The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

MONDAY OCTOBER 26, 1914 THE PIQUA DAILY CALL PACE: The Trey O' Hearts A Novelized Version of the Produced Motion Picture Drama of the Barns Name by the Universal File By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE: 4 "The Fortune Bout Mantrated with Photographs from the Picture Productive Copyright, 1914, by Louis Joseph (Continued from Saturday) Closed and locked confronted them; and their summons educed 130 response; while the first door, when broken In whole-souled kick, die. covered nothing more sulisfactory than an empty room, its wed bearing the What Imprint woman of a woman's body, but, gone. From the one window, looking downi the side of the house. "'exas announced that the woman bad pot escaped by jumping out. So It seemed that the three must have had warning of their arrival, after all; and presumably were now herded together in the adjoining room, which looked out over the veranda roof, walting in fear and trembling for the assault that must soon comeand in Cart immediately did, But IL met.

with more slulboro redistance then had been anticipated. The door had been barriended from within ro-enforced by placed against It. Pour minutes and, the united efforts of four wen (includ. ing the bleary loafer of the barroom) were required to overcome its inert. But even when it was down, the room was found to De as empty 09 tho first.

Only the fingers of two hands grip ping the edge of the veranda roof showed the way the fugitives had Nowa: nud these vanished lustantly as the rooms wan Invaded. Fallowed a swift rush of hoofs down the dusty street, and EL chorus of blusphemy in the hotel hallway: for Judith had headed the concerted rush for the stuircage and contrived to block it for full half minute tending to by prestumble and twist her enkle. In spite of that alleged inJury, she never limped, and wasn't a yard behind the first who broke from the hotel behind to him the open, 1101 yet appreciably in vaulting to saddlo. Well up the road a cloud af smoky dust Niall obscured the shapes of three wire rode for their very lives. The purauit was of in twinkling and well bunched-Marropbat's mount leading by a nose, Judith second, Hopi Jim and Texas but little In tho rear.

And in the first rush they seemed gain; moment by moment they drew up on the flying cloud of dust; Judith heard an oath muttered beside her and saw Marrophat jerking a revolver from its holster. The weapon swept up and to AL level; but dis the hammer fell, Judith's horse caroused heavily agatnst the other, halt a dozen feet aside, and deflecting the bullet hopelessly. The shock of collision was so great -that Marrophat kept his seat with difAlcully. He turned toward Judith a face livid with rage. Simultaneously, as if taking the shat as the signal for a fustllade, Judith saw Alan Jean back.

over his horse's rump and open ire. An instant later his companion, Barcus, imitated his example. In immediate consequence, Texas dropped reins, slumped forward over the pommel, wablled weakly in his saddle Tor a moment, then losing the stirrups, pitched headlong to the ground; while Hopi Tint's horse stopped short, precipitating his ridur overhead, and dropped dead. CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Upper Trail.

In the ten minutes', delay necessifated by this reverse, a. number of more or less innocent bystanders picked up the man Texas.and carried him off to breathe his last heuenth a roof; Hopi Jim picked himself up, his person tolerably, clear of brushed clouds of dust and profanity, and departed in search of mount to replace, the horse that had been shot under him; and Judith sal her horse calnly, potling sweet Insolence into the exasperated countennnce of Marrophat. Incidentally the fugitives geared round a bend in the road that led directly into the wild and barren neart of the Paluted hills, To the brief interval that elapsed before his return with Jim, Marrophat contrived to persuade the bandit that Judith had been, at least roctly, responsible for the catastrophe, with the upahot that, temporarily blinded to her fascinations by the glitter of nineteen thousand dollars in the near distance, Mr. Slade maintained hie distance and a deat ear to her blandishments. Tho only Information ad to their purpose that she was able extract from either man, when the pursuing party turned aside from the analn trail, some distance from Mega, was that Hopi Jim knew short cut tho upper trail, by which they through the range, via what he termed hoped to bo able to head the fugltives off hefore they could gain the desert on the far gide of the hills.

Only at long intervals did they draw rein to permit Hopi Jim to ot the lower trail that threaded the valley on the far side of the ridge, Toward noon he returned in haste from the last of these surveygscrambling recklessly down the mountrin-alde and throwing himself upon his horso with the advlec: "We've headed 'em-can make ft pow. If we ride like all get-out!" FOR Mint CONSTIPATION TAKE fund 3 our money Candy Laxative. Druggista re the if they AM 710 sad 35 DAILY dally by ICe. W'heat $1.05 Corn Live Stock and Grain 7 50. CowA and $8 200 iv; valves, $75951.

1 ht, $6 7 55: mixed, 7 10: heavy. 96501 45; ropy'. st 55 7 Hr: 11y 5, $4. 4h0 7. Shorn and ns: yearlings, $5 COGS BA: Emmby.

S4 41141 55. EAST BUFFALO. Dot. 'Cattle $9 ping. $8 60409 25: Gutebera.

18. LeileiF, 56 4 15; 83 55017 45: and 95; $7 F5 PT 50: $. SO Ali: Yorkers, $7.40 $5: 5 V5: A 90; 6 Sheep and Yearlings. $4 Oh; re 5u; mixed wheep. $6 5004 Mo: Dumbs, $5 15.

PITTSBURGH, 24. 1'alue Retry 3 6 85: $7 0007 767 cows. fat $8 a 85: Gilr Cu: butcher bulls, cons. $934 40: valses, $11. Busy Vorkera, 17 light Surkors, 37 GO: Si: Lamb Top PitA 75; top Inmbr, $7 76.

CLEVELAND, Del. 30. Cattle-. SO: TO $842 heifers, 8: rom 53 0 6 25: butcher Molis. 11 7: And apologers, $50 1: 5061 11 6.0.

logS Yorkers, tight Yorkers, and $7 69: 19A, 47: $6 die: $1 1 11 90, CINCINNATI. 0 01. Co $5 85 ty heifer. 51 600 valves, 41 bile 9 to. Hogs l'ackers and 19.

Fuse 7 45; commun to cholec, 84 15; pl g1 and Big 24 7 20; f1 16. 25. lumbe, Sheep 15 $5. -Sheet. 12 0001 15; Lambs 0007 CHICAGO, 28.

Cattle Nerves, 50; 15 9008 and feeders. $4 9000 TIME TABLE P. C. C. OT.

LA West Bound Tram TInA No, 17 8: DI. No. 57 l'! A. Id. No.

7 11.06 0, No. 35 7:33 p. No. 33 9:419 al. m.

No, 14:10 1D. East Bound Train Time. No. 18 ...7:26 A. No.

66 11:48 d. No. 8 .8:47 V. Ni. No, 26 10:19 1).

p. No, 10 4:69 8, 11. No, 24 45 D. m0. C.

H. D. North Bound No. 8 17:46 n. m.

Lully No. 2. 6:47 a. In, Dally 6. 10:40 a.

Ju, No, Dally No. 10. 8:16 p.m. excopt No. 4.

3:26 n. m. Dally Sunday No. 8:48 p. m.

Sunday only South Bound No. 7. 4:26 A. m. Dally No.

11 8:34 a. mi. excoDl Sunday No. 1. 10:36 R.

JD. Daily No. 63. ....0:60 a. m.

Sunday only 5. 1:47 p. m. No. Daily No.

2. 5:21 F. m. Daily TRACTION LNES Dayton Toleny Limited Trains North Bound South Bound Leave Leave 6:00 a. 8:18 M.

3:18 2, m. 6. m. 10:18 12:18 a. 2a.

12:18 m. m. 2:18 TO. 2:18 p. mo.

4:18 p. m. 4:18 p.m. D. 5:18 p.

ni. 0:18 8:18 p. 8:18 p. 10:25 p. m.

14:21 Ju. Kourly Local Schenute Betwoon foR LILO. Piqua North found Bouta Bound Arrive 5:65 tu, 8. 21. 6:55 IlL, 7:00 a.

m. 7:55 m. 8:00 8. 8:65 to, 9:00 a. In, 9:55 m.

10:00 a. m. 10:65 A. m. 11:00 a.

m. 11:55 14:00 m. p. 1:00 p. m.

12:55 1:55 p. 2:00 p. m. 2:56 v. m.

3:00 3:65 p. 4:00 p. 4:56 p. m. 6:00 1.

11. 5:55 P. m. 0:00 m. 6:66 p.

7:00 p. m. 7:65 p. 8:00 p. In.

8:56 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 9:65 p.

10, 10:00 111, 10:66 y. m. 11:00 11:66 p. 10. 12:00 p.

10, p. m. 12:37 4. 12:30 p. m.

limited train. 11:00 m. limited train. WESTERN OHIO Wapakoneta-Prqua Piqua-Wapakonste Arrive at Piqua Leave Piqua 5:57 6:00 a. 6:68 7:05 9, 8:12 8:18 9:67 m.

9:00 a. m. 10:14 a. 10:18 a. m.

11:57 11:00 a. m. 12:14 12:18 p. 1:67 P. m.

1:00 D. m. 2:14 p. 2:18 p. 3:57 p.

m. 2:00 D. m. 4:14 p. 4:18 p.

In. 5:67 p. 70. 6:00 p. 4:14 P.

6:18 p. 7:57 P. m. 1:00 p. p.

8:18 D. In. 10:21 p. 10:23 p. mO.

Dally except Bundays, bmitedr, D. 4, P. TOT Covington, West Milton sad Dayton, leave 6::00 a. m. jand every hour entit 9:00 D.

14:00 and 11:00 10 once culled the altention or Mayor Lorimor to the fart that a similars re. quest had Poca mado in Dagion. An attenspl hod been mindo 10 do busineas mfarepreacating the chur. 441ey of the business in the authorittes. A foo of $50 a day was which hind tho effect of stopping the adee aller one day, Masor Lorimer Informed the applicant the Seen: EAt would ba $20 day whereup the latter "gnessed he'd leave town," TI Ex the practice CM heh conrerns represent that they are sotting botver Roads at Jawer prices than ran lye oldalned in 21 regular This is, of courso, a fallacy.

Every dollar pall to these out is carried whitle away and does not bonelit city, the Incal is here and not only pays his share of the tuxes, but 1: TURNED DOWN FOREIGN TRADER After Interviewing Mayor, Sales1112 "Onessed He'd Leave A Brouse to trade In Pinna Wit.8 re. fused a representative of a Now York Abut Wished to sell Paris HOW In Piqua. Assistaut Sverctary Leonard E. Guy, of the Chamber of Commerce, chanced to to In the Mayor's office this mornins when the application for 11 license WAS made 10 Mayor 11p at or his fixed residence and accossibillty to the local Trade stands behind the goods be sella. This case is bat one af many In which the local Chamber of Commerca procon 118 worth to the rotallery of Piqua, Mayor Lorlmor also hug been cooperating loyally having since the frat of the year turned down 20 or more such applicants.

"And what shall toll your falher from you?" Murrophat demanded sharply, "What you please," the girl replied, an twyish emile over-shoulder. "But, elace when part company with you, I part with: him AB well--for all of sue, you way tell hiw Lo go to the devil!" "Well," Ar, Marrophat admitted Odentially to Mr. Blade, "I'm dammed!" "And that ain't all," Mr. Blade com: tided in Mr. Marrophat, whipping out his own revolver; "You're being held up, too, I'll take those guas of your'n, friend, and whut elso you've got about you that's of value, including your LOS3 -and when you get back to old man Trine you can just tell 11113, with way best compliments, that I've quit the fol, and fit out after that daughter of his'n, She's a heap sight more attrac.

tiro than nineteen thousand dollars, and not half so hard to earn!" CHAPTER XXXIV. Burnt Fingers, Once she bad lost touch with her ther's creatures, the girl drew rein and went 011 more slowly ILEId. cAlltrously, Helow her, In the valley, the lower frail wound its facile way. From Lime to she could discern upon some naked etretch of its longth a cloud dust, or perhaps three mounted fig. ures, scurrying madly on with fear death snapping at their heels.

It was within on bour of midnight, a night bell-clear and bitter cold the heights, and bright with moonlight, when Alan's party made its last pauso and camped to rest. against the dawn, unconscious of the fact that, quarter of a mile above Lent, on the upper trail, il lonely woman poured when they paused and made her own camp on the edge of a sharp declivity. The level shuite of tire rising son awakened her. She Bat up, rubbed her eyes, yawned, stretched limbs with the hardship of eleeping on aun-baked earth--and of sudden started up, surprised by the grating of footaleps on the earth be. her.

Before she could turn, however, alto was caught and wrapped in the arms of Hopi Jim. She mustered n)) her strength aud wits In and will frenzied for cue moment last struggleund managed break big hold triffe, enough to enable her to at the pistol banging from her belt and present it at hia head. But it exploded harmlessly, spending its bullet on the Blue of tho tug sky. Tho bandit caught her wrist in time, thrust it aside and subjected it to such cruel pressuro and such sayago wrenchings that the pistol dropped from Augers numbed with pain. And now all hint of mercy left.

ml eyes; remained only the glare of rage. He put forth all. his strength in turn, quid Judith was as a child in hits bands. In half a minute he had her. helpless, in as much time more her back W99 brenking across his knee, while.

ba hound her with loop after loop of bla rawhide larint. Then, leaving her momentarily supine ou the ground, Hopi Jim caught aud unhobbled her horse, and without troubling saddle St, lifted the girl Lo Its back. and placed her there, face upward, entehing her hauds and feet, as they fell on either flank of the andmai, with more loons of thut aubruakable rawhide, and deftly placing the master knot of the hitch that bound this human pack well beyond possihillly of her reach. junted A prayer for mercy. Ho She Janghed in her face, bont and kissed her brutatly, and stepped back laughing to admire his handiwork Thus he stood -for an lustunt between the horse and the edge of the declivity, EL fair mark, glark against the sky, for one wha stood In the valley below, holding his rifle with eager lingers, waiting for, Just such opportunity with the same impatience with which he had waited for It ever since the noise of debris kicked over the edge by the struggling man and WOmAN had drawn his attention to bat was going on above.

Alan pressed the trigger and the slint sounded clear in tire morning stillness, Judith saw 8 laak of ug. grieved amazement cross the face of Hopi Jim Slude. Then he threw his bands out, clawed blindly at the nir, staggered, reeled against the horse's flank so heavily that it shied in fright, and abruptly shot from eight over the edge of the bluff, l'o he Salurday Your Fall Cold Needs Attention No use to fuss and try to wear it pi11. 1t will wear son out instead. Take Dr.

King's New Discovery, relief quickly. It cheek your Coll lows and Soothes your Cough away. I'leas. ant, Antiseptic and Healing. Chilldren like it.

Get 50c. bottle of Dr. tho house. "Our fumily Cough and King's New and knop it In Cold Doctor" writes Chamber lain, Manchester, Olla, Money back if not satished, but it nearly alwaya The Toledo, St. Louis and Western railway (the Closer Leaf) la in the who hands A receiver, Walter L.

Ross, of Jung been president at the comcanv. APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that Elizabeth Bierter has been appointed and qualified executris of 11Lo estate 1f Margaret Croy, late of Miamt County, Chin, deceased, by the Probate Court of said County. No. 15528. 1.

P. ST, JOHN, Prolnte Fudge. October 10, 1014. Seth McColloch, Attorney. W.

T. Hutchona, Nicholson. hind a severe alt rhemnatism. His fort, ankles and Joints were For- at hour more they pushed on the best speed to be obtained front their weary animals, at length drawing rein at a point whor* the trail crossed the. ridge and widened out 4 pOl A long, broad, ledge that overhung the valley of the lower trail, a clear drop to the latter from the brink of a good two hundred feet.

One hasty look back and down into the valley evoked a grunt of satisfacClose from Hopi Jim. "Just in thine," he asseveraled. "Hero they come! Ten minutes more llis smile answered with unspeakable cruel signincance. "Texas will sleep better tonight when he knows how I've squared the deal for him!" the bandit declared. "What are yon going to do?" Judith demanded, reining her horse in beside Marrophat as the latter dismounted.

A gesturo drew her attention to 8 huge boulder poled insecurely on tho very Ily of the chasm, "We're going to tip that over on your friends, Miss Judith!" Marroplial replied, with a smack of relish in his voice. What more can you ask?" She answered only with an irrepressible gesture of horror. Marrophat's laugh followed her as she turned away. vision vaiuly, endeavoring to For some moments she strained penetrate the turbuleut currents of super healed air that filled the valley. Then sho made out indistinctly the faintly marked line of the lower trail; and tomediately she caught a glimpse of three small fIgures, mounted, toiling painfully toward the polnt where death awaited them like a bolt from the blue.

Hastily she glanced over aboulder: Hopi Jim and Marrophat, ignoring her, were straining. themselves against the boulder without budglug it an luch, for all its apparent nicety of poise, For AIL instant a wild hope flushed through her 'mind, but it was lumpedlately oreised when Hopl Jim stepped back and uttered a few words of which only and her cars. Kneeling beside the boulder he dug busily an instant, then lodged the etiek to uis patisfaction, attuched the fuse, und breaking off, edged on lite belly to the euge of the' cliff nud looked down, carcfully culculating the length of the fuse by the digiance of the party. down- below from the spot where tho rock must fall. But whlle he was so engaged and Marrophal aided hhn, all eager interest, Judith was taking advantage of their disregard of her.

Hurriedly unbuttoning her jacket, she whlpped a playing card from her pocket, a trey o' hearts, and with tbe stub of a pencil scribbled three words OR its face "Danger! Go bach!" Then finding a smull, flattish bit of rock, she bound card to it with hit of alring; and with one more backward glanco to make sure glue WAS not watched, approached the brink. Hopi Jim was meticulously shortening the fuse, Marrophat kneeling by his side. In the canyon below the three were within two minutes at the danger point. It was no trick at all to drop tha stone so that it fell within a dozen feet of the leading horseman. She saw him rein in guddenly, dismount, cast a look aloft, then dismount and pick up the warning.

As the others joined him, ho detached card and bowed IL to them. At the same time Hopi Jim and Marrophat jumped up and ran back, each seizing and holding his horso by noac and bridle. Constrained to do likewise lest she lose her mount, Judith walted with a lightened The explogion amote dull echocg from the danka of the Painted bills, all drowsing. to tho the boulder teetered reluctantly noonday bush: op the brink, then disappeured with touring sound followed by a rush of earth and gravel: 8 wide gap appeared to tho brink of the trail. frightened while the girl Leaving Afarroyhat to hold the two soothed her own, the bandit rushed to the edge, threw himself hat and swore bitterly, wlth en accent of grievance, as he rose.

From (ILO canyon below a dull nolse of galloping hoofs advertised too plainly the failure of their allempt. And Hopi Jim turned back only to And Judith mounted, reining hor horse in between him and Marrophat, and prepared to give emphasis to what she had say. with an automalic. pietol that nestled snugly in her palm. "One monient, Mfr.

Slade," ehe sug. gested evenly. "Just moment before you break the mad newe to Mr. Marrophat. I've something to say that needs your attention-likewlae, your respect.

1t is this: I am parting company with you and dir. Marrophat. I Am riding on toward the west, by thie trail, It either of you care to follow me the automatic flashed ominously in the sun will be with full koowedge of the consequences. Mr. pbat will enlighten you M.

you hare any doubt nf my ability to take care ot myself in such adaira As thie, It you are well advised, you will turn back and report failure to my father." Sho- nodded curtly. and swung her Lorre round. and moving noond WALK very painful. was perininly in a bad way when he started to take Foley Kidney lie says, "Just wade 110 You better. now pains s110 rheumatism are all gone and I sleep all long.

Ady, W. W. RATCLIFF. When you have advertising to do-do it right--do it with all your might --in the classified columns of THE PIQUA DAILY CALL. 0 00 THE PEOPLE'S WANT COLUMNS Whatever You Want Use THE PIQUA DAILY CALL Want They Got You Quick Resulta 0 FOR SAND HOUSES MICA 3.

2 WANTICO TO BUY--By rundort ol THE PIQUA DAILY CALL any arli- cle, large or that you wish to diapono of. Buforg will look for! your ad to tomorrow's PIQUA DAILY CALT. FOR SAT MISCELLANEOUS FOIL SALE- KIA heater, barge inquire at. 9. Downing St FOIL SALE--Doly brussels, room rug: cheap.

031: West. or 'phono 2009. D'OIL SAble -Set. of new buggy harness; cheap. S00 North Street.

'phone 11 ring 2. FOR bu, of home grown carefully picked winter apples. Itemhen Morre's fruit farm, southeast or Plan. Home 'phone 2 on 872. FOR SAL -MoN'A ladies' and misses' winter conte and clothing.

Call 329 Harrison street. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED--A brigbi lyny about 17 old a8 assistant in ollice. Apply at office of French Oil Mill Machinery Go. WANTED--Men 10 learn the bar. her trade: intopcadent; tow weeks completes; posHions waSting: DIT graduates qua liliel for; boat Jolts wages whilo learning: Inals given; cataloguo mailed free.

Molur I SALT her College, Cincinnati, O. WANTED AGENTS WOMEN--Hell hosiery to friends and neighbors; 7u per cent profit; mako $10 daily: Experience International 31113 Knix West Philadelphia, Pa. 1 HAVE a contract--in distribute million free Borax Soap Powder, Want reliable men and women 10 help. $18. weekly.

Weverly Brown, 1:94 N. Frankin, Chicano, SALESMEN- -Twn 1110! fur special work; positions permanent, exceptionally good chance for rapid for live wires, Tine xino Circulation Company, 8. Dearborn, Chirago, NOTICE THE PIQUA DAILY CAT cannot give Information regarling advortisomeats for which aDgwers are to be gent in care of this Persone to office addresses Cat mall or leave written at directed In the advertisem*nt. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-1 pay cash for second hand bauscho'd goodn, 127 N. streot.

hom*o 'phone 1184. G. W. Madison, LOST 1.0ST -A pair of glasses 11 a marked "Rord Reward. Bell Telephon: Co.

LOST--On Broadway, a ladies gold watch, Cob attarbed, with natue feraved on bael and picture in case. it found retard to Mrs. Port. 1201 Broadway. Iteward.

FOR RENT HOURER Nonra POR RENT---11 FOIL want to ront A house and don't 9nd what jou want In 12a cola, a littte WANTED TO RENT ad 112 tomorrow's PIQUA DAILY CALL goi a flat af chem for you. room honso, on Lust Grant street. ml, South Stain wt root. POIt ISNT laotis irense. at Broadway.

Inquire :11 SIG Boone Alrect, POR RENT---A cottage house of sIx ati Sonth Mala St. Hell MoCollech A. Son. FOR RENT- No. 1201 mad Madison avenue, Five room ench Itent $7.50 and month.

unst dour. per. Enquiro No, 1720 Brondway. FOR RENT--An eight room' house, with bath. 533 West Greene street.

111- quire al bI! Caldwell street, FOIL HINT--A com Prcited at 514 Orr street. Inquire at Jigna Meant Market, FOR RENT- or 7 rooms, 4212 asl Ash street. in line condition, inseveral large lots for lug; rem1 $14. Son Chas, 11. Slay.

FOR RENT- Plats; one of 7 romas. phe and an of 2 also or'3 lite olllen rooms above Kroger's: also store room in Opera House blurt. 500 Chas. FI. May.

FOR RENT---Now Halls, both designed complete for balla, lions, large: entertainments, clubs, lodges, etc, Al! modern improve. wonts. See Handy Grump. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Shaper, Anet. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK and four pigs.

706 Station street. FOR SALE AND CARRIAGES FOR -A 4 passenger carriage in elegant condition: choap: cash nr time or will eschonge on freal Jersey cow. day. corn or outs. See Citas.

tr. May, SALE Thursday. October 1:011, al Strrel, al 1:30 My entirg household, all mew goods. See gosley, carb. Mra, V.

P. Mackford, owner. Moore N. FOR RENT VUILNISTICU 1100 MB FOR RENT--I room; pantry, well, eistore, 4.119 light and bont. Inquiro 431 lilyny Alrent, NOR RENT coumm aL Y.

M. C. strum lavent, Meht, hot nad poll running water, shower baths, conding rooms, social Nates: $1.50 to double $1 to $2.20 per webk. FOR RENT molly 41 light lenepins; rooms, 011 gronnd door. Caldwell 8L Call at grocery.

FOR. housekeepfri: rooms, for girly, or small fumilly; bath; private entrance. 513 Park Ave. FOR 10097, 317 Want North alreel. FOR RENT100mm: HOndle, al.

31: North Downing SL. Home phone 4160, FOR WENT--3 furnished rooms for housekeeping, with privBege of washlug. 119 Weber FOIL TENT- rooms for hut housekeeping. Mira. Jamison, 300 Wart High.

POLL RENT--Two rooms for Baht two Alris preferred. b49 Walnut street. POI: for light at 527 West Water street. FOIL RENT Four rooms 930 North Walker elght rooms Main street. Both 17dl South 4418, largo lol.

Inquiro 602 Wayan atreel and a coon HO on Cast. Gram stent. TOOK THRI WANT COLUMNS BREAD the LEGAL NOTICE Iddle Purchasing Company, resid10; al No. 107 Chambees atreet, In tho City of Now Yorks, State: of Now Yorli, take notice that on the 1210 clay or Outcher, 1914. The Terro Fante Company, liled its petition 1114 cald Piddlo Purchasing Company.

FrI the Court of Common Miami County, Ohio, bring No. 19435, praying: Judgment the said Riddle Purchasing Company, in Mon som of One Thousand mail Thirty-one and 12-900 181,0431.12.) dollars with interest thereou, and that said ease will bu: for hearing on rid alter the day of December, 1311. THE: TERRE HAUTE HANDLE CO. Lindsey and Berry, Altorneys, APPOINTMENT NOTICE Nation is hereby afven. that Addie 10:9 been Appointed aunt qualitied of the palate or Peter IT.

Macklin, late of Miami Conn. ly. Ohio, deceased, by the P'rolite Court of said County. No. 1033 k.

14 1. ST. JOHN, Probate Judge October 24, 1:014. Lindsey Berry, Ally. They Need the Money.

It la no disgraco to die poor--but it's 8 incan trick to play on your relatives. 4..

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.