.

xneo. Simpson, aruunauuauutu ji family: continued until Saturday. John Byers, H. Patterson, and Ben. Dickinson (colored), obtaining $100 nndcr falsejprc: tenses; dismissed.

Jobn Byers. colored, for perjury: dis missed. Leroy -Mays, coiorea, tor cutting onn carter; continued until Saturday. Joseph Hilton, jugitive lrom justice; discharged. Reason W.

Bull, for killing M. V. Yates; continued until Thursday. Motions for new trials in the cases ol finlia Jones and Terry Ridge, assault and battery, ana james martin, tor carrying concealed weapons, were overruled. The conrt then adjourned.


JUDGE. The court mat on vesterdav at the. usual hour. The following is an account ot the business transacted urine the session ot the dav: Commonwealth against R. Cain, indictment for misdemeanor.

A iurv was imoancled. who. hav ing heard the evidence, returned a verdict of "not cniltv." Same against Jacob Kuhr. The defendant moved the court to quash the indictment, whicb motion was assigned for argument to ttie 13th instant. Same against Easter Trabue; indictment for larteuj.

a uiuuuu iur a new trial wau uiuue, wnicu wis assignee, to tne lotn lnst. lor argument. BeDjaminTrant filed his petition to adopt Wil-belmina Rubv. Commonwealth against Sarah Laws, indicted for larceny. The accused is nnite an old negro woman.

She is charged with stealing about $85 in ereeunacKS irom cue ratBy Hart, at an auction bouse. She pleaded noL guilty. General Ward tiuuo. ai, were ner tuimtw. jury was impaneled and the evidence was heaid in inll.

Tne instructions to the jury will be the first thing in oraerlhis morning. The court adjourned at 5 o'clock to meet this morning at tne regular uour. CUAKCKRY COURT. BON. HKNRT PIRTLE, CHANCELLOR.

The Court met on yesterday at the regular hour 19 o'ciocs. vonsiaerabie oasmcss was transacted none, however of nny general interest, "ProcrprliiifS ou several at tar.hinemp were or dered to be suspended, the defendants having filed their petitions Bankruptcy, this ie in published in tne courier 01 saiuraay jast. Several decrees of divorce were also rendered. The Court adjourned at4 o'olock. BANKRUl'TCV.

Petitions for adjudication in bankruptcy were, on yesterday, mea oy uie louowing panics, viz: John B. Preaton, fromBarien county, li. D. Robertson, from Henry county, G. Y.

Roberts, from Rockport, Henry counfy. Wm. A. Barnett, Louisville. FianciaP.

Neale, Louisville, Warfleld Estes, lrom Adair county. B. SomJinrr. from Tavlor rnnntv. Certificates of dltcharge Irom all their debts, provable -under the bankrupt law, on yesterday erant! to the following parties: Walihce Pope and Charles B.

Sbcppnrd, both' from JcfiVrsou county. is bis for are all sum the gine the ng new Tbe to 01 nv a of To the Editor of tftA Louisville Courier: I have vastly anauBed by reading pathetic aud withal a rather iudijguant re-moustraDce against the. course of the Cotj- biek by A. James optbis city. Tbe eub- lime impudence of the reproof which James administers to you ior your tementy in expressing your opinions, would strike a stranger with astoniahmerit, bnt; one acquainted ivith Frankfort add Frdhkfort people; will rccieve the letter ot Mr.

James as a faint esponant of tbe sentiments, and principles which possess the souls of-tbe residents ol the Federal city. Mr. JameS is lftVor nF eAmn is also an ex-Attorney General of the.State, and what is. of vastly more importance, Mr James is an ex Mayor of Frankfort. He is ut pmcut, LummoQ who nis lenow-citizcns and citizeaesses, engaged in the Leeislatnrp I do not mean that he is a member of that "usual, uuuy, uui mat ue merely pursues the as a proiessioo a source ot Jive-HhOod.

A little observation will teach you that this is tbe main calling of every trian. noumu arm ciiun franiiiort. The Leeis latureis their source of revenue; it is their wjsicr; 11 is tucir iranchise; it is iheir lottery gram, which they claim as a vested right. Hence, when tbe citizens of any otlier section ol Kentucky talk about the removal of the scat of government from Frauk- ion, tne citizens Ol that, nre rai on immn. diatC OUtcrv COmimnnrlcrl nf whmnnnil 1 growl, and talk about an interlereance with vestedfigbts, about tbe depreciation of property, and about driving moneyj capital away In his mostridienlons letter Mr.

nn conBciouBiy and very unwittingly lays bare tbe secret springs which control tbe actions of me people 01 iraukior. Says tbe innocent and indignant Mr. Jones; "Are you aware, Mr. Courier, that Vie agi tation of Vie subject of removal Qf the capital is paralysis lo our city? Money capital avoids investment places of insecurity, jfcur houses are not built; old ones are not repaired, because Vie expenditure may be rendered valueless by an act of the Legislature" There vou have it. all! Wlmfi.

tTip ns nf building new dwelling bouses if we cauuot take the Legislature to board? Where tbe use of repairing old business houses if we cannot sell wbisky to tbe Legislaiuri Alter this candid and practical admission 01 air. james, aeem it unnecessary lor me to enter into arguments to show that Frank fort regards, the Legislature as her soap miue, her oil well, her rich uncle, and her fat hop-. It is said that in Uinciuuati no part of a bog is WHBted; that every portion of the porcine uugget, both external and interual, is utilized by some branch of trade ol that thriving city. While I would by no manner of means compare our Legislature to a hoe-. 1 fomihw struck with ihe similarity which exists in tbe inriiiy peopte 01 umciunati aud the thrifty people of Franklort.

Long practice has en abled them to use up a Legislature to the best possioie aavumage. jso part ot it is wasted. The various offices aDDertnininy in tlm Legislature aud to the State Government coiild ull be rilled by Fraukfortjeople. That tbey arc well qualified is uudisputed, huving all served as pages one time or another, it being undeistood that the male youths of Frankfort arc to be pages iu one ofthe bouees while they are "between tbe ages of six and eighteen years. While it is undoubtedly true that the dices aforesaid are not always filled by Franklort people, it is equally true, and it but just to this enterprising population to I say that they invariabtv make a determined I grab for every office in sight.

jx is rigui amusing 10 an ouisiaer 10 warcn the operations of tbe Franklort peoplo while the Legislature Is in session. The first great business is the distribution of the offices. At first every eligible Frankfort man is a candidate. If he has no chance, then he goes lor brother; then tor his brother-in-law: then his cousins down to tbe fifteenth degree, and lastly and determinedly for some Frankfort mau. The members are met ntthe deDot.

and are skillfully njunipulated according to their habits and tastes. The Mies Nauceys regaled on giuger pop and spiced oysters, wuue ine more iesuveiy-iucimea arc uoseu with strong wbisky and flattery. Little bills, redounding to tbe ultimate profit of Frankfort, are constantly originated and insinuated under the Legislative nose. New institutions are founded, architects, presidents, secretaries, trustees, and clerks, of whom are found ready made in Frankfort. The biennial repairs upon tbe Penitentiary arc now received by Hie x'cople ol Kentucky ad a matter of course.

The nest attempt upon the State Treasury will be presented in tbe form of a bill for an approp IU.UUU iuj iue luipiuvKiiicui ui lut: public buildings. About four hundred thousand dollars will be. asked for at first. That would probably pay tbe commissioners, architect, tbe engineers, the various chain carriers, and probably lay the corner sione ofthe new edillce. Then the State wouldbe compelled to make appropriations at every ior inu uesi twenty yeajd, or lose hat bad already been expended.

A movement is already on foot to pereuado ie Legislature to Durcbase a State fire-en lor the extinguishment of Frankfort conflagrations. Why not? Were not all the buildings here erected for the accommodation ot tbe members of the Legislature? Docs not Mr. James say that Franklort has curred deut tuatcouiu not oe liquidated 7 the sale of all the property in Frankfort. provided the Legislature should be removed? woes nor mc otitic, men, own me rankforl? And why should not Kentucky purchase a 6tcam fire-engine for ibo protection of bur boarding-houses? -Nay, why, should not Kentucky rebuild tbe tenements which have been destroyed by fire, in conse quence 01 tne remisncss ana negligence ot State in not furnishing steam engines? Although there are ostensibly two political parties in Frankfort, tbey are a unit concern- the management ot tucir revenue irom Legislature. All your readers must bave heard of the old Frankfort clique, that once poteut cabal more potential than the mmous Council ot Ten of Venice.

In the zenith of lame and power it was uncompromisingly Whig, but when tbe State went Democratic light burst in upon ihe fcranktort clique, when tbe first Democratic Legislature assembled at found the scattered members of the old clique bound together by ijemoeratie Dona and in lull accord wit tne ipntiments ol tbe State and in a r.irticular manner with tbe sentiments ot tbe Legifcia-ture. During; tbe session of the laraous. "oayouet Legislature" Frankfort organized splendid company of home guards, which w.i armed "vith Linco'n guns. That Lcgislatatf established a military board, composed itininiy of. rankioryncn.

it naa a jjranKiori, my recollection serves me inili- board disbursed, first and last, about six millions of dollars lor the State of Kentucky. members, secretary and clerks of this deiDnct piece of martial lumber, arc now all iJymocraTs, ready to serve me otate man official capacity, or to give jrod advice the members of tbe Legislature. Mr. James in bis letter dwells with unction upon the hospitality of the people ol Frank lort. rney are uospitaoie, anu i nave no ticed with pleasure that whenever the minds the members 01 the Legislature are over worked, and pressed by important measures involving; Franklort interests, that the hospitality of its people is proportionately increased.

Brilliant parties and costly suppers abound, and the narrowing cares oflegisla- rton arc lightened by tbe lively con versation of beautiful and fascinating wo men. The ladies of Frakfort are charming and they understand the delicate baseness of lobbying the Legislature to perfection. They play and sing for the member and dance the Limners with them. Thev submit to have their dresses trod on and torn off at the waist awkward members, wiiu me ouiwaru sweetness and patience of angels. Their sweetest smiles are accorded to the greenhorns who manaee some now 10 oe in every i.egis- lafnre.

and it does not take tbem long to get control ofthe pulpy beads and hearts "and the vicarious votes 01 ims Drancu 01 crartjcnerai Assembly. franklort is always iu for raising the sal aries of its officers and the Dav of tbe mem bers ofthe Legislature. And why not? The inn witn wnicn tne uoyernor approves me bill will not be dry uutil the prices of board will have been raised by tbe various boarding institutions of the Federal city. Those gay parties and elegant suppers serve double purpose, nrst, as powerful legisla tive and, secondly, to be catalogued among tbe list of Frankfort hospitalities, a la A. J.

James. 1 nave tnus euaeavoreu to sKetcn souiu ui tbe -nrominent features of trankforr, as sug gested to me by the remarkable lecture read to'you by Mr. James. There are other traits, equally glaring and Franktortish, which must he reservea ior another letter, Fbankfort, Jan. 6,1868.

Funeral ol a Prominent Cherokee. Capt. James MeDaniel, late of the 2d Indian regimcut. United Stales volunteers, died ou Saturday, the 1st instaut, of oueuma- uia. after an illness of three days.

He was a member ot the delegation of Cberokees at present iu this cny on business tor tbe Cher okee nation. Capt. MeDaniel was among the hrst ot his people in the late war to declare bis preterence ior tho united amies, una served with great credit to himself in tbe army until the close of tbe war. He waa one the delegation 01 tue "jortnero oaero-kees" who made the treaty of 1860, annulling all distranchisinrr and confiscating en actments of the Cherokee nation, whicb, followed by the wise aud conciliatory administration of the prcseut chief. Col.

Lewis Downing, has resulted In bringing about a siitie 01 peace anu utiruiuuy umuug wni jjw pie not known tor two hundred and sixty The corpse to the Congregational Cemeterv. preceded by a company of sol diers, and ibllowed "by considerable number 01 carriages. iauonai lniciugcnccr. The New York correspondent ot the Philadelphia Ledger says: A strong pressure is being brought to bear ou tbe National Democratic Committee in favor ot holdiug the Presidential Convcutiou iu this city, and you must not be surprised should it be succcssiul. August Belmont says ihe Western Demucrats who have been in correspondence with him ou the subject are in favor of Cincinnati or Louisville, but.

that it New. York insists upon it they will offer no opposition. George Washington died in 1709, aged sixty-eight. Aaron Burr's arrest on a charge of treason waa in 1807. He killed Hamilton in a duel in 1801.

HedtedinlSSG. 1789, Carroll, of Maryland, was consecrated ihe first Catholic Bishop iu America. tbe in aud the jj J. ARRIVAI.S-Ftbruary 7. DKPARTURES-Fcbrusry 7.

None. BOATS IN POUT. Richmond, Portland. Louisville, Portland. Nick Lonswoith, Portl d.

Anisrica, city wbart. I'inK yaiDlccitywnarf. Mnt AnriM-tinn: whartlPrant pArtrnnri -k. niiau. omc ciijr WQUn.

MarTDavage.ciQrwharf.- MaryErwln, city wharf. CiNrm)ATT Feb 7. River faUen.nme,inChcfl. River lull, of heavy Weather clear; thermometer 23 deg. was down to 19 deg.

tbis morning. Navigation Still Suspended. The Rrvtn is steadlfr recemnfr. witn 4i6 lent wnipr in tho rsnnl last evening, by the mark. The weather continues clear, and waa.

freezing cold all day yesterday, the uivruiuuicLer iu iuu uiorutu kj, ana at OU in tne evening. The mercury in the baromefer was slightly shrinking in the evening, but rising in the morning. The navigation of the river now wholly suspended, with not a sinslc arrival or drn.irtiii jesterday from any point, and no ice running. In iront of the upper wharf and the falls the river is open and clear of ice, and the Jefferson vi He ferryboats were making their regular trips unobstructed. At Pittsburg and Cincinnati navirmf inn ens.

pended, with very intense cold weather at the former port. The mailboat United from tbis uort. had arrived at Cincinnati, nnd nr. 1 The underwriters at that port have prohibited iuu uciiaiMiii. ui uuam nil ill mc mo Ult-aupcara.

The river is gorged or blocked wilh ice at a polut below six milo island, i om the pumpkin patch up to twelve mile ialand, and we learn mat peucsinans last evening crossed the river 01 tue ie. uuuureos 01 nnv ana men ivirnL-ntinrr on the ice on the river buween the tow head aa tbe Kentucky shore. At tne neaa 01 tne canal extending over to the fianu toe river lean irzen over, nut in the r.a- nal there is but very little ice, and the present weather is barely hard enough to make new ice. The low etage of the river is as much tbe cause ofthe suspension of navigation as the Ice. The latter accumulates on the shores and the bars, and iu the narrower passes it accumulates aud chokes tbe passage, or "orres.

Tr is now gorged at two or inree points oelow the falls, with no possible chance tor boats to get through eitner to or irom jivansvtue. By aispatch from Capt. Gilmore, at Hawesville, we learn that the ice has trorgeditt Horry's bar. below Cloverport. Communications bv river are now rom.

pletely cut off, and a rise is requisite for a resump- head waters with rain. A general thaw it is thought will make a river, as thei-e is a vast accu- uijuuii vi lto niuug uui: nr UUUKg. tThe Emutre. from Memnliis. rcahint the channel ot tbe lower Ohio, hnner.

avails vi ue, lucre aic uui uier eignt ICCt Water. and the river laiung last, with no rise in any of nit, iuuci inuiiiaiim, uui icpuiicu Ub lajllUg, BOU tbe Wabash scaled with The Indiana Dam ag tc Claims Adjosted Entire Lobs Less than $25,000. Yesterday mornin? Capt. J. S.

Neal, ot ihe Richmond, was in receipt of a special dispatch- from New Orleans that the salvage claims and all damages to the Indiana had been a- cided by arbitration. Capt. John Cannon, of tbe Robert E. Lee, was awarded $5,500 Tor hie services in relieving the boat and cargo from her Eerilous position on the sand bar or reel at the ead of island 102. The other losses were supposed to be $12,625 on the corn thrown overboaid, aud $5,000 on the tobacco, making a total loss of $33,535 on boat and cargo to be assessed under tbe general average rule customary in all cases oi ilver or marine losses.

The Indiana was full- freitrbted from thin nnrt. and tbe lower Ohio wilh produce for New Orleans, the chiefilems of her cargo b'eintr corn in and tobacco in hogsheads. Some 300 hbds of the latter, valued at $25 per hud, and 6,000 sacks ol corn, were thrown overboard when the boat ran on the bar. The corn belonged to H. Verboeff, of this city, and to Mr.

Sullivan, of Evaneville, or Mount Vernon, the coru having been shipped at tbe latter point, aud tbe tobacco irom Henderson. This loss ie much less than had been anticipated, and is a great relief to tue The Iudiana is again in full repair and laveg I New Orleans this (Saturday) evening for Louisville with a good trip. tfff-The Evansvllle Journal, of Thurfiday, reports the arrival ofthe St Cnarles at that port on Wednesday, at -10 o'clock, bound for New Orleans. iThe New Orleans papers, of Thursday, learn by the arrival of the fiose Pranks, from Soreveport, ihat there were4Jtf feet water at Alex andria, and tailing fast; also, only a feet water on tbe flats and in tbe lake. By'the arrival of the W.

B. Dance, from Camden, we learn that the Ouachita lell 3 leet during her stay at Camden. (jaS'-Tho Cairo Democrat, of Thursday, baa the following: The 'ireat Republic arrive" at 9 P.M.TueRdav. with about BOO tons of freight. She dlschargei her cargo here, and returns to Orleans.

"The river at Cairo ie clear oficeand falling fast. tg'-Tbc steamer Anna White was cut down by ice at St. Louis on Thursday. Sfte Is insured Cincinnati and Covington offlc for $5,000. The Florence Traber.

recently sunk in Arkansas river, is injured in Cincinnati lor 512,50052,500 each in tbe Enterprise, American, Central, Union, and Ohio Valley offices. Tne Emperor, from Cincinnati, arrived at Memphis on Thursday, and the Clifton departed for Cincinnati wilh 1,700 bales cotton. SSTThc Empire broke a wrist ol one engine knocked out a cylinder bead on her late trip, and repairs at Evausvilie. Legal Tender returns tu New Orleans from-Evansvilie. SgyTbe Laurel Hill got aground below Evans-villc and was pulled off by tbe St.

cnarles. "The Cinclmati Commercial of yesterday has following: The mall steamer United Gtatca, bound from Louisville lor Cincinnati, with a largo cargo. Including 700 bales cotton, grounded at War-aw yestcrd uiwrn-Ior. and al one time was in danger breaking in two. Captain Whiten having telegraphed here lor assistance.

She finally succeeded In working off without niutcrl-1 damage. The cold weather made ice fast yesterday. Seviral steamers preparing to deiiavt were prevented from lcavlnc iw the underwriters, throuehj.heir Surveyor, Captain wm. Pierce, notifying them tbey consid- SCALES, BEAMS, CHARLES ZAON. ADAM BE! BOLD.

C. ZAHN CO. Manufacture all kinds of PLATFORM. HAT, STOCK and COUNTED ijRASa ana IronBcamp. Trucks Steamboat and arehouse Trucks, 01 an sizes k.4S) wrsi ninin Street, between "eleventh and Twelfth, nrttartitn.

ti 1- (iplS rienriitn Looms for Weaving Face Side Up. rpHE Brldf6burc Manutactutine Co. are prepared to furnish their new improved Looms for caving goods lace Bide up. also offer their well known Cotton and Woolen Machinery, inciudinc their 5KW SELF-ACTING MULES tor wool, at reduced prices. Address iNO.

to,) norm roui aimci, a ujiuuuipum, i a. lalHtuswim NO. 40 MARKET STREET. Two doors above rriniS establishment has just been opened with a ee. snlces.

Ruear. will be sold 'it price's ae lowas at anv other establishment of ibis kind In Louisville. Customers may rely won the "enulnc articles, ns the stock is entirely new. The patronage of tbe public is respectfully solicited. VlLLIAM Si.

DALY, Proprtor. Warranted Genuine WE have direct agency lrom mo importer, ano keep supplicd-witb a large stock, which, as IreMit Is nDxt to notliine on tnis article, we are now authorized to-sell at New York prices. II. W. fel dtf LouiBVtlle.

Ky. TAILORS. fe CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 68X THIRD STREET, Between Main and Market, WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public thai he has lust received his FALL AND WTNTbiK GOODS, ir, all desirable Btyles, to which runnKirnll; Invite the attention of his friends and customers to give him ft call, whose orders Ior cioitjingne win kihu auu "jsrttV nroraDiuesB, at ion Miss Julia Stone WILL receive pupils ou PIANO and GUITAR. Enqutr-- at her residence, lo.

Jl Broadway, between First jind Second. iaVtaeodia1 COXE COLT ART, COMMISSION -MERCHANTS, HTJNTSVILLE, AUA. ATO cbaree ior drayage, as cars run in the yard by a private switch. Insurance at lowest rates. Kef- urence Messrs.

uranaeis urawiuru, liuuiaviiio no'J dlawSm CHEAP FURNITURE! AS wfl will remo onr stock on the 1st ot January to the north side of street, one door east of I- llUl Street, anu, iBuraeriuiniuw tun vi removal, ivo offer our enttro stock at greatly reduced prices unui mat aaic. Dicfcinsofl, Beimett NO. d12 deodtf 180 MAIN STREET. Jno. W.Huglics Co, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, tmatarl in them, snch as bnvinsr and sallinc real estate ana omer proyerij ivuliuki twuei.i'B not! WALLACE'S Grate Patented Nov.

12, 1S67. WE arc fully prepared to set grates with this rfirfiil improvement. Tbis nntrnt. irrntn will sumeless fuel and throw out more heat than' an; rtihpr nfttent crate known. It ischcar.

durable handeom'e. Patent riht lor sale. Call and examine No. 03 JcflersoB street. noSSdeodtf between Thi-t and Fourth.

H.P.BrUDSUAW. C. J. CLAHEB IT, CO. ARGBITtlCTS, NortheaM Corner Blnin mid Bnllilt Sitrvctn noMdSiu OAEK OITIZENSBAK.

mil i iv, mini! II four Anchor Brand. i Fourth street, Cincinnati. O. -FOUR ENEKGETIO AGENTS- ib-tfor rollard'a great OTS LilBUTKXAKTS. 'I ll IB la tin r-nlif i non- worn, repiete will i- most -lutsroatinir Tacts never before publfcied.

and l'orinliit ivilh the "Lost Cansi." olete library of the wai ij mu siaic nuuior, a coui- fciuiu; uescripuve circu- -Ubble. publiBlier, 'JOS Main Btrect. corner Sixth. Lotit*vnie. itv.

WANTED AGENTS For THE GRAY ATJfi imw. Tnb'V ivj.ii Vdiinnr AND DIED FOHTllltlP with nnrt ofllfe in the confederacy the spiciest and cheapest wnrbooonbiished. t'riionly $3 per copy. Caution-Some of our agent have taken advantage "i thegreatpopularitvaad larce size ot this work to ratpe the prlc- to SI per copy. The public are hereby notified that tbey have no right to charge more than Joes bribers lain dlmAirim Cincinnati, uhto.

BOARDI'fiHC. Address H. A KD-BO ii-ntlciuan nnd I his Will; in ni in Ux li-i nnt in. yean; old; preters from Kixl'lj to Ninth street. Address No.

iffll West Mniu ft.f utivwuu acventn nna tiRhtn. rt'S cfi' FOIt. HE Furnished front and hack ro'oii With or witl.nnl. hicirii: tuhln Apply at No. XtlO West Walnut, between Fourth ami rum.

icjab ceo nu no dated with fine rooms aud board at Irom wceK; nlno. day boa.dcrs. at Second treot, between Chestnut and Broadway, tei deodS BOA II IN tl Comfortable rooms ior families 01 for slnplc gentlemen, with good boarding, mav be nad at No. 4 East Walnut, between Flist and Sec-smi urcets. A lew table boarders also can be accommodated.

jyic deodtf BOA It I) I NU A well furn'shcl front room for rent, wlt.h hniird at 5 ner wpilt nn.i cludi-djalso a' few day hoarders at jcasonaole rates, i -in tigiitn kl neiween brayson ami walnut. tca'iG "inn board can be ac- M.1rlr.-t r'nti iavo room, lire and Hirhtd all funiishpd nt S7 dpi- week. $3 per week for dny tioardcrs. no25dtf ix-st anl cheauc-t boardmc-L'irns' HeMnnrant IhIVtiImI Market. Three meal liekcis for si.

or fnr Sir, KimH board, and meal hours to suit t'ie puhilc. dtf FOR SALK-COUwTRy. cfly. Apply to HULL 115 Second street, nan jeuerson. ire uti Blooiulngtou, or lo exchange for poor's.

For pan leu- m. U'mui, wooni'iisfin, or mo, DSTOWNFROP.CR'l I fnr sale uiv lions and lot in BafilRtmcn. It. ih large and handsome brick, containing rnoiua and mini me rooms are leeiwjuaiu, wun nigu ceit-inas: there are, also, a mcat-aonse. hen-house, stablf earn and crib; also, an excellent well and cistern.

1 be lot contains a traction over an acre, with an Iron fence in rout, and vmd snnnlled -with shade irees. I will also sell between 150 and 175 crc-ofland lylmr two uill-s iron Barilat-jwn. on lilnom- lleld road. Th" land Is level, and ciinri ottiit, nf tuiLivauun iucit aiuauuuiiu acres I iinionr set grats. There is a two-story brick bouse on the uiuu uki biyie, uui snubt-intiai; iiieo.

an excellent oarn. Any one aesinnz 10 purcnase cttuer or oath, iii ujjpiyu vue unuertjigneu, at uaruetown. COX. IjF DAVIS COUNTY FAKM-Situated on uie uarojnsDurir. roao.

in me i containing Ml acres, all under lence. and about SI acres in eulllvaiion 1 10 fn eras': nlcnrv nt nnvp falling water; good i mi' rove men ts, coiittsting ot dwelling house, I rooms below, 3 aoov; abiinduut room for storing hay and ioHaeco; corn ribalor hnsfuik earn, iee-honse. earrlaire-honse. Llteiien. irv and conveuiem out nouses: anr oeariii! t.rpi'B- niirf.

nlso. Iriiltsof vnriont ottnr l-lnil. Trio aiov property will be sold in whol-'or in parccis tv purcuasers. ror lerms apiuy to me on tue prem or to T. C.

McCuerv. in Owcnsboro. to G. II. Cochran or J.

F. Snned. in Louisville. TRf'S. S.

SPE-D. feC deodlni COUNTY eoui.iin- 1711 ac.rpR. nil in r.nlTintionr irnnd suhKliiiittiil dwelling house and satiable ouLbuildings; best nfver-faj ing water, sood garden spot; on ag orchard, and other fruit irees. The above place is con venient, lw bcuoois, null is (Rvirauiu ano connoi ttiDie home. For terms of sale or rent nnnlv to J.

Mulr. Bar-stown. or J. K. Speed, of Louisville, or iiusclf iiaviw county, inus.

f. artnoi. ico aeoaim COUNTRY RESIDENCES-f have Ecvera nue conmrv anu cruiv in proveu larnis id mis coimiy iur saie. Jipp.y at no Center street. IB 1'.

W. RAYS. 'JaSI ilgin FOR SALE HOT L-'flio old and reliable City Hotel, situated in tie town of Shelbyvllle, Illinois, and on the T. R- toirethi-r with all fixtures uppeitatnlrg To Also, slables, out houses, horse and ms. This house Is a No.

1 hucinese. Trims icasiniabie. Call on dress DUCh.i.ii,tTopnetor. jalfi dim HOUSE AM) LOT lu Eminence. Ky.

House lai Kv. House large and commodious, uitabl-' either boardln'ilionac or privtc dwelling. Terms niadeca'y. Apply lo J. li.

Uiiiisjtii Ly. IJOIt SA IjE BY W.FiUCHES li ni Estate Agent, M). between Second i n. ra suceip: small tract oi (9 all under fence, (rom tlie city, on the Cane Run tm npike, acres well-Improved-laud, i miles from the city, ostly cleared and undci tence. acres.

11 miles 1 om lie cllv: GO acrci cleared and good fence; comloi table house, jood barn, acre? ot lltuDer. acres, miles below tne city, near the Ohio coiufortaole house. and Improvements fair. farm of 50 acres, adj lining tue above, with good provcmenls; land all good nunllly. acres on the Ohio il' er.

6W miles below the city; good orchards, but no house. acres ot well-improved land on the Jeflcrsouvlllc ludianapol lta.lroad. 28 miles from JcU'erson-' e. acres Improved laml at me Ohio river, 12 miles elow the city. acres on the Ohio river, yt miles below the ofSalt river; 00 atres cleared; balance in good timber.

acres, 3 miles from Rllzahethlown, on the rou the Padueali Hailroad. acres. -1 mjles from the eitj; all under fence; 10 Id timber, balance cleared. acres, 5K miles from town; all cleared and undci no huildlrjis. acres cleared hind, nnled irom the city; all under no buildings.

acres highly-improved laud.n the Newburi: road mfles'from the city. acres cieaicd land, In Todd county, near Elk ton. on Grayson, bet. Twenty filth andTweuty-sixlh, feet. i-ot on Jeffprsou street, bet.

Twenty-flfth and Tw n-ty-slxth, 1 0x210 feet. House and lot on Walnut, bet Fourteenth and Lif-teenth; lot 30x200; house hu 7 rooms. "OxOJ feet ou Ward street, between Fifth aud Sixth treets. iall OR -X'llANCiH-FAUM-For improved property, an improve! tarm.ll from the city, on the Preston-street road. Apply West Jefferson street, to J.

G. WILSON. delOdtf -A FINE FARM In miles west of Lonisviuc, near uane nun uni uuuu i ij uuuaca stables ou the premises; thirty or thlrty-flve acres timocr. Terms easv part cash and ualauce on orwould exchance tor cliy property. Apnlv to

(Jrawfnrd Sale's, o. iihO Main Louisville. no5 dtf 'OR S.A I. LAND 17f acres Of lid. infles of the Court-house.

If desirab' -w ttlnn 2 'ft will smallec nan title. Annlv to UK. COtlUK-VNE. IW Sixth street, or II. L.

POPE. Mechanics' nolOdtt FOR RENT -piX RY I7oTt REKT OR A LE IIVNES nOI'EL, Bnrdsiown, miles fnun Louisville by rail pike. Excellent, brick house, uewlv tl ted and ted outride and in; pleasant and shady location; rooms, nice balls aud p.jrc'ies. bar-room arid fixtures, large cellars, serv.iuts' rooms, and oul-hou-es: stable with SO otalls, carriimc-liouse. cow lot, Garden, cistern, and well: Icc-hotise.

filled. BOWLES BARBOUR, Ileal Lstatj Agents. 7S street, ft 5 dtf L'OR KENT AMER1CN HOTEL, ATLAN GA. Our lease on the above house will exidn NTA, Ire on lain oi next, anu, as we nave niatu other business arrangements, win sen our lurniturc. Dar iix-tnres.

bll lard tables, and remainder of lease, at a reasonable 'irlce. The house can lie rented front the owners for one or a teim of yrars; is the best located In the city, and has an tahli hod bu-liies. on. or eorrespond with us, at Atlanta. Georgia! WHITE WHI t.OCK.

I Sdlin KkUI COW-Ab a stray, by A. v. Geoplie-JL gan, living on the Salt river pifcfe, the 13 tulle Jctlerson county, on the 15fti one red with the following marks: Halt crop in lcfr ear swallow fork In the right and supposed lobe ten years old bur having no brand or other marks, and which appraised bv T. B. Greenly at Witness my hand if lreh day ot Juuuarv.

lisffij i'lHI-IPT. C. feii dl PBLJJALES. "junction Nnmhor of in tbf f'itv ol' Uiiflirip. (State lii.e,' Ket.tncky), Sain nt Public Auction on eimcHiiny, ueo.

1 inns, rWiLLsell without reservation, at public auction, a number of lots in this desirable locality. These arc on elevated eround, easy of access at all sea- nf vir- null lire shnnleil In 'I cnmnv Kentucky, at'the junction of lourimportant rath ods Memphis iirancn 01 ine auu jNasnviiie Memphis, Clirksville aud Louisville, Edgefield ant lreiitnekv. and Evansvllle and Henderson ltallroaris- combining more railroad faclllth's than any other point in tne Diaiu. 11 ih 10 ue rut: pmce. 'riipre.

1r now erected nt this noint an enime linnsn scveral stoics and other business houses, and the. probabilities arc inat wncn tne iRciutu, ncnacrsoji tncky each 01 the above roads will erect machini shops at this point, because of the faenitlcs for cheap fuel. If. is the nlace where all the mails stop, coming 01 going from the North. South.

Ea-l and -Vest wnere pa-sengers for the different routes change 1 ars. To tne mcrclunt, t-. mechanic, ami all bnsines1 men. as well as the capitalist, this place offois ran inducements for investment. Then, come 'nc! come and buy a bargain, as I am detet mined tosrll.

Tifpu line. third eiisli. the balnncu In one and vears. with intcirut, and lieu returned until the pur chase money fs paid, fedeodi W.F.lUBIt. Public Sale of Henry Coun ty Land.

WILL sell on the '1th day ot February, if not viniK-VKriM mv fsmi nl 1 sitps i in meil 1.11 el the t-rnnlilort and Lexincton Kaitroao, imu a nine ot ine ueiieview Depot or nun urine P. -ii in-rns in -rood lint her- 15 acres in irlli nil ileerlnitnii nnc ertiild wish? I m-re in utraw- L. ucn.i in rfiTiPK nit In full linnHn frnil nil under a young hedge icncc: balance of farm in a good siatc 01 cultivation; guuu new cut. age, uam, lev hnnsi- nnd nil tiPrpssnrv I will also sell, on the sarardAr, all m-stockr farni- ing implements, nousenoiu ann kiicqcu lurniiure. 1a33dl5 THOS J.HU TCHBEON NEW FIRMS.

otart ership I HAVE this day admitted as partners nesa Mr. II. Blrdwhifitelt. rtias. and Thos.

.1. Check. The business will hereafter be conducted under the style aua name of It. S. Hnckncr o.

ja 1 aa 1 nil it. t'tjoivrte. Cliavlestoix IXotel CnARLESTOV, S. C. THE nndersisned rcspectlXilly informs his friends 1 and the traveling public he has taken charge of the above well-tnownfirr and rctlt'Cd 11 la an its ucparuiieius.

The celebrated artesian water baths, hot, cold, am I'oacbesrnn to and from all railroads and steamers, with attentive porters. The patronage of the navel- jug punuc is rcspciiuii3 toiicueii. jatfidlt Anciit, Proprietor KASilVILLK, TJENNESjS-EE. ow in tull ail'! successful opera, ircsem ninnncer. who nas connected Withlhe houc since ita first oncninz t--1 most comfortable, chcerlul nnd lively hotel Nashville.

My old iricuds and the traveling public JB31 dim W. A. JONEgt. Cleansing- Privies. I AM now prepared to contract for cleansing pldiirtvlesor.dtKeingnewoncs.

Orders left. in RlatBAt the nil between Ttdrd and Fourth, or at the'Board ot Henlth Room, TUOS. T.lllCliEr. lease nle, over ao 1 shal 1If eery VV eratie a7 ject mon at t7 cision held. 1SBS.

"7" ON SATURDAY EV K.MSG. Feb. B. will ba acted for the ltst fim? ihp rlrnn, nt TTVul-S BJJf5 GASLIGHT. Mitfnee this aifernoon-fjnder the QaZ light.

Monday First night of Nobody's Child. DICKENS CLUB Granfl Parlor Entertainment WEISIGER HALL, For the benefit ol tbo LouisYiUcidows' Orphans' Home Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday Nfehts, FKHU HA KY 1 1, 12, Kcwnuil Beautiful Tnbk-nux nnd Sranmry. Sew SSccnCK from Dicheiiw, Sew A cti tie Ballndn. New HouAsnnd Jlrtrches. linugrellnvr t.oldcu ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR.

Doors otieu at 6 curtain will rUp it iisely. Children under 12 years of age, half price. Tickets tor sale nt tbe nrtneinal liniile nnri stores, at Green Green's, and at J. Sues'. fe5 dtfelli BOWtWG GREEIV SPKIXG RACES OVER THE I.0CUST COURSE, Will commence Tuesday, June 16th, 1868, And Continue Four Days.

A RweeiiFta JX never wo bj Bweenstako tor 3 year old cotts and fillies that luimiw, entrance, piuy 01 nay.wiui bv the Assoelation. MllornMitu Kimmn and close 1st ot April, a or more to fill. A vwepptake for i year olds, two mile heats, $50 entrance, piay or pay. with added bv the Association, to close 1st of April, 8 or more to rill. n.

unit-tia, ami uiauu niiun ill UUB time. EiLLIl fillE Mil Host ti ii i-a ii uud Bui- the market affords. Lunch THE VARIETY SHOW Opens at i. perfoniianrcs commence al a. wh nv.

ifiinuu iinusireib complete, uesi ot oruer Kei'i JTEAMBOATS. KKGULAK PACIiET FOI! Utica, Westpoit. llcthlchcui Cnrloi'. STEAMER DOVE, SO. 2.

Tl'FSDAV Leavef for Louisville i-vrrv MOV- AY, WEDNESDAY and FBI DAV at a. si. or lrclcl*t or passage apnlv on board or to no JUDGE 1 1 KOIiSEK, AgnnU. Louisville nnd reen Kivcr Packet Conipn- uv'h apiciuuu ateanmr FALLS CITY, VANMETEK, -E. Clerk faa weaves iouisvnie every canesuay at Fjm N5 T.

li. Leaves Howling Green everv dg.WiwLiitoSatar'i ay at 10 a m. dtf H. C. UltKKI.L, I-rest.


tucludlncr meals and stnte-room dollar less than by railroad.5 One ol tbe new and epleoidld double-decked palace eteamert. itlF.inil4 D. Master. MTEI CA Master, Will leave dally at i o'clock v. making s-ure cunn- ctlolis al Clncinna'i wilh ail the rariv inoiulng trains or iiii EBtern p.Uies.

Ttir bo.itu ol Ih in line lu ncnuu- mudation excel Uiosc of Hie Easi or West. Ticket-. sh'o nd dHgsitgc cocckcI on ooarri Ki-pouils East. Tin' above boats l'avc fro.u tuu rom- paiiy haifOoat, toot ol llilrds miu dtf Arcni. ular Kentucky Itivor Piichel.

STEADIER WREN, AM. SANDEKS, Master G. M- WOODS, Ch-rk. every Wednesday at 3 o'clock 1. m.

Leaves Louisville every Saturday Woodford. Oregon, and bakers" Ferry ut 'clock p. m. For ireicht aud pas age ajiply to vV funstt, dcc24 dtf No. 44 Fourth t-t bet.

Main and Kiver. RAILROADS. Louisville and Nashville Railroad. er notice. train-) on Ihe Memphis Branch, between Bow i Greev and State Line, will rim onlV tn connection with thetrains leaving Lonis villi at t-TJO a.m., and train anivlng at I mifsville at r.

ai. The train leaving Bowling Gre-n. runnlnc: in connection with the (rain (caving Louisville at tt.KI p. and arriving at Louisville at 4 a. has beendii continued.

ALlthRT FINK. feS General Superintendent. NASH ILLS AND MEMPHIS LOUISVILLE RAILROAD LIWS. asm fX and after JANUAIiY 5, 1SCS, trains will i ae follows: Leave Louisville Arrive at a. 4A) Arrive at Meiunhis i.

U. l. Trains leave Nash villi lor Cbattauoofiu and Atlanta at ItOO P. M. aud 5:30 a.

for Decatur ami llunta-vllle at 7:00 P. M. and 5:10 a. ji. ileepimr Cars accompany an uiaLI trains.

Kimvtillr Branrli train leaves Louisville io7 Lebanon, llanvlllo, and Crab Orchard, ecu ncctliitr by stase all important poin' i in bouth eastern Kentucky. BardntowTi train leaves Louisville at p. m. TheC30p. m.

train iorKashiIIe and Memphis run? daily; the 8:30 a. m. train dally, except Bardstown ano n.noxviue urauen ar'i centSnnday. ALUc-Kl 6 dtf General Sui-t- L. and li.

K. Jeffersonville, Madison, and Indianapolis Railroad. The Only All Kail Koulc to Ihe Lnt' INortti and tVcfrU I PASSENGERS takiu-r this route nrrlve in caderc cities 11 hoars iu advance ol those takin-; L. a. mail boat same day.

Trains leave and arrive at Jeffersonville dtpot (1 mediately opposite Louisviuej as ioiioh Depart. 5:00 a. except SundAy 1:40 P. oat-irduj and Sunday. 4:00 P.

dally. 9:45 P. at- dally. Arrive. p.

exeentSunday Baggane chucked tbronzh to all principal poiuts. Elecant sleeping cars on all ntsht trains. For cotidensed throueh lime tables and connection; see small bills, and call at company's office, corner o' TMrd and ila.n Lon.svlfc General JAMES FEKK1EE, General Ticket Aseni Jeffersonville. Ind. Jan.l.lS68.

Il'i Louisville, Cincinnati Lexington RAILROAD. -vN AND AFTEI1 NOVEMBEll 5, trains will iuna follows: Leave Louisville at 6:00 o'clock a. 2:00 and 4:15 r. h. Arrive al a.

11:00 A. and 7:00 v. m. :30 trnint. connect ChnetlansburB GILUSupt H.

WOODS MBOUBOH. w.r.p S.BJUTH. B. itABON. MASON SMITH1 Wholesale aud KeteU Dealers in OOAL! No.

1S5 THTED Street, KaetBlde, between Jefferson and Ureeu-OTParllonlar attention Hi van to order, to rH ISAAC OBOMIE WUolesnlo and Ketrdl ler in Best Pittsburg and YougMogUenj 0A.L. ORDERS promptly filled at the lowest market rates' and of the best duality of coal PIANOS! X. con an ROSEN, PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS Martet oortli side, bet. Steth aud scrcnth. A.OUiSVlI.I.E.

KY- -Mr-r Ar, awortracnt o. tMJ -H; sTTFS lStt3otorcliw. -r- CO0Sd LOCAL ODDS AND ENDS. CSSThcTC Jb to be a meeting of the liadicale at Turner Hall to-night. Btage between Bloomfie'd aud Sam- uela' Depot will reattme its trips on the 1st of March.

Alarse fruit crop Ib predicted next eeaeon, Tbas far all kinds of fruit have been exempt lrom damage by cold weather. i horses and a cow, belonging (o John B. Hatfield Son, were "burned to death In their plable, at New Albany, on Wednesday night. of the bcerandale brewers of our city will take place at Brobm's Exchangeto-morrow at 2 o'clock, r. at.

IXIubcrB Station has been recognized as a regular and permanent one on the Lonlevilleand Naphville railroai by thedircctory. "1 1 ie generally the temperature of the weather, that the giound hog did see hie shadow on Candlemas day, and retreated to bin hole. proceedings ol tueBrewcrs' Conven- tion would have appeared io yesterday's Courier bnt for the failure of another office to furnish 8 a prooi-snp. learu that th -peach and crops, which arc ranch (be (endcrcat at this season of the year, have been but silently injured by, the stormy wlieatbcr of the past month. Tne loss is estimated to be not over ten per cent.

A rumor was circnlatcd yesterday that the body of Judge Monroe bad been found on GooBe island, but it proved false. No tidings have as yet been beard of the unfortunate gentleman. Mr. Joseph Watts, formerly of Paducab, bat now ol the firm of W. C.

Watts of Liverpool, came over on the Siberia, from Eng land, and passed through our city yesterday, on his way to sec his relatives in South Kentucky. The examinations of applicants for positions as teachers in onr public schools continued yesterday. A large number of young ladles presented themselves as candidates some of whom have times past been In affluent circ*mstances. EBAllthc treaties on the Bards town road have been renewed, the engine repaired, and the train makes prompt time every day. This road Is do ing a fine bnsfaees both in (ae way of passen gers and freight.

"SyTbe report of the dircciorB of the Indiana State prison at Jcffcrsonvillc for Ihe paBt year, show an excess of $12,328 19 in expend Ltnres over the receipt? ol the institution; This is somewhat better than the year pr.viouK, "Horse thieves are freely operating in the Dorder counties of this State aud Indiana. They have thus far been very successful in eluding' the vlgilanceof the officers and citizens. It is ruiite evident that an organized hanj are Committing these robberies. several days past we have noticed an unusual number of strangers in our city, most of whom are en route East to pnrcbaEe.their spring stocks. We would euggeBt to our rural friends theadvantages offered by our whoelesale eslabliiih-ments.

They might profit by calling upon them, and save a long and expensive journey. US The College-street Mission, under charge the Presbyterians of our city, is prospering. The prospects arc vepy favorable for building up large Mission Sabbath school nnd church. On last Sabbath there were preueut 101 children, be- efdes a large Bible class of adultB. Dr.

Humphrey, together with the ciders and congregation, labo. ing with great zeal and efficiency In this good work. Difficulty and Accident. A difficulty curred yesterday between Frank Rankin ana" John Barnes, which led to the arrest, of the former. As Officer Beach was conducting Eankin jail, the prisoner reals ted him, on the corner Sixth and Jefferson.

The officeriu the struggle threw Rauklu to the ground, knocking his knee out of place. The case will be investigated before the City Court this morning. Fine. At about o'clock yesterday morning alarm of fire was sounded from signal box No. It proved to be iu two cottages on Magazine street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth Btrects.

of them is owned by a German and the other by a colored man named Bob Gay. They were damaged to the. extent of about $300. The engines were on band, and prevented entire destnction of (he properly. Postal Matters During tho mouth of Janu a new poBtoffice hasbeen established called Brooklyn, in Butler county.

The following Kentucky offices have beau dis continued: McLeod's station, iu Logan county; Henderson; Hazlc Green, in Wolf; and Orchard, in Lawrence. Charleston (III.) Courier comes to us greatly improved in appearance, having doniJed entire new dress. We are glad to see thiB evidence of prosperity, and hope it may continue. Major Miller has retired from tho firm, and the paper is now owned and edited by Messrs. I.

N. Underwood and E. B. Buck. t2TWhen they went to look for Mr.

Woench, drew the great prize in St. Lonis, they found in bed with his own wile. Mr. Woench, being now ricb, may be able to stand that disclosure in St. Lonis, but suppose he lived in Chicago! Real "Estate The following arc the transfers of real estate in LotiiBvllIe and Jefferson county from the 31st of January, 186S, to tie Gth of February, 166S, Inclusive Northern Bank of Kentucky to James nmmons, un acres, jeuerson county.

Kv S11.000 00 Charles N. Crn, Sr. to Charles N. Corri, oy 2UU leet, aeventn street, oe-tween Gravson and Walnut 00 Lewis to Prec 11a Prewitt, 43 acres roods -Ai peicnes, Jeuerson county, Kv 5,505 00 Hannah Frankel lo B. SlioenHeld, -27 by UIKJ leer.

Mancct atreet, Between. and Tenth 6,000 00 4,000 00 Levi to WUHani-P. Conrad, 30 by 105 leet, nortneast corner runereenin una Market Btreets William T.Hamilton to Fred Hunsinger, as acres, dtnarson 3, 200 00 Theo. G. Shaw to Frederick W.

Mahl. 80 by 900 feet, Chestou', between Floyd and Preston H. Uord to T. L. Alexander, 90 acrcB, Jefferson county, Ky B.

Sberridan lo Mary E. La Rue. 2S bt 8,000 00 3,000 00 101 icet, Eighteenth street, but ween Grayson too Walnut William Welle to Charlotte Fucub, 21 by 560 00 iiu teet.LoeBtnut street, Between nan- twii Jumes Callahan to B. Songitli, 22 00 oy fiio leet uroaaway, Between itinin and Tenth 2,300 00 John Hehl to George by 180 leet i nira sireer, unnEoy suuaivi- sion of Bullitt's addition 3,750 00 Tyler to k. urmconeid, 0 to by Tin feet on Maple street W.

Latue to Edward Garritty, 28 by 2,911 11 iui o-i mei wo taireei, ue-tween Gravson and Waluut 1,800 00 Isbam Henderson to Mary McNamey, cast nan 01 lot sso. in square range 2. CamnbeU's west addition 1,800 00 Northern Bank of Kentucky to Henry itautenuuacn, wj ny iou itser, on rii-tcenth street, between Grayson and Walnut. 1,801 00 CI1B.S. Venable to John Detcben.

21 by Po leet on rrestou street, Detwecu Main and Market 1,500 00 ShoenQuld to Hennas Frankel, 20 by Si4 on uanco*ck street, oecween Mbai-son and Walnut 1,500 00 G. Minor E. D. Standiford. 20acres in Jeuerson countp, Ky 1,300 00 w.

u. Ji. ugiesoy, to vranK a. Aim, 17V acres in Jefferson conntv. Kv 050 00 Lawrence Hill to Jas.

Biscboi, 30 by 100 leet on Twentietn Btreet, between Market and Main 950 00 Cbs. D. Jacob to Job. Scyller. SO by 14SM' ieet, ou AiarKct ana xwenry-iounu Streets 750 00 BRi.WJER' CONGRESS.

Trices of Lager Beer Raised. Louisville, Feb. 6, 1S6S. The Inner hcer and ale brewers of this citv assembled this morning at 10 o'clock, at Otto TtrobmV Exehanrre. Mr.

Joseph Stein took the chair, and appointed Mr. August Ralth as Secre- The object of the meeting being a discussion of Ihe prices Ol lager oeer, aie, ana cuuimuu ueer iur IDC COminc-seaeun, niucj ueuaivu, uu 01 last the foi lowing resolutions were adopted Wikbras, Tho prices of bops and malt have risen to a quotation never reached before, and we 01-0 wiiiinrr in fiirniflh the consumers I lairer beer' ale, or common beer with an article equal to that delivered to our consumers in past years; be it itesolvea, rnas tne uuuerBiguea urtnwe.ui LoniB-ille raise the price for lager beer to $12 per barrel, which price shall take effect lrom February 1863; and, lurthf r. Be It reeoivea, usl iuu price 01 tummuu uvsi be tJ per farrei irom tuis aato. Zang, Vogt G. H.

Otto, P. M. Pfciffer. F. Hlllericb, John Kutzeischwah, M.

Thomas, G. Knapper, Hartmetz J. Dobn, G. H. Dohn, J.

Bauer, A. Loesrr, Stoll, donn cauer, Sebastian Bott, Keinnackel Senn, Konrad Walter, Joseph Stein, Wm. Armbrustcr, Kopl G. Peter Moser, John Mclz, Jobn Zeller. On motion it was concluded that another meet ing should be held on Sunday, the 0th of February- nt 2 o'clock t.

at the same localitv. Kesotved, That the above resolutions shall be published in the Journal, Courier, Democrat, A.iiZCigcr anu acuniicui, jrresiucui. Aug. Batch, Secretary. Marriage "Licenses.

The following nre the marriage licenses iesned by tho Clerk of the Jefferson County Court from the 31st of January to the 6th of February, inclusive: John B. St. Clair Carrie Dumont John Jluttlnger to Rosa Bauer. Sylvester Near to Otilia Drexler. Pat.

Monaban to Winnefred McNulty. Frederick Sicvert lo Margaret Kelcrhar. James Bargctt to Mrs. Sarah Bell. Moses F.

Johnson to Ann E- Blair. L. RoBcnham to Fannie S'rans. B. M.

Brown to Mary A. Whitlow, iflhn Tjirrftmn tn Slufzenbenrer. Isaac R. W. Mills to Nannie E.

Lynam, Jno. W. Monwori to Jiiien iummiu. James. Wllboytc to Mildred Clorc.

M. J. Martin to Mnty Riley. Augustus Linnan to Anna E. Vincent.

Geo. N.Robinson to Lettie E. Peck. Uco. Hartman to Belty Barr.

jnfust Kamnierer to Lena Jenne. Henry NcUclruih to Emma YuBeuiur. at to a to He if and in haB ing last in had boon and grew it the ou in ued oupouscs RtCommbus and i V-ha -niqiKomery, Aiaonma. wiwju ff dim TA Kf irn Tn FXCHANGE 40 acres of cotton MlanTSKi T7oodEpmnoThe land lies near ita tCbonud donnnun the at! ration ofthe coMirVowr. 4nyftmllyhavlnEa piano to spare hai belter make the mvcstme! than to let the piano eind fdle.

Auarc, box duc. i-uniayim-, US dI2" WXNT.ED INFORMATION Of my sister Brid-cut McOalelmmc; have not scan tier since I lett NciOrleanp.about 10 years ago. Her age fcTiii; she is a outre of Ireland, county of Mayo, barrack 01 Bally-hou. Any information will be thankmlfy received bv ficr sisters, MAUY KIIJEK and CATHERINE KKLY.No. '293 High street.

Loul Tllle, Ky. 'ill Hi.inimr. 1.1 (arm hcuils. 2 Arnnrirnn inert iviiR, ucrmau men and 1ve3, colored men, wom-n and children, 1 partners with from $230 to rare chances. LOt'TSVlLLK i-MPLOY-JIWTAOBPfCYloi Fifth street.

feSdl' lady who lias had three venr' ntin'ripni-; fading, in cither a family or chool In lie cotiulrv. Address A. No. 34 Market street, Louisville. Ky.

(t-0 rt4" ATE; TO I :s.FORM employers, farmers, nir chants, that the uNLV 1'rpc employ, incut otllcu in Lotiittrillc wiiere can be obtain itelp 'H aov nitfou. raee.bcx or color, FtiEE OF is the Luiivillo Employment Aecncv, 1 Fifth strci-r. feldlf ivillc i i ohm til In. hru. lieln.frpe ol'cfiariji', ai HULL A Kinploymeul twm.

f.Udti NTEI MEN Meaning bnBincsp, to call on or address lor circular, and learn of the verv best war to make money evi-r offered. SHANNON SELLEKS, 1 IS Jefferson street. U.S. Hotel fin ldina, Louisville, Ky. lefl d3 and tell an ontSrplv m- nmcnt nrtlrle havt! larpe Kale, and wanted in every store aud otlice in the United States.

Call at 100 JcUerson street, third Btory. ICG d3 WANTE1-200 GIKl.S-Famlllo In 'ity or 'i coan'rj" desirius good cooks, laundrcsscp, housc-kerpf-rs, can be SUITED AT ONCE byvselcting, a-. Hie LuUISVJLLE hlMPi.dVMENT AGENCY, lot Filth street, below the Court-house. N. lady auperintLuds the Female Dpart-nirnt.

lt-5 dtf F1.VTDRE3 Suliabl for a dm stor fr5 dtf Wr A NTE1I 1'Al'TNFR To pnt fijMO i estate inveirtmiiut that will pay SO real nrotit years. Addross. for one week. Ii. ai uiifuuicc, 'Jiving name, ivjtn tuuo ana piaeo wiiere a personal interview may be had.

yil acoaBt A K't'." SITUATION Bv an experiinccd fee. drmr. or rottonund eonimifsion business. Is thor oughly acquainted with Hie mcrchaHs and planiers crn Alabama dud Georgia. Addi ess Lotiisvilc 5(16 -As tea' her.

bv a srrad- wlth two ycais' exuerlnce as teacher. Addre-B A. care ot Conrler otlice. fe2di' Atliiood farm hand'', cooks, wash' ieis warning work, ran securj eood uy applying uua as U. cupiovmcni viuce, i i.j neuuuu stree'i near jei ai tl I VA STKI AS PARrNEH A steady tp 1 young man, that cjrn give his lime and capita1, to make money in a well-established cash tha' a itood prom-.

To the rlukl man, nnni taken by Installments. Address J. Kiiii. iei on frfin-W A NTKD-AS PARTNER-A steal tLjOKJKJ yonng man, lo take charge oi a light an nrolltable buflness: one who has no oblectic-n to ec 1nc fo a ueiztiuortng cliy. To a good man meaning uiisiiDt.3 a i iiiu eimuce la nuen'o.

iteicrences es thanked. Addrebb G. FORBttr, Louisville. Ky. 1a3l dtf ir A STEO TO LKASE-Thc buildin-rs now ciipicd by the Courier ottice being altoietner Inadequate for its purpose, the proprietor d-icires to ICftKi! icr a term ol years, or purchase on time, a building, or lot suluble for a bufldlnc- It must not oc tar distant from mo corner of IMnl or rourth and -Icfl-rson streeto.

mvenience to the posiofllce being a nnc-ssjty. Parties having such property will WAxVTBO-HELP-Glrlstollll sitnatloue. None without good recommendations, a iuoy. ro. jencrson SMect, econa streets.

ilOdlm Emnlovmeut Odlen fr well-reinnimpndpfl Office conducted by a lady. No 17 Jcllerso.t st eet, between First and Second streets. jaiudlm and well es tablished. Addrtsi, with name and where an inter- iifwcan oe una, u. Louisville rostonlee.

FOR SALE CITY. LMJit No 1 I mules. i arts I upln jl harness, complete, ivill he sold niihlli-Iv on Wednes 1'eli. 12lh. at stiih c.

.1. f'. Aflll.lIOIl LAND. Mi da t'O It A have two drays and harness tor bale ar our stable, which have been usfd about two months, which we wish to s-ell chtup. O-INTON LINKS.

Stable on Second street, bet. Main ami Market. lei dtf -4 spleudid llnrclar and Fire gains. fctlLuiMAN l'. f7dS WHALEY.

Auctioneer. or whole Interest In one of notion aud eotmiMssion hoiises In the city. For informatioD, aJdresa ii. Louisville iiustofflce. feg SALE-A NO.

1 DRUti STtSHlK-Ucut rally located and doing a gaod business, stock and flx-ita-rs new and complete, is now offiired for sale, as the uwuer Intends reiuoviup inlo ihe count rv. i-or parilcula.sapmy to llOBEKT KNuEFEL. hlrdttreot. Louisville, Ky. Ic2 dt sr STEAM ENGINE An excellent ine.

with hotter. ami connec steam engine. tions complete; also, some stunting. Apply to CHAS. D.

JACOB. at 'ihoma. l. Martin it Sou's, north side jtfa'n, between First and Second. irtt4tf hi yon hand, street, bc-dc3 d3m" JAS.TIiEASr No.

IS Market ween Sixth and Seventh, Louisville, Ky. 170R SA I have the following new machluery iu stock and tor sale low tor cash: oncimir extra well finished steamboat engines, with iv-lncti cylinder, Meet stroke; one horizontal stationary engine. 12-lneh cylinder, Cl inch stroke; one do, IWnch cylinder, 'O-ljeh stroke: one do, 11 -inch cylinder, 30-Inch stroke: one do. 10-inch eylludcr, 21-inch Btiokci uno do, 10-iueh cylinder, JO-inch slrnko; one do, 3-Inch cylinder, lMncb "troke; one ilo. S-lnch cvl-Her, l'Vincti Btroke: one do, 6-Inch cylinder, "ftke; one 20-liorsc power portable engine; one 13-se power ID-horse power do; one good, second mi semi-portable vertical engine.

Also, several ami iron frame Saw mills, eight shingle JULIUS IlAltUAlIOUX, hydraulic Foundry I'jJilue Shop, northeast corner Floyd and Wnsh- streets. ieTdtl IOIt MA COTTACK A nsatltame cottage fn Indiana; terms easy. Apply to ALBEHT S. WILLIS, at the ilttli door from the southeast eonu-r ol nlthand streets, noltidtf lOR Al.KOIt liEASE-LOTS- oi nuuuing iois. Apply nt olttce.No.

12 Center street. It MALE OLD PAPERS 3,000 old papers, uitabie tor wrapping paper, aud the cheapest can he used, lor sale at tins otlice. oci) dtf t'letrnnr. two-liorst: arrlatie, second-handed: beeu used hut littldaFur Balcehi-ap. Apply to J.

C. BETTIS, bceou.l stRet, net. Main andjajket. sei8 titf ti ol houscB to rent, will do well to call on ROOD WARtTELD. No.

1 3S Third street, betweeu Uii'cd and Walnut, who Have houses of every grade to dispose of by sale or rent. sell HANDSOME KESIDENCE-Just 1 finished, large, and with all the modem conveui-i'tii situated on Broadway, south stdi-, hctwL-en Stthand Seventh. Terms easy. Inquire of AS. Ii FNNEDV, on the premises, or at his mill, on Etchth stnl.

oL'twi'Pti and Market. uiilliltf LMIR M.A1.E-A FINE BUILDtNO LOT mw ii thi'hfliitheust corner of Fifteenth and Ma-le Apply to UllI IE KM AN No. 221 w-t Market street. ap3n dtf FOR EiVt. FACTORY Tobacco ii-tu-een iraeif and Main streets, formerly occupied by n.

W. Thomas K- Co. Inquire at Komi No. 5, Hamilton Building, coi ner SLth and Main str cts. fi8 J.

bncli It KinT HOUSh: A desirable wo-storv brick dwelling ou rixth Rticet. between Chestnut and Broadway, containing nine rnoms, coat-liou-e, c. tins and water thrutigtiout. Apply to J. O.

EL-ROD, 1 ti Main. tc7 dtf L'R RENT Ar.d- turnt-T tmc forsale. Inquiry of BcCKLEY ft BENNETT, No. East Market sirect, Louisville. Ky.

fe7 dtf MUKRIS, SttUTHWICK CO. talnlUK live rooms, cellar, cistern, etnole. ooichei Lot K0 feet lu- -21(1 In fin nllev. A vnriptv rn Irtilt shrubbery, Ac. he place Is very desirable, convenient to city school, with good neighbors.

Kent permonin. App.v to u. mkaiiub, a jrLey-at-iaw, Itili West JtlLrson street, let dfi exrpllcnr stand for al most anv kind of business, on one of the most nub. lie streets lu the city, ihe two-st brick sinre ami dwedmc-honse next south of tli corner ot Ninth and excellent orde-. will be rented low to a good tcuaut.

Apply south aide Main ftreet, near Xlntn. io W. BeFFEKN AN. IcldlO If E.VT HOUSES A two-story brick dwejl-. ing house, containing nine rooms, with gas, water, north side Walnut, near First street.

A two-story brick dwelling bouse, containing -ls rooms, west side Ciay, near Washington utrect. p-ply to Hi VINE MtsRWiN, corner Main ad Hun-co*ck streets. ta29dlf ET DWELLING HutTSK A desirable JP dwelling containing nine rooms, situated on the side of Third street. No. AGS.

ridge and Kentucky. Inquire on i R.E. MILES, 5 West strco KK5T-. on the south HOUSE A two-story brick hoi I 'OK RE.sT HOUSE A lour--tory brick store house, situated on the west side of second street, between Main and Market. Apply to W.

B. GRAY, over Western Insurance office; Maiu street. between second and Third. laJdtf I70 It RENT NATIONAL V. Till large and capacions hot 1.

temporarily closed for repairs, on the corner of Main and Fourth stree s. In the very heart ot the city, is otlercd for rcut. It has done a lucia'ivc business for the last live years, ror terms, kc, appiy to iuos. tiui. 11.

Trustees. AX.FR bD lUKUSTON unohiiH-tfonable tenant, two cood rooms over our baukir OIllcc. Entrance on Fourth street. TUCKER it CO corner Fourth and iln streets. Jalfi dtf JTVJUt ltEUT ifliSIDENCE A desirable r-si-dencc, tormerly owned and occupied by Judge Oldham, on the Bards own turn nlkc, Just outside the city aud opposite Mr.

Isaic Everett's. Possession clven immeuiatcly. For further particulars apply to WHITMAN WILSON, or to U. HILL, at the Northern Bank. neSl uti L'lllt REST A VERY DESIlJABLb HOUSE-l Corner Seventeenth and Chestnut, containing 10 roicns, stable, and all necessary oul-bnildlnsp, newly painted aud panercd Ihroughout.

Lot 105 feet Iront Iry l2ie.ct deep lo an alley. Yard well set in fruit and snaae trees. Inquire at No. OSG opposite. Price, S5U per on tli, de22 dtf the ECCOnd.

third, nnd rmirih itiirle nl fil" refi nr. we No. '24 Main bet. Seventh and Eighth. Inquire Ol LOW WHITNEY.

delO dtf IO It STO i.E The larce auu commodious store (No. 'Jl Fonrth street) and warehouse in the rear. Apply to J. U. SCUtiOEDJiIt i SONS, ocia dtf LOfT-A BUNCH OF KEYe-Ou Third Mrret, be-tween Main an-i Market, or on Market, between Third and Fifth, The fluocr will be rewarded ol leaving it at ihis office, ol A In.K-V 1 ameledbtick.sct with pearls.

The fludetJH be tucky. FOUND. lady's small pocket-book, with chain attached, containing a small amount of money, the owner can get by calliDg at No. 1J est'Market street, and paying lor this nd-TerUsem*nt jll r'OuNU-OFEli GLASSE-On the corner of Fourtu anu ureen streeL. 1 owner can lean of their whcrcabyuis by calling at Ibis ulflcc and pay ojj etarges.

let1 tK In i hai 2.400 s'w. also, ln? brfck or of the doing l1 lor A lies 145 cder 30 river; A i) 40 wo SO r.d 100 lui mouth 120 80 crcs 63 ence; 30 ence: JO 100 Lor 00x210 miles at and ot ilme; w. street, I I sell No. nanK. 1: or nit in 20 brick Main I the hotel Call TA cow, and about ft-ia.

A lots one thus all', I BV B. F. WHAI.EY, i rNos.81 and83 street: Hi week my auction-rooms, 81 aud S3 t'lttE tt. leidti S. 1.

HALEY. AUetlotieer. Trustco'H Sale of Fajjcy and Staple -Dry AT 'AUCTION. Tnbh'R utoi qi stanle and lancv dr coods. at hl store, corner Fourth and Market strocta.

The stock c. Auctioneer. B7 J. J. WRIGHT.

One Set of Red-room Furnitnre, I'nr- tar ruiMiuiru, "uiurouun, iilirtanH, Bfd-trads, Tablos, CUan 'oolt Moves. a ami Cotton-top itinttrcsaen, OarpetH, rtlir-lar, lunii 'lea Jsetj', blankets. fJIotniu-. on ous; nl-o, SS3 bbls. FnrniJv flout; AT AUCTION.

ON J5ATUKDAT" MORNING. 8. at 10 o'clock Ht IIU between Alain and Market, lo be sold for cash to the Terms cush. D. WRIGHT.Aoctloneer BV S.

P. WHALEY. SI and 63 Fifth street. One Row mid On It, Iot of Furniture) one I'iitno, Spiintj Wagon, one Huzgy, midu i.arse Variety of Cioodt uUoj a Juot uf groceries, AT AUCTION. rtN SATURDAY MORNING, Feb.

8, 1863, at 10 ciucs, i win seu, at my auction -rooma, a larce ele 'ant lot o' new: and second-hand furnllnrp one piano, spring wagon, top hugev, and a lnrge lot ot groceries. Tnccow ondcairwlfl bo sold at 10' o'clock Hie wnimn and hnrrtrv inimcdfnflTj alter, ami the groceries at 12 o'clock precisely. There ii a large lot ot carpets on hand that will be told o'clock. cajh. i 8.

P. WilALEY. Auctioneer: BY C. C. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant for the sale of an Kirus oi uonns, i-tocics, anu iieal Eftale, No.

7tt street, between Second and nira; sew, lorK oincc, an uroadway. CTOUH nights' sale ot standard and miscellaneous B7 8. P. WHALE SlaudS'l Filth street. PfM cinptnry (Jath riale of a Brick t'ottnireand Lot, ou Rowan street, between eventeeuib aud AT AUCTION.

ON SATURBAY AFTERNOON, Feb. 8, 1868. at 3 O'clock. I will sell, on thR nremlnea ypmmuuie rwwuij, gooa ceuar, cistern, nnd ail of the ou The sale 'will be dopI iv" and peremptory for cash, and I invite all parties ntercatedln real estate to 1 he pale, lei S.P. HALEY.

Auctioneer. BV S. G. HENRY CO. Slock of Drugs, Store Fixtures, aud Lease ot House, AT AUCTION.

THURSDAY, TTeb. 20, commencing at 10 o'clock A. sr. The (firm of J. S.

Morris Sons being riis-SOlved. we will se.L on (lie nremlseu onnth street, between I'ourth and filth, then entire stock conbiitlngof BriigN. cheinicoltt, i'ainla, VnrnishcM, 1'crfiimery, Soap, ilruslies) Goods. Citron, Liqaors, Arc, with the office furniture, store n-vfnros. nmi iiiouuuains.

an goous win oe boiu Dy Bam and In Quantities to suit nurchascrs. Verms Purchases and purchases $300, lour months' credit with approved bant- note. S. G. HENRY -fed-dtiCl Anctioneors.

CANDIDATES. ance HRAN is a candidate for I iccllor of the Louisville Chancery Court. jiui-dtc COR MA It? II A I CHANCERY COURT. THOMAS IT Ih ii nnrilrfot.P fne Mnrslmi of the Cliahcory Court at Ibc ensuing August "lection. ja29 dte WE are authorized to announce THATCHER as a candidate for Marshal of the Loulsvllin Chancery Court, nt the next August election.

al die C. is a candidate for Marshal of the Louisville Cha'nerv Court at the uext AmruRf ecfion, dte Chancery Court atthe next August election. 12 dtf iitbortzed to announce J. B. PARKS as a laic lor Marshal of the Loulsvllin icery Court at the next August election Jal dte authorised to announce At C.

D. WHIPS candidate at the next Auirust election for arshal of the Chancery Court, deiil nto (7E arc authorized to announce T. D. F'OX ns randida at the next elention for Mar. ol the Chancery Court, de31 dte f(IIt CLERK CHANCERY COURT.

ATiLKS M. THHirs.TON is cnndidiite for C'erk' y.ot'iho Louisville Chancery Lourr. dte are authorized to announce ur. GEO. A.

tiuiMi acanuidaietor (Jierk oi tne Louisville tnan- Court. jaU dlt Oil COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY. are aulhorizcc lo announce J. D. LILLARD, nftlwui.iiB a can at date for Commonwealth's Attorney In thu Eighth Judicial District.

Ja24 authorized to announce L. R.THtTRMAN, Wnstiiniriou. as a eandidato for Common- calth's Attorney In the Filth Judicial of the ciunffesof Anderson, Mercer, Marion, elsou, Taylor aud Washington, subject to a Demo- convention, should one be ncld. R.DUPUY 1b a candidate for RE-ELECTION to the office of Commonwealth's Attorney In this District, de20 dte D. HABRINGTON 1b a candidate tor Commonwealth's Attorney in this Judicial District, sub lo the decision ot a Democratic Convention.

cauiil-iatefor rc-elecrion to the office of com we iilh's Attorney for the fltui Judiciol District, the ensuing Auirust cIk FOIt CJKCU1T JUDGE. are authorized to announce M. AR WOOD, of Shelby county, as a candidate tor Circuit In this, the Seventh Judicial District, Eubjcct to of a Democratic convention. JaaSdtt HW. BUCCE Is a candidate for Circuit Judge iu the SevenUi Judicial of Jcf- reoii.

Oldham. Shelby. Spencer, and Bnllltt countie-j. lais dtf tiro authorized to announce Rx. MONTAGUE.

asn candidate for Judge of the Circuit r-nnrl lor the Fifth to the de of a Democratic convention, should oue be Jail dte CIRCUIT COURT CLERK. AfE nre authorized to announce Mr. JOHN ROlilN-i SON a candidate for re-election as Clerkotthe Shelby Couuty Circuit Court at the ensuing Auiruei P. THOMPSON is a candidate for Circuit Court oi Marion cmnty at the ensuing August election. jail dim" ACK SATIOKN Is candidate for Clerk of tbo Circuit Court nt the Aucust-rleetlon.

ja9 dte OHS CAIN a candidate for Clert ofthe Jeffcr- Cti cult Conrt. FOR MIER1FF. II. ABLE Is a-candldate for Sheriff at the ensu-t Ing August election. e2 dto to announce S.

S. HITE aB 1 VXTE are authorized to announce Capt. JOHS M. MARTIN as a candidate for Sheriff at the August election. Ia9 dte FOR STKEfcT INSPECTOR.

nrE are authorized to announce FRED.T, SALIE III JH. WILLIAMSON is a cannibite for Street In- the April elec- the Eastern District, at the Anril election. jaSOdtc INSURANCE STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF IIAllTl ORl), CONN. ryo tho Auditor of the Slate of Kentucky, January ASSETS. H.ulin hant 61 United States 5-20 and 10-40 bonds lRLSM 00 Bonds and mortgages on Ileal Estate 00 Sew York, Hartford and Boston, and other Bank Stocks 105,000 IS LIABILITIES.

Losses adjusted ami not due .94:89 As i-eroriginalouillcwltli the Clerk of the Jeffcr Ma County Lour VI2KNON SON, Agents, No. 1ST Main street. "taM dI3 REIMO VAIL. W. A.

OW Street, between Fifth nnd Sixth, south Hide) Wholesale Dealer and Importer In (lueenswarc, Glassware, China, timveH trnmanr old' 245 north Fide Main eireet, Detween bokoui. in oui um tut.mrt in u-nun a mil HFKoi tmrni of r.vrrv- the attention of u.iti ui" irienun udu iui: uiwuwuh tills of a are to of enp an 62. One the ary an who htm had S.B. il M. R.

K. K. SI. B. 1,.

The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.