The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


you the answer, beyond all alibie exouses, you can usually turn to the vital statiatios. They may be drab, minus all romance of or, but they seldom fall the practi dal sout: During the course of the season, the New York Yanked la 155 ball games, scored 1.065 runs Thia lacks only a few mosgre deck that points of averaging seven rune per same, The actual Agures about 60 runs from April through September. Eta the now defunct world the series' sat party of with scored 48 ta the Glaata, six better than seven runs bottle. The National Langue was supposed to have the big bulge tai pitedias, yet the Tankea attack -kept rolling along the cami pace, after the manner. of Old Man River la full motion.

This Yankee or been concentrated in two apota. It la likely to emerge at may sector of the batting order from top to has been that way all your. No rival pitcher can toll where the explosion will take place where the nitro parked. For example, the 'Anal Lou Gehris and Bill Dickey-the two star Takes hitters a -collected Just one single In tea times bat. But.

as these two big blasters tell away; Red Rolfe, Joe Di gio, Jake: Powell and Tony Lazzari turned la twelve Sits. The lower and of the Yankee offenstre contributed ten of the seventeen hits and eight of the thirteen rude The Yankees rive you: no resting spots -do recesses. THE GIANT DEFENSE The Giants had to take their ramble on the pitching detened. of Carl Hubbell, Hal Schumacher and Trad Fitzimmona. Each one of pitched And game" But there wasn't a member of the 'trio who could handcuff the Yankees for two games in a row, Hubball brilliant exhibition in the and mud of the opener- but had his number in the next pitched the best of the series in his Aret ape He held the Tankede to bite But in his nicond turn, meaning the Anal game, they ham mered him for mine hits and Are runa In less than four inning Schumacher, driven to the shows abruptly, came back with one the best of the Tat he needed ten innings la which to win tough came, hit the atse of hie nothing consisThey rally they one left to carry The beat example tot this shown by their fret and: seventh Innings in the Anal rod.

In. the Bret inning. Moore Mingled, Bare walked, Terry sacrificed, Letwalked and Out doubled. Here were itwo runs over, two. on base and only one out, 'That was In the seventh 7 Bartell opened with double and Terry ripped off a single to center that slipped through Di Margio's open legs.

On this play, scored, Terry should have loafed to But his bum underpinning Just rot him to second. So he had to use Lalber for sacrifice' buat: Ott walked and Ripple walked, but Terry's 1 pinch hitters at this vital spot, with. Clyde Castleman rolling Yankees back, coulda't bit an elephant with machine st four paces. Leslie fouled out and Mark Koenig took the three strike with the bases full with. his bat still realias on bla boulder blade (Copyright, 1936) The Dally Progress Ada WORTH CROWING ABOUT MARVELS CIGARETTES High Quality, Low Price, MARVELS Minimum Price 6: Squad Begins Tapering Off Workouts For Nave Tehell Studies Navy Offensive Virginia In Top Shape For Invasion Of Annapolis With the Nary game caly two days abead, Cosch Gua Tebell has begus tapering off workouts for the University of Virginia's Cavalier eleven.

Today's drills wIll featured with a brief study and breaking up of Navy plays anticipated: to data urday's Annapolis contest, fut checking of the Cavaller offenstratery which to predicted to penetrate the Middles' defense for considerable yardage to the Impend. Ins uit, will also be la today's prao tice program, Teball maid today that. with the exception of. Conner, 1 Male Turnbull, who are. suffering from minor injuries, his squad' was la top condition for the Carallers tact upon the midshipmen.

Speculation da to the probable outcome of Saturday a. contest developing as varied forecasts were rampant the "headquarters of the two Most critias concade Virgipia the greatest opportunity is years of providing national upset, by virtue tot the of Fights Last Night (By Associated OAKLAND, CALIF. Frankie Hammer. 181, Oakland, stopped Platro Georgi, 176, Buffalo, (4). Vaughan Kennels Win Honors At.

Farmville FARMVILLE, pack. from the of Vaughan, of. Burkeville, amassed high score here yesterday ta. the al-age bound deld trials of the Piedmont Fox Hunters' Association. Trials will be resumed 'today and continue through Friday afternoon.

Entries of the Rev. H. N. Soyara, of Cluster Springs; Clyde Kendall, of Gullford, N. Cu: and the Clos Hunt Club, Amberst dominated the bench show.

Richard Hill of Keswick, took top honors la a hora blowing contest In the afternoon. Jefferson Hi Opens Season With Clifton The Jefferson High School color ed eleven will open ita 1986 grid tomorrow when it mista strong Jefferson Hi team from, cl*tton Forge on the local, Winecellar Field at 3 P. The locals, bandicapped by rwulting "from 'graduation constructed teem centering around Captain Quarterman, Lee, Johnson, Lockett, Fortune, and Lewis, last year's Several new recruited this year for their Arst varwity experience, will complete the locals lineup. The brunt of Jefferson HI's sive will fall upon the shoulders of DuBola Johnson. Las la the backdeld.

The latter'a brilliant kicking la being depended, upon to drive the opponents from. the scoring Quarterman at guard, Lockett at coater. and Fortune at tackle promise to be the local elevens mainstays in the forward "Hero" Captured As Charlotte Fugitive RICHMOND, Oct. Irving Welchona seventeen, sot bis asme into the papera by his futile attempt to two companions in the James da basting trip from drowaing Henrico police yesterday recalved newspaper clipping of the story, attached to a capias for. arrest as a fugitive "from Charlotte County.

Henrico officers took him into cue tody and held him. for authorities from Charlotte, where he was la dicted by September grand jury on seduction charts. Turn On The Heat You should have heat during these cold snaps It will prevent colds and 'help to' keep you more For better coal just Phone 987 d. Coal Expect Big Trades In Major Leagues Have Plenty Of Money But Few Good Players NEW YORK, Oct. I- Back On easy street with money la the bank and spectator Interest revive ed magastes expect one of the Heat player marts la years this winter.

there's pleaty of money the boxes, good players are Increasingly hard to find, to the raid la on, full steam ahead, in the minors with deals dicellag on the Are. The world champion Yaakees seeds without player worries, 1. bowever, Here are the setups, club by club, before the trade winds blow sale: AMERICAN LEAGUE Lot of rood lookers coming up from Tankes Farms. Biggest needs la two good carting pitchers and capable reserve delder. Manager Joe McCarthy manager, Tigers--Rudy Fork has called from Milwaukee and will play Brat base of the outseld de pending on the success of the periment of moving Brittle Hank Greenberg from drat to the outer garden.

George Rookie from Beaumont, may replace ager Cochrase as catcher. Outfield or Chet Laabe, obtained from Mite waukse, may play with Al Simmons and Goose Goslin ternating in right, Clifton coming back for another try third base, Red Sox--Pitchers in the cry the land of milk and honey. Dinay Pinderter, Lefty from Little Rock with corking screwball, coming up along with Ted Olson, Dartmouth prospect. Will: trade drat baseman Babe Dabigrea for out. Balder or a pitcher, Mack's outlook very bright.

Has two excellent piteblas prospects coming up ta At vin Williams and Bud Thomas from Atianta. Flock of tine Rookies ah so coming up to help the A's. who developed fast toward the end of the season. Connie's Anancial troubles are over and the Philly fans are for him once more, NATIONAL LEAGUE Giants- But greatest, job la to replace Travis Jackson at third and get some batting punch. Through player, Arst base job may Johnny McCarthy, Rookie from Newark.

1. Cube--The bars are down. Owner Phil K. Wriglay wants "he who play ball for keeps and Maas- Charley Grimm has his consent to rebulld from the bottom up. Catcher needed, Dick Selbert, Pol recrult, may land the frat base job.

Cardinals--First baseman Rip Collins and Catcher Virgil Davis on block as bait for pitching talent, big need of the Gas House Gang Farme are being ransacked for pitchers. possibly change manager of coming ownerup and ship. Biggest need la a baseman and shortstop, outselder die Wusoa, who bit :847 until bit on the head Tate la the season, turning. Palilies-Coach Hans Lobert pected to succeed Jimmy Wilson manager, Outfielder Tauby from Galveston, second baseman Dell Young of Oklahoma City and out delder Morris: Arnovich, rood hitter. coming.

back. Right handed pitcher Hugh Mulcaby of Hableton regarded comer. Need every thing. Game With The Wind SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Oct.

UP -A negro was blown from his bicycle last night and into the Sun. Aatonio River. He 'was the bridge at the height of wind storm pierced with lightaing. Puller out of the water by George the negro streaked dows the street, leaving Ala bicycle behind him. HARD KNOCKS WON'T HURT IT! Protect all kinds of doors or concrete, inside or out with Du Peat Flour and Deck Enamel.

Easy to dries quickly Best for pored Neore basem*nt flea kitche and bathroom Its hard, tough Alma laughs at tramping, CUPOND FLOOR AND DECK ENAMEL 900 $3 W.T. Martin Hdwe. Co. Sir Conference Games Feature InSaturday's MajorGridiron Wars Duke-Clemson, William And Mary-V. P.

I. Contests Centers of Football Interest As Traditional Rivalries Flare Up Anew RICHMOND, Oct. UP Southern Conference football teams bore down de intense trainIns today la preparation for faturday's major ware. the week campaigning, leaving Six All all-conference fracases mark four squads to. seek outside of the conference clashes, major Interest centers in the Duke Clemson contest at Durham, and the William and Mary.V.

meatIns in Richmond, The latter fair has long been tilled ha Are works, sad the traditional rivalry la accented this year by the fact that the William and Mary Indians are performing for the drat son under the conference Duke continued preparation for the Clemson game with concentration offensive tactica, with Coach Wallace Wade making efforts to improve the running. A balf-hour scrimmage with the George Washington squad marked Maryland's preparations for the meeting with North Carolina Chapel HIll. The old liners used every man who la expected to see action against the Tar Heels in the which was devoted exclusively to offensive tactics. North Carolina, meanwhile, prac Sport Roundup (By Eddie Briets) NEW YORK, Oct. Walter Plowe, freshman coach Marquette, was bora la Berlin, so it Atting that he should bare two halfbacks named Kaiser and Wit hetm Another man mentionad for the International League presidency la Jim Tierney, former secretary of the Giants bead.

line in the Houston (Tex.) ChronIcle: "Slingin' Sam outpitches Robbind 1614" which means Sammy Baugh passed Texas Chris to triumph. over Arkansas Seventy-one. passes heaved during the conte for some sort of record Baugh completed twelve out of thirty and Jack Robbing, the Arkansas Hubbell, connected for eighteen out of thirty Betting favorites for the tonal football title this year Princeton, Ohio state, Pitt and Minnesota the rumor factory now has Colonel T. L. Huston, former part owner of the Tankees, buying the Dodgers and installing Babe Ruth a manager this much la certain: The Babe ferred with Huston for two hours Tuesday, night before going to the Commodore for the reconciliation with Colonel Ruppert Paul Menton.

sporta Ed, of the Baltimore Evening Sun winning acclaim la the cast a football official He's been tops in the south for years Big ten fans shuddered at what outside competition did to Chicago, Michigan and Wisconsin all in one day and are counting on 4a Oblo, State win over Pitt Saturday to restore some prestige to the toughest football league In the country. Read The Dally Progress Ada tired against the old liners plays staged by third fourth stringers, and found them deceptire. Davidson's Wildcats west through nuis two hour workout yesterday in preparation for their Arst home game Saturday against M. I. The Wildcats started with a blocking practise, followed with a long scrimmage, and topped It off with a passing session.

Blocking and tackling kept the cadeta busy. in preparation for Davidson. All the V. M. 1.

squad was back In uniform. The Furman-Citadel meeting at Greenville Saturday and the Wake Forest- Wollord meeting completes the intraconference 3 South Carolina's Gameco*cks scrimmaged long and hard against a freshman team running University of Florida plays yesterday la prep ration for the Inter-conference tilts against the 'Gators. Richmond's Spiders travel, to Lancaster, to meet Franklin and Marshall, minus the services of Captain Mike West, who was carried to St. Luke's Hospital here yesterday for treatment of neck Injury received. in blocking preo tise.

Hubbell Is Honored By Home Town Folk OKLAHOMA CITY. Oct. Carl Hubbell, still "King Carl" In Oklahoma even if the Giants did loss the world series, has bure homecoming party waiting for him next Tuesday, here and at Meeker, his home 8 Besides high state and civic ofSalals, he will be welcomed by other members of the Oklahoma major leagues contingent. Invitations to, the 10-plate banquet. have been sent to those who went up to the big-time from the sooner state: Pepper Martin, Paul and Lloyd.

Wayner, Cy Blanton, Bob Ray (Pesches) Devia, Rip Radcliff, Jim Winford, Vernon Kennedy Euell Moore, Willis Hudlin, Ival Goodman and Clarence (Red), Phillips. The long-trousered mister of the screwball will be the honored guest both here and at Meeker but he must share the home town spotlight with the Cardinals' Winford, also Meeker boy. RICKEY SWAPS TWO IN DEAL FOR LON WARNEKE ST. LOUIS. Oct.

Branch Rickey, vice president and business manager of the St. Louls Cardinals, said today' Jim "Ripper" Colline, Grist baseman, and Leroy Parmolee, pitcher, bad been traded to Chicago Cuba for Lon Warneke, pitcher, in a straight player deal lavolving a cash. Collins is a product. of the Cardiaals'. tarm-system was brought to the Hedbirds direct from.

Rochester of the International League, class A.A asset of the St. Louts club. Until this year, he has been a regu lar and one of the best distance bitters on the club: This season: 1 stumped badly and gave way at Arst base to recruit Johnny Mize. Literary Digest METER Dime POLL GOOD YEAR VOTE THE AN YEAR GOOD TIRES I WEATHER Tops the Ticket Largest selling tire on earth -0000 see -by! And here's the world's greatest low price tirea real SIX BIO GOOD YEAR FEATURES as low as Pail 464 GOOD YEAR Ask to see Come, in A WEEK SURE GRIP Speedway latest! the and see the Jefferson Service Station Second And Water Streets Phone: 160. to 3 Road Service.

Favorites To Be Selected Saturday Sectional, Intersectional Gridiron Battles To Eli-: minate Many YORK, Oct, ball's national championship setup, ordinarily rather doubtful las game until the late November clashes, gives the tans. and experta their clearest October picture years with this work end's engage ment. When the smoke of battle, tionally and intersectionally, drifts away from coast to coast this Sat urday night, you'll have pretty fair ides of where the greatest gridiron power of the year lies, and just which highly regarded favor ites can't make the grade It has been years, If over before, since October's second week-end produced the A-number one program provided for this Saturday, beaded by the battle of the Pittsburgh Powerhouse agalast Ohio State's Buckeyes In the days bigrest game. The Panther, worthy succemor previous bruising ball clube Jock Sutherland has put together, knee deep in reserve strength, the favorite for honors, along with such others as Fordham, Columbia, Army and Princeton. Oblo State, also relying largely on brute strength, la rated with Min mighty men and! Notre Dame for the mid western top The eliminatoon of either one up the championship picture.

so long, way toward clearing Intersectionally, addition to the Panther Buckeye battle are such other ret-togethera with an Important bearing on the title situation as. Southern California and Illinois, Fordham and the Southern. Methodlat serial circus, and Michigan State's Invasion against Carnegie Tech's always dangerous Skibos. Coming East to the Illinois lair, Howard Jones' la bringing what shapes op as the strongest Southera Califorala combination since 1932. The Trojans stand out as the team to beat on the Pacino Coast, with U.

C. A and Washington, who fight it out this week-end, and St. Mary's, victor over California last week, as their strongest rivals. PRINSER BECOMES NEW COACH AT ST. CHRISTOPHER'S RICHMOND, Oct.

8-UP)- John R. "Mike" Brinser, 11, former star athlete at Hampden-Sydney College and former coach at two Kentucky prep schools, today joined the staff of St. Christopher's School here as teacher and assistant coach. He will aid Coach Hugh Brenaman. Brinser, who prepped at dolph-Macon Academy at Bedford, won three letters in football and four la baseball at: ney, from which he graduated In 1927.

Local Sports Interest Again Turns To Diamond As Series Game lee Local sport talk has temporarily to baseball again the Anal clash of the Monticello Dairymen and the Is Millers, with the city baseball; ch pionship at stake, approaches. The two will meet on the diamond at 3 P. M. Hopes for Dairymen victory Lover the tormidable Connelines were tacreased today with the nouncement that W. Cook, Thomas, slugging Arst would be back that team's up for the crucial tart.

Cook, who has been leading the Reid plate in the city series, basa out of Thomas up because of log injuries, Local critics expect this versatile to cause Connell and his nine no. end of trouble ha the impending Another Dairyman who promises to be a' thora la side Kelly Purvis. Purvis's throughout the series has been exceptional. His towering Agure and ability to cover his territory will add strength to the Dairymen de lease, Thomas wit he the mound reporta from the according. tracted quarters.

the Charlie, Carter, attention with his earlier attack upoa Conne's withered will be held tr Thomas in the pitcher needs a little NEW TORK, Oct. changes has decided on a Terry York Gianta that'll be made la ted next year. Johany McGrath, the chased late to the Newark of the be gue, can will get a chance to now do at Are base Mayo, recruit from not the replacement Me Travis Jackson at' third "ru start McCarthy: Tar Terry To Try Rook Next Year at 1 530 Fountain Specials 12 to 2 p. m. Your Choice of any, 10c Sandwich 1 Cup drip coffee Iced Tea Ice Cream Free 15c Timberlake's 6 60c Alkaseltzer 75c Listerine 50c Lavoris Kord's Rubbing Alcohol 24 Double Edge Razor Blades, Fit Gillette A Razor Fitzhugh Bros.


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Memes upon WHITING STOKER Home Service Corp University, Phone 1842.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.