The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

20A A THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, MAY 1952 4 Johnson Seeks Re-election To Lieutenant Governorate; Will Not: Oppose Emerson Latter Is Lone GOP Announced Candidate for Top State Office; Ike Delegation Breaks Tradition; Mrs. Bailey Again Committeewoman Montpelier. Nay 34-Lt. Gov. Joseph B.

Johnson of Springfield has announced that he would be. candidate for re-election in the September Republican primary. He has been considered possible aspirant for the gubernatorial nomination. has to two His announcement indicates, that he years before seeking that nomination. This leaves Gov.

Lee F. Emerson as the only announced candidate the Republican nomination for governor. Johnson became after three sessions of legislative experience in both houses of General Assembly. Ho was with the Bryant Chucking Grinder Co. in Springfield from 1910.

to 1945, serving as vice-president and general manager during the final 10 years of his connection with the company. Ho retired in 1949 to become a consultant in engineering and management. Break Tradition In electing 12 delegates for Gen. Eisenhower, and then pledging them to voc for him at Chicago so as he had a chance to win the nomina. tion, Vermont, Republicans last Sat.urday 32-year-old tradition.

Vermont delegations to the Republican. National Convention have gone unpledged during that period. Delegation Organizes The Vermont delegation to Chicago has organized with Former. Gov. Mortimer Proctor as chairman.

Frederick P. Smith of Burlington, chairman of the State Republican Committee, will be the Vermont representative on the credentials committee of the Republican National Convention, It was announced on Wednes day. is one of the delegates to the convention. The other 10 delegates are Philip A. Angell or Randolph, Mrs.

Forest W. Rice of Newport, John D. Carbine of Rutland, Swainback of St. Johnsbury, Mrs. H.

Estey of Springfield, Edward C. Smith of St. Albans. Elbridge Adams of Mrs. Dorothy R.

Brown of Essex Junction. Preston F. Gibson of Brattleboro, and Vrest Orton of Weston. The alternates elected are also all ple to Eisenhower. They are: L- a- F.

Imard G. Janeway of Londonderry, laton G. Howe, Dorset, State Senn? Robert S. Babco*ck of Burlington, TI. S.

Mortimer R. Proctor of Proctor, Robert T. Gannett Ir of Brattleboro, John Calhoun of Middlebury, Dr. George Abbott of Bethel, George E. of Barre, MI.

Stoddard of Windsor, Wayne Sarcka of Shrewsbury, Glenn Marshall of Norton and Emerson Kennedy of Bellows Falls. Drs. Consuelo Northrop Bailey of 1 South Burlington was re-elected National Republican Committeewoman from Vermont. Edward G. Janeway of Londonderry, who spearheaded the Eisenhower campaign in Vermont, was elected Republican National Committeeman from Vermont to succeed Janies Dewey of Quechee, for nounced that he was not a candidate He The convention adopted resolution thanking Dewey for his long service to the Republican organization.

in the State Vermont. first Republican ass Committeo and then as national He has been the principal money raiser for the party in Vermont for 8. dozen. years: or more, Dewey was in tho hospital at Hanover, N. H.

at the time of tho convention. It was the first Republican convention in the state ho had missed for 30 years. Attendance at the State Convention unusually large. Tho credentials committeo reported that delegates out of a possible 921 were in attendance and entitled to vote. Unity was re-established in tho party when, after the Eisenhower.

delegates had been elected, Luke- Crispe. (who headed the Taft campaign in the stato) moved to elect the Eisenhower slate of alternates by voice vote. Crispe also seconded the nomination of Janeway for national committeeman. Republicans adopted a short platform at the State. Convention.

lt called for legislation to make a pOSsible EL presidential preference primary in Vermont: approval by Congress of the St. Lawrence power project, to be built in co-operation with Canada: the restoration of integrity in tho national government: curtailment of the federal pay roll; review of the federal tax program and establishment of A federal budget. on a pay-as-you-go basis; extension of veterans' benefits to men and of the armed forces serving in Korea: support of the United Nations as the best hope for peace with justice in the world; support of the Mutual Security program to strengthen the military and economic systems of our allies: adoption of a similar, pact with ou allies in he Pacific? reduction of U. S. traffics and extension of reciprocal trade agreements; less federal encroahment on state and local governments.

The platform closed with the following: "We atfirm that whatever inherent powers there are under. the Constitution belong to the people: and not to: the dustrial development. Membership dues for. the various types tot industry, businesses, hotels and guest homes have been set on. pro rata basis, Farms were in an indeterminate category because of variation in size until the "per cow.

basis was established in Newbury. Investment tho State's idle public funds 1937 has earned the State nearly. $700,000 in Interest, necording. to State Treasurer George H. Amidon.

Ho snid that Vermont was one of the of states to begin the practico of investing its idle funds, Patrick J. Grace, Waterbury Justice of the peace. has requested Supreme Court intervention in contest with State Auditor David V. Anderson over court and arrest fees. In petition for a writ court of order to mandamus.

Graco, Anderson asked to fora appoximately forco in nocumulated in 1949. Anderson refused to pay the fees three years 1180 when he charged that racket was being worked in Waterbury by too frequent arrests of drunks and vagrants. The petition, to the Supreme Court sets out 107 cases in which the 1949 fees were not paid. The costa average about $12 apiece for: the 107 cases: "In an answer filed personally by. Anderson, he snid Grace had opernted his court against the public good, that some of those charged with Intoxication were re-arrested in Waterbury befors so serving out their previous sentences, and that thereare more drunk and vagrant cases in Montpelier and Waterbury courts than in all tho -rest of the local courts in Vermont.

Anderson asked the Supreme Court to order an investigation of the situation. William Corry, former. State Highway Board announced this weck. that he would be a candidate for Montpelier city representative. lie will oppose Junicipal Judge John J.

Wackerman for the Republican nomination. Corry was Highway Board chairman front 1939 to 1915. He also served. as mayor of Montpelier and as city manager for a total of seven years. Some 700 male students at the University of Vermont joined the lingerie raid craze, invading women's dormatories the campus, Burlington's police and fire departments were called about midnight.

and an -long battle resulted. Tear gag finally dispersed the college boysafter several had been injured. Four students were arrested and pleaded not guilty to breach of the They will have, jury trials. 3 Atty. Gen.

Clifton G. Parker was granted 8 demurrer in Washington County Court of Chancery in a case brought against the State of Vermont. the Marson Construction Co. of Somerville, Mass. Superior Judge 1- bert W.

Barney dismissed the suit on grounds that the bill of complaint was insufficient. He gave the conpany, represented by Atty. Frederick J. Fayette of South Burlington, 30 days in which to file an amended or new bill. The suit arose out of a contract awarded the Marson Company in 1949 to erect the substructure of the highway bridge between North Hero and Alburg.

Last November, after several revisions in terms, the State Highway Boards defaulted the company's. $393.615 contract and charged that the contractor had failed to meet completion schedules. About $330,000 0 was paid to Marson for work done prior to default of the contract. Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency, is to SAVE MONEY ON MONDAY MONDAY SPECIALS Your SPECIAL Chance ONE to BUY DAY FOR PRICES LESS ONE DAY MONDAY ONLY DUNGAREES Famous Durable, make.

long-lasting, Reinforced built to seams. take Reg. it! 44 $2.29. Pr. LIMIT 2 EACH SOLD ONLY WITH THIS COUPON UMAN'S ARMY-NAVY STORE 1136 MAIN BLISS (OPEN MONDAY 'TIL 6 P.M.) GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES President." VERMONT NOTES Vermont Congregationalists, in their state conference in Barre, went, on record opposed to any form of gambling in Vermont.

Vermont Baptists had previously adopted a similar resolution at their convention. Even Vermont cows will 'become members of the Greater Vermont Association, William Taisey, Newbury town. chairman, informed the GVA office this week that dues for farm memberships in the association were. being assessed there on the basis of 50 cents per cow. The association is engaged in a campaign to raise 000 to promote the state's tourist business, farm products and in- MONDAY ONLY WE ARE MFG.

AGENT FOR TIES SPECIAL LOW PRICES TIES BOW TIES Custom Made Beauties, a Wide One of the Largest Variety You'll Need 'Em. Asst. Buy a Dozen. 55 in Springfield Reg. $1.50 2 FOR $1.50 Reg.

$1.00 2 FOR $1.00 UMAN'S ARMY- NAVY STORE 1136 MAIN ST.COR. BLISS (OPEN MONDAY 'TIL 6 P.M.) GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES MONDAY ONLY BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHERS Brand new, FULLY AUTOMATIC Bendix Home mail $1 deposit today. Terms as low. as $1.75 weekly. tional reduction.

Come in, Phone us, or prices." Take advantage of this truly sensaLaundry at lower than "before the war $18995 FREEDMAN 1225 MAIN ST. Near State MONDAY ONLY new shipment WALLPAPERS Sold only with borders. For your town home summer camps, cotroom. Shop early. roll tages, etc.

Patterns Tr suitable for any POOLE'S WALLPAPER 4th Floor DEPT. We Give Green Stamps The Busy Corner Main at Bridge WOMAN'S YACHT DEVELOPS LEAK Felicity Ann Towed to French Port Douarnenez, France, Miny 2.1 (A) The 23-foot yacht Felicity Ann, in which British authoress Ann Davison hoped to cross the Atlantic, WaS towed Into port here today after do-. veloping a leak. The 38-year-old widow set sail from Plymouth. last Sunday aiming to be the frat woman to cross the At.

lantio by alone. She and her husband tried 'to make the crossing in 70-foot ketch three. years ago. Alter: 19 days of gales misadventure, the ship was lost and her husband Fishermen sail the Fellcity Ann will need 2t complete' overhaul to her seaworthy, The hull leaked badly and the pumps failed to function. The Felicity Ann's determined skipper was undaunted.

"Despite everything," sho said, will try to reach America, but now I do not wish to cross the ocean directly, I prohably will mako stops in 1 Spain and at some of the islands." The two-ton Bormuda-rigged yacht. carries between 80 and 100 gallo 15 of oil for its five-H. P. auxiliary enxine. Davis stacked away 10 weeks' food supply for the crossing, which was planned via Madeira, Gasa blanca.

West Indies Islands to Florida. make an appearance in Republican Vermont. He will deliver the commencement address at the Woodstock Country School: in Woodstock, June 6. It is stated. however, that Kefauver will not talk politics, but; will discuss education in Anicrica.

After operating on a four -day week basis since the beginning of the granite cutters'. strike, May 1, the granite quarries of Websterville and Graniteville are closing down indefinitely, it has been stated. About 550 employees of the three quarry companies are idle. General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs de Staff, will be Norwich University's Commencement on Sunday, June S.

The exercises will mark the closing of the military college's 134d academic year. The U. S. Air Force has taken formal command of Ft. Ethan Allen.

aftor nearly 60 years of Army jurisdiction there. Col. James F. MeGraw; yielded the command to Lt. Col.

Richard B. Spear, commanding officer of the 75th Air Base Squadron. The change includes the Underhill artillery range where the Air Force conducting extensive gunnery practice. Chile Said Negotiating Copper Sales to Europe Santiago, Chile, May 24 (AP)-The cilicial morning newspaper La Nacion said today the Central Bank, which is the official medium for selling Chilean copper, is negotiating sales with Holland, Belgium "and other western European countries" at 35.5 cents a pound. The paper added these negotiations concern tonnage." The paper said that shipments were not suspended to the United States.

after abrogation of the 1951 treaty. MONDAY ONLY GLIDER CUSHIONS Make Comfy your old glider look cushions, new again. 795 innerspring upholstered in washable durable plastic. COMPLETE SET SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF SUMMER FURNITURE KIMBALL FURNITURE IN 2110 NORTH MAIN ST. END MONDAY 9' 12' RUGS Linoleum Rugs, Ideal For spare rooms, summer any room in the house.

KIMBALL FURNITURE. ONLY $295 camps or 2110 MAIN ST. IN NORTH END MONDAY ONLY BY ALL MEANS FRAME 'EM But be sure you're well framed. Come in to have them done at GRAPHIC ARTS. and see us.

We do our framing with loving care. Tomorrow is as good a time as any 50. On Monday, our regular $2.50 special low price. Come in, bring your prints, pix, etc. UP 9x12 GRAPHIC ARTS Largest Western N.


3-7724 Dam Expert Slocum Begins Tremendous Job in India Biggest Problems in $300 Million Bhakra Project Will Be Labor and Logistics Says Grand Coulee, Shasta, Builder 4 As Stokes Sees It By THOMAS L. STOKES Washington, May 24-Every Congross, in advance of it presidential election, becomes a forum for politics, 14 "jam This is generally recognized by it.3 members and by the oxecutive branch of the govern- ment, 17. Following the Pattern Very little gets done, beyond certain for continued operation of government. This Congress follows the pattern. These essentials include the regular appropriation bills and, in these days of "cold war" emergency, such other matters as foreign economic and military aid and controls to protect the public as far as possible from inflationary threats inherent in huge program expenditureg.

But there is Another ingredient, which might he called tho "missing. ingredient" since recent Congresses have done little about it. This is 'overlooked again this. your, ns it has been in previous: sessions before presidential elections. But suddenly, once a campaign begins, it undoubtedly will become most Important.

The Deal" Program It is overlooked, that is, by everybody except Harry Truman. The ingredient. referred is, of course, what he chooses to call his "Pair Deal" program of social welfare measures. Mr. Truman never forgets, and his memory hitherto has paid off in political dividends, Nothing has been done about that by this Congress.

So, true to form, President Truman is beginning, and at the proper psychological time ahead of the national conventions and the campaign, to refresh the minds of the voters. It can be safely forecast that, by the time the campaign is well under way, a great many voters will become fully conscious of this dereliction by Congress and, as four yeArs ago, will come to have the "we was robbed" feeling that Mr. Truman aroused so successfully in 1948. 9 Fact and. Fancy It.

does not seem to matter that the President, himself, had acquiesced in passing up the "Fair Deal" progrant in I this Congress, knowing full well that nothing would be done about it as a practical matter. Nor does it seem to matter that this is a Democratic Congress, at least in name. Somehow the President is ablo to conjure up the picture that, so far aS the Fair Deal goes, Congress is his open antagonist and, in aL campaign, such an antagonist naturally becomes "Republican." This translation has some verification in the fact, now seemingly generally known to the public, that what stops the Fair Deal program is a coalition of which the maj- ty of members are Republicans and the others Southern conservative. Democrats. From latter President Truhere man is dissociated, not as much per-.

I MONDAY It's Always Delicious! CHICKEN SPAGHETTI Native fresh killed Chicken Served from 11 to 7:30 p.m. Daily Luncheon Specials From TRY OUR DAILY SALAD SALLYANNA 34 HARRISON MONDAY Admiral 9 Cu. Full width Freezer. Freezer Large Deep Crisper. New Door, holds eggs and small on door.

5 year guarantee. ELECTRIC 1763 MAIN ST. FREE PARKING ACROSS ST. MONDAY MATTRESS woven sanforized muslin lasting dust. free protection with taped seams so the'll keep Twin or full size.

Usually $3.29 irregulars. MARLIN'S OPEN DAILY 9 to' 5:30 1252 MAIN STREET 2 I haps by 'his own att tude toward their objoctives as by their continued as-: on him and their publicly. tivowed ity. Some Sleight-ot-Mand There la political sleight of. hand in all of this, but the President geta away with it--or at least has for 14 long Since the President plans to do' some campaigning for Democratic ticket--as yet unidentifiedthis situation that C'ongress has placed in his hands certainly will be a factor in the 1952 campaign.

And it. is one that most. Republicans seem blithely unaware, aS they were four years ago. Then he had a Republican-controlled and Republican-manned Congress for target -the 80th Congresa elected in 1916. Ine its second session, the Senate Republican leadership put through a moderate social welfare program, in which Sen.

Taft had a considerable part--public housing, increase in the statutory minimum wage, federal aid to education. But the louse Republican leadership buried thoso bills in committee and just on the eve of their national convention. The party platform, adopted few days later, endorsed such measures, which opened the way for President Truman to as he did and often and emphatically: "You say in your platform that you are. for these things. But in Congress, where could do something about them, you killed them." Recent Action Reminiscent of that, the louse Republican leadership was active 2.

few days ago in defeating amendments to the Social Security Act which, among 'other things, boosted old-age pensions $5 a month. It is true that bill was hurried through the Ways and Means Committee, though the subject long had been studied, and came before the House under unusual procedure that 'limited debate to only an hour. These. were valid objections. But Republicans got credit for defeating the measure, though some said they favored even more liberal old-age benefits and, injected as a major argument against the a patently phony "socialized medicine" issue.

This sort of thing could hurt again, come next November, For President Truman notes such incidents down for future reference. (Copyright, United Feature Syndicate) 100 M.P.H. TIRES NOW BEING TESTED Akron, May 24 (AP)-Passenger car tires that are safe at sustained speeds above 100 miles an hour are now being tested at the B. F. Goodrich Co.

T. G. Graham, Goodrich vice-president, explained that 'improved adhesion enables the new tire to withstand the centrifugal force, that tears conventional treads tire carcass at high speeds. The now type tires are as smooth rolling as conventional passenger car tires, he said. and have none of the hard qualities of the high pressure tires used on racing cars.

ONLY 60 50c up SPECIALS! RESTAURANT 1' Opp. Forbes Wallace ONLY Ft. Refrigerator drawer, Serv-Aitems $21950 OUTLET HOTEL CHARLES BUILDING IN LOT OPEN THURS. EVE. ONLY SALE OF COVERS means long-? strongly made their shape.

99 each. Slightly EACH THE HOUSE OF LINENS THURSDAY.9 to 9 P. M. AT COURT SQUARE MONDAY ONLY SPRING COTTONS Broadcloths Lineens Chambrays Seersucker Ginghams Indian Head Yd. Reg.

98c Yd. DANIELS TEXTILE 11 HAMPDEN STREET 2 MONDAY ONLY METAL: 1. OUTDOOR CHAIRS 295 Red and Green 2 in Carton each Canvas seat back Sturdy construction YACHT CHAIR 1a 295 1. 4 OKUN FURNITURE CO. 1891 MAIN ST.

Nearest The Arch TEL. 9-5605 Bhakra, Punjab State, India, May 24 (AP) man who built Coulce and Shasta Dams has conrand India lottry what he calls "the goldangdest one of them all." 7. Great Irrigation Project lIe is salty, 64-year-old Harvey Slocum, special adviser in the construction of India's giant, 300' milliondollar Shakra-Nangal project. designed to irrigate acres of land and boost food output by million tons yearly. After turning down Indian government requests for four years, docuin relented in April and signed a 10-year contrreact.

Hhe wound up work on his latest dam nt Bull Shoals, and brouthgt along a trio of top Bull Shoals assistants. Slocum estimated- in an inferview. that Chakra will rank second only to Grand Coulee in spillway height, pushing California's Shasta aside, and will edge Boulder for third place in concrete yardage. sucut the hell of thing A. job is which logistics," Slo- this cum "I guess that's one of them big, words: In this case it means that they don't make locomotives in native villages, and they don't make bulldozers either." To Move Mountains "low'm I.

going to move those mountainsides out of the way in my lifetime with this monkey business of women carrying the dirt on their heads in he shrugged. Bhakra's isolated, rugged site in the Ilimalayan foothills less than 140 miles from the border of Red-held Tibet, presents tremendous trans-' portation difficulties. 1 "Construction is nothing more. than a colossal job of transporation," SIocum declared: got 5 million barrels of cement to move, and nothing but them tiny British railway wagons to move it workers here don't get enough grub to eat, SO they can't lift heavy loads or work as the stiffs at home," he added. Slocum must buck the Indian gov-, ernment's dollar.

shortage when he makes plans for machinery purchases abroad. More important, he faces intensely sensitive nationalistic Indian co-workers--and a few finagling officials who don't like their domain disturbed. India turned down his suggestion that the entire construction job be put in foreign hands. Slocum presses personal satisfaction, however, at the present plan, which provides for training Indian personnel keeps the project out of the realm of American government technical aid to India. "We've got one government involved in this already," he declared, "and that's one too many for my money." On the job, Slocum and his American crew get along well with Indian personnel at the operations level.

Any danger of friction and resultant delays lies higher up. Slocum hesitantly predicts he will build Bhakra six years. Soviet engineers attending the World Irrigation Congress in India MONDAY RADIO $49.95 Value TABLES Samson" Nearest last year reportedly declared they could do the work gin less than a year. "There ain't no one in the world can do this in less than "Slocum objected. "And if it's possible in six, we're the ones who'll do it." His top aides are E.

C. Shipp, 55 of White Springs, concrete specialist; 39-year-old C. H. Norris, of Memphis, excavation chief and Joe M. Estes, of Temple, Texas, More American technicians are coming.

How many depends on the I the outcome Indian of government. skirmishes If he with wins hig way, Americans will supervise all phases 'of construction and modern. UT. the order of the heavy machinery, made in the dav. Slocum of South Pasadena, bound by contract to spend only four months of each vear in India.

But he expects to stay for nine months each year. Generally acknowledged in struction circles as the best supervisor of dams in the U. Slocum learned his husiness from the ground up--from construction stiff to fore. man to man. Now wealthy, Slocum said he really doesn't need the $28,000 salary he will receive.

"My wife tells me, 'you silly old so and so, you. should retire at your age insteud of going over She's probably right, but it's the challenge of the thing. Besides, it's going to break a few spokes out of Uncle Joe Stalin's wheel--and I'd really like to do that before I throw in the sponge." Britain Greets U.S. Tourists London, May 24 (AP) American tourists are pouring into Britain the biggest numbers ever, the Brit. ish Travel and Holiday Association announced today.

It said American visitors during April numbered 9900-13 per cent more than last year. The total for the first four months of this year WaS 22.500-an increase of 9 per cent and a greater influx can tourists than ever Other foreign visitors swelled the April total to increase 5 per cent over last year and 45 per cent more than the prewar average for the month. The total. of foreign visitors for the first four months of this year way slight decrease from Inst year. This was due to a.

reduce tion, in travel from European countries at the beginning of the year. The Travel Association predicted that at least 200,000 North Americans wiil visit Britain this year, leaving behind an estimated $120,000,000. COLBY TO HEAR LIE Waterville, May 21 (AP)-Colby College's 131st commencement will he held June 13-16. United Nations Trygve Lie will speak at graduation ceremonials the final dayr, 1 BARGAINS ONLY 3-WAY PORTABLE Including Battery SAMSON CARD "Everyone knows 1' OKUN 1891 MAIN ST. 2995 5.95 Value $395 FURNITURE CO.

the Arch TEL. 9-5605 1 CASH AND CARRY MONDAY ONLY WALL. 95 UTILITY CABINETS $10.00 Value APEX VACUUM CLEANER $79.50 Value Complete with Set of Attachments, $2900 OKUN FURNITURE CO. 1891 MAIN ST. Nearest the Arch TEL.



The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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